Servers workarounds

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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Maybe xserverquery is to blame. Go back to defaults query and see if connections stabilize.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Nelsona »

I was about to ask about that X thing... I think it worth trying a fall-back to normal.
Let me start my machine first. I want to look there. When new MasterServers were tested I went to upload heartbeat and then I have those lines ready, using those old things which worked in that time without issues. I'm not sure if they help but... trying doesn't hurt.

Edit: It was XServerQuery old version. Now it's programmed a self update to SecureValidate. Next try will be original query. After that, if it fails I'm out of ammo...
It's afternoon, if server is crashing before self-reboot it will do the change itself.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Nelsona »

Okay, people of Hof Republic, I don't see any list with maps crashing that have to be removed or those spam types locking server - MH Invitation Server.
Then if you have difficulties in figuring which ones are pure trash, I'll do that on my way - so to speak simple. There are created logs like that:

Code: Select all

Critical: appError called:
Critical: WarExplosion MH-(MHA)BigMegatomicsssFinal.WarExplosion679 (Function Engine.Actor.Spawned:0000) Infinite script recursion (250 calls) detected
Critical: FFrame::Serialize
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (WarExplosion MH-(MHA)BigMegatomicsssFinal.WarExplosion679, Function Engine.Actor.Spawned)
Critical: UXC_Level::SpawnActor
Critical: (WarExplosion)
Critical: GuidedDokuoShell141.TakeDamage
Critical: GuidedDokuoShell137.HurtRadius
Critical: GuidedDokuoShell137.TakeDamage
This one by example will be moved in trash folder at once with crash-log for evidences. For the record you can get rid of these species because there is nothing lost, they are crashing or they don't have anything with MonsterHunt.
And then locked-server log:

Code: Select all

ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly18 (Function UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn.TacticalMove.PickDestination:0082) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly18 (Function UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn.TacticalMove.PickDestination:00EA) Accessed None
XC_Engine: === Last 4 lines repeat 2 times.
Log: HorseFly7 flew out of the world!
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly45 (State UnrealShare.Fly.TacticalMove:0019) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly45 (Function UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn.TacticalMove.PickDestination:007A) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly45 (Function UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn.TacticalMove.PickDestination:0082) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly45 (Function UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn.TacticalMove.PickDestination:00EA) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly18 (State UnrealShare.Fly.TacticalMove:0019) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly24 (Function UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn.TacticalMove.PickDestination:00EA) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly18 (State UnrealShare.Fly.TacticalMove:0019) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: Fly MH-HTD-InFested.Fly18 (Function UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn.TacticalMove.Pic
Here XC doesn't do a replacement of this great pawn and so we have to do something - log has a sudden end not closed properly, perhaps it's a memory overlap problem of an over-loaded map "for fun". First I need to have a reminder by walking through codes in order to pick the best way to fix this. Perhaps this is exclusive server-side replacement of code execution which I need to write next days - or replacing borked stock with another one similar to MGS server.
In other hand I'll look what any other logs are going funky and removing maps away.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Nelsona »

Dodging at Sniper Server. Something here looks interesting...

Code: Select all

DevNet: Join succeeded: {MOS}*W@rlord*
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker441
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker493
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker515
ScriptLog: DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.TheStart0 won't react.
ScriptLog: DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.TheStart0 has detected being loaded DM-!!{DFB}-HOUSE-OF-PAIN!.UNR
ScriptLog: UTES_CInfo0 owned by {MOS}*W@rlord* getting Country > Answer ::
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker539
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastLocalizedMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker595
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastLocalizedMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker1279
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastLocalizedMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker1327
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker363
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastLocalizedMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker357
DevNet: Received unwanted function BroadcastMessage in Kicker DM-!!{dfb}-House-Of-Pain!.Kicker337
Huh ? Can you light me what is about this boy ?
He seems to have whatever functions which nobody has... I believe that area will have a bit of restrictions soon. Boys, if you cannot be normal in this game I won't have a normal reaction as well... I think some of these "players" are fooling around damaging server with their "UT" used.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Nelsona »

So... players are using now all sort of junks to damage server and the Big Boy is explaining in chat that "I did enough damage to server", because "players" are playing with all sort of adjusted trash UT conformed versions damaging network - READ THE QUOTE ABOVE (not below) and log file stored for evidences.
You'd better learn something after all these yeas before talking things which you don't have a clue what it's all about. Before 469 and latest Bot-Net activity and NfOServers updates all was working like a charm. In that moment I did not hear too much "Thank you". Never mind, there I won't move anything if this is the stage of the problem.
Good Luck with your server, and you can ban all HOF members if this is what makes you happy and successful.

And now allow me to show at visitors who does the sabotage - these are not my settings by the way...

Code: Select all

Warning: Failed to load 'Texture HundSkinsShadeEvil_HoF.wolf4T_2': Failed to find object 'Texture HundSkinsShadeEvil_HoF.wolf4T_2'
ScriptLog: Failed to load HundSkinsShadeEvil_HoF.wolf4T_2 so load HundSkins.hund4T_2
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture HundSkins.hund4T_2': Failed to find object 'Texture HundSkins.hund4T_2'
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture HundSkinsShadeNFRBots.wolf4T_1': Failed to find object 'Texture HundSkinsShadeNFRBots.wolf4T_1'
ScriptLog: Failed to load HundSkinsShadeNFRBots.wolf4T_1 so load HundSkins.hund4T_1
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture HundSkins.hund4T_1': Failed to find object 'Texture HundSkins.hund4T_1'
Those skins are SH!T in all the way spamming server all day long. Heavy to figure all activity - but right now I'm no longer having these visual issues. As for visuals, let's see the skinning "addiction"...
NewSkins.PNG (324.01 KiB) Viewed 7620 times
Let me see, I DID NOT INSTALL all this spamming trash. Bots are using Flag skins as there is no such texture in those packages, and None face is assigned.
I'm very happy to no longer have anything to do with these, they are all yours. Either way if "friends" are coming with hacked UT versions lagging game, this also it's not my problem. I spent a lot of time trying harder to figure which one was the asshole in stage and damaging game, I'm truly happy to no longer forcing my eyes looking there because I don't have energy and age for deviating these jerks, if these are now days "players", good luck with serving games.
They do not only use malformed names for messing up with Nexgen and assets, but right now they use hacked versions - perhaps you can imagine only for a second why do they do these.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

If nexgen can be fixed great. If not and is being exploited then we might have to say goodbye. Use your best judgment.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Nelsona »

Nexgen sensitive points it's not the only problem, I see "smart" ones are using hacked files having functions added and trying to call them remotely. Server won't do this as it doesn't have them causing whatever network effect which I think cannot be easily predicted not even by others more expert in UE1 assets than EPIC themselves. How do I know about those hacks without a file checker ? - ACE was trash at moment badly conflicting with XC functions - AND FIXES.

VDS machine chapter.
There are running not one single server. Machine is powerful but... it's still a quad core system. In order to prevent a single server to exhaust machine and lagging other servers hosted there, I went to restrict a server only for two cores sorting them a bit based on player presence. There was needed sharing CPU to 4-5 servers but using different cores those which are not under a high stress.

Evil's server if I well recall I pointed to 2-3 - core 3 is the charged one and core 2 is more relaxed - it's what TaskManager is reporting
Other Server pointed to 1-2 - Core 2 is more loaded then

All cores are already loaded but some cores are not under a high stress as they are working only outside of UScript side, and then
Another is 0-1 - Core 1 has the higher charge combined with Core 1 assigned with less load for another server. And so on with the rest - any new server done later I pointed based on CPU load reported by TaskManager. If TM reported more free Core 1 and 2, new server went to Core 1-2 for leaving the rest of games alone unaffected.

All these at a moment delivered some equilibrium in machine making them smoother.

After a few weeks, I was receiving more e-mails about: Updates, DDoS denials, Hardware Upgraded, Servers Relocating, etc.
You can imagine perhaps after these changes done at a higher Level you cannot say that I did things in sabotage style as long as all was working smoother before all events. By reverting some changes to stock I'll bet that servers will go laggish and full of warping, ping spikes and all that stuff. If a server (or more) running in a higher priority aren't smoother anymore then... we are physically under resourced - I don't think this is easy to solve.

MapVote type brothers of LA13, such as MVU3 have a setting for caching maps and not reloading and processing/sorting all maps all the time, only when admin wants that at server level.
... There is a check Box saying something like "loading on request only" - when it comes to maps loaded in server.
OnRequest.PNG (2.69 KiB) Viewed 7575 times
If we talk about player and lists completion at ending matches, these are not completed instantly because server sends them. Other certain types of MapVotes are storing maps in player. I'm not sure what is stored and how when 3 servers are using the same MapVote but different maps... LOL. I asked about this problem and I got no replies. To me this was a no go - maybe I'm wrong here but... for me MVU3 has enough power and capabilities. Feel free to use other advanced types if you can deal with them out of issues.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Chrescht_{HoF} »

Thank you for explaining the map voting!

Maybe we should give the caching a try on the blue server some day to see if it works or not? If it is implemented so that a checksum (computed over all the maps) is sent first, and then the client only downloads the complete list when the checksum changes, it should be fine when multiple servers are using it.

MVU3 is really nice, but perhaps things could still be improved for servers where every column has the same maps and only different weapons. If you had for instance an interface with only two lists:
- one list where you select the map, and
- one list where you select the weapon,
then adding a weapon could become as simple as adding a map, and you could easily scale up to 1000 maps and 100 weapons. :twisted:

Ok, I don't know how many weapons you really want to have, but perhaps it would be fun to have many. :)

I will just experiment a bit in that direction on my local computer, and I will tell you if I find something interesting.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Nelsona »

Lists are configurable with a virtual prefix according to weapon used both in the same time, it's how these things are working. It's up on user choosing the virtual prefix. This is delivered from main game-type which has embedded default real prefix.

Other types have another sort of appearance, you can toy with them in the house, they also should have docs.
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Re: Servers workarounds

Post by Chrescht_{HoF} »

Thank you also for explaining all the details about the servers!

Maybe an upgrade to a better VDS with a few more cores will be necessary one day.

It reminded me to make a small donation, so I just did that. :)
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