Miscellaneous guests

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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

A side effect of a poor mind - sharing UT client at other player and trying both of them to join in the same game - Nexgen is disagree here - I'm not sure how legal is this stuff...

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[20/08/2020 02:46:08] [NSC-SYS] Login request for LaserJet.pl
[20/08/2020 02:46:08] [NSC-SYS] IP       = YYY.YYY.YY.YYY
[20/08/2020 02:46:08] [NSC-SYS] Login denied. Reason: Client ID already in use.
[20/08/2020 02:46:08] [MESSAGE] Gomer_Pyle_{{HoF}} killed his own dumb self.
[20/08/2020 02:46:10] [MESSAGE] JACK_ZIT_GO_MEN was disassembled with EXTREME prejudice by FragMe_{{HoF}}'s Zark Flak Cannon.
[20/08/2020 02:46:11] [NSC-SYS] Login request for LaserJet.pl
[20/08/2020 02:46:11] [NSC-SYS] IP       = YYY.YYY.YY.YYY
[20/08/2020 02:46:11] [NSC-SYS] Login denied. Reason: Client ID already in use.
[20/08/2020 02:46:13] [MESSAGE] FragMe_{{HoF}} left a small crater.
[20/08/2020 02:46:13] [MESSAGE] Gomer_Pyle_{{HoF}} was disassembled with EXTREME prejudice by busTER_kity_{{HoF}}'s Zark Flak Cannon.
[20/08/2020 02:46:13] [NSC-SYS] Login request for LaserJet.pl
[20/08/2020 02:46:13] [NSC-SYS] IP       = YYY.YYY.YY.YYY
[20/08/2020 02:46:13] [NSC-SYS] Login denied. Reason: Client ID already in use.
[20/08/2020 02:46:16] [NSC-SYS] Login request for LaserJet.pl
[20/08/2020 02:46:16] [NSC-SYS] IP       = YYY.YYY.YY.YYY
[20/08/2020 02:46:16] [NSC-SYS] Login denied. Reason: Client ID already in use.
[20/08/2020 02:46:19] [NSC-SYS] Login request for LaserJet.pl
[20/08/2020 02:46:19] [NSC-SYS] IP       = YYY.YYY.YY.YYY
[20/08/2020 02:46:19] [NSC-SYS] Login denied. Reason: Client ID already in use.
[20/08/2020 02:46:21] [MESSAGE] Zenith was disassembled with EXTREME prejudice by Big_Bad_Dave_{HoF}_Fan's Zark Flak Cannon.
[20/08/2020 02:46:21] [MESSAGE] {{HoF}} was disassembled with EXTREME prejudice by Kalimero _{HoF}_Fan's Zark Flak Cannon.
[20/08/2020 02:46:21] [NSC-SYS] Login request for LaserJet.pl
[20/08/2020 02:46:21] [NSC-SYS] IP       = YYY.YYY.YY.YYY
[20/08/2020 02:46:21] [NSC-SYS] Login denied. Reason: Client ID already in use.
Guys, don't make me to play with firewall again, be nice or be gone.
This was happening even from two different IP addresses. If a half of planet are dumb, a half of planet are rejected like that, AFTER 20 years of UT.
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

Another thing that has to be under a bit of tracking. There are player(s) which had some "chatting" around game:

Code: Select all

	Line 158: [30/08/2020 21:32:27] [  SAY  ] Love: wich cheating???
	Line 169: [30/08/2020 21:32:54] [  SAY  ] Juggernaut: im pretty sure ur not laying fair buddy 
	Line 170: [30/08/2020 21:32:56] [  SAY  ] Love: i never cheat
Game recorded a few quick kills before this chat (longer of course...).
Another sort of warning was given for player "Free---}o" whatever might that means from Cool_Cat.
And then here is some data

Code: Select all

Now light me what you think about such instances. TWO people accusing THE SAME person even if he has changed game name for not really understandable reasons.
I'll convert logs to plain ANSI for being more readable if anyone wants to see them. NotePad++ can open even 900 files at time, at least in my Windoze I do not have issues. Archive is called NscLogs_Aug_30_Sep_01_2020.7z.
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

Deleted a few newly registered SpamBots known on Internet by some tracking entities.
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

A new account known by 6 sources as having a bad reputation has been deleted...
Good luck, guys, with your habits...
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Thanks Nels.
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

This community seems loved by supposed people...
NewMember_s.PNG (38.04 KiB) Viewed 1910 times
Lituania, Rusia - it seems like some brothers living separated are trying to meet each-other in forum :lol: .
In serious format, their location has a bad reputation...
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Yeah these should just be deleted.
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

After changing security question, it seems like "brothers" don't understand what's up with UT game... :mrgreen:
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Nelsona »

Next Signal ON - Happy New Year 2025 !
I think it's time for troubles due to some OS fascinating up-dates ( downgrades ? ), and there will be UP some DATES with cheaters - something being unable to get loaded due to whatever OS incompatibility - you cannot breath 3 months without capturing news:

Code: Select all

ScriptLog: [NPLoaderv19b] Loading failed for player: .............. (Reason: Incompatible OS)
Let me see... ACE won't load here "Loading failed" and player it's no longer checked... and then... he does what he wants...
This is what I saw multiple times in main Server.Log. And Player was there - Nexgen has game data.
I received a PM about a potential cheater "obviously using an aimbot" and I went to investigate what was missed by ACE. ACE did not miss anything, it was just out of duty.

Good evening, Anthrax...
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Re: Miscellaneous guests

Post by Cool Cat »

Nelsona wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 4:47 pm Next Signal ON - Happy New Year 2025 !
I think it's time for troubles due to some OS fascinating up-dates ( downgrades ? ), and there will be UP some DATES with cheaters - something being unable to get loaded due to whatever OS incompatibility - you cannot breath 3 months without capturing news:

Code: Select all

ScriptLog: [NPLoaderv19b] Loading failed for player: .............. (Reason: Incompatible OS)
Let me see... ACE won't load here "Loading failed" and player it's no longer checked... and then... he does what he wants...
This is what I saw multiple times in main Server.Log. And Player was there - Nexgen has game data.
I received a PM about a potential cheater "obviously using an aimbot" and I went to investigate what was missed by ACE. ACE did not miss anything, it was just out of duty.

Good evening, Anthrax...
So what OS did he use, or that was just a trick?
Please write that on ut99, not just here -so they know.
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