Miscellaneous guests

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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

I'm afraid again that I will hate myself for some deduction which will get proved as True.
I was chatting with a working mate a few days ago (perhaps up to 2 weeks ago) about what his machine did: a sneaky and silent non-demanded update from Windows10 to Windows11. And... several things have "started" to not work... as usual, new issues were coming in. Let me see: It's this the same stage ? Probably yes...
In meantime, maybe some day the computer will get turned into a sort of phone - you won't have access in System anymore in order to ensure full security and you'll need to forget System's content, broken drivers will start to install by themselves, maybe you will need a subscription somewhere for launching Scandisk. Shortly said: forget working for Windows10, it will have technical support stopped soon. We have to play the same the rules: We don't need to enhance Current OS and fixing bugs, We need to develop new bugs and an army of IT boys will resume working at new drivers + solving new coming security "techniques".
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