Builders helpers for UT Editor

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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Returning to the Trash-Lord aka MapGarbage.
Here I won't add major changes but... something for Navigation Chain - planed for this month.
If it's reconnected after disconnecting it (for completions or whatever tasks), it will wrap Nodes with objectives first, attempting to speed up internal routing procedures... Routing starts with goals, then is reversed, then is mapped RouteCache points. It's an attempt to reduce iterations if possible...

Code: Select all

/* ReverseRouteFor() changes the direction that the previousPath linked list enumerates the route.

void APawn::SetRouteCache(ANavigationPoint *BestPath)

	for ( int i=0; i<16; i++ )
		RouteCache[i] = BestPath;
		if ( BestPath )
			//debugf("route %s", BestPath->GetName());
			BestPath = BestPath->previousPath;

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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Update Time:
First post has been updated with Builders as follows:
1 - MapGarbage:
- Wrapping Navigation Chain in certain order not just harvesting Points based on C++ iterations.

2 - XC_PathsWorker
- Adding bInWaterWeSwim - XC Paths that are using Walk and or Jump flags inside water are set back as Editor does R_SWIM and not other way (without movement logic);
- bRealDistance - useful for updating certain nodes moved post-pathing in order to match Real Distance - even some COMBO paths are touched when are having small distances - 1000 UU for a small route doesn't make any sense;
- bDisconnectSelection - Selected Node(/s) will have all Paths that are including them Nulled - if node is planed for deletion all references from Network pointing to trash Node must be removed for preventing references to nowhere - next option will clean all Network for such useless routing data stored in map;
- bCleanRoutingJunks - will remove (like MapGarbage) all related routing chains created during Paths Building process by Edy Goblin aka UT Maps Editor;
- bDisconnectTwo - Two Selected Nodes (even more) will have Paths that are connecting themselves each-other removed - this way getting rid of an Evil Path goes easy as a pie - All Left-Over nulled Specs can be cleaned later in final stage with prior option (bCleanNullSpecs).
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Applied a small code update at MapGarbage - it did not affect the task but causing builder to print two errors.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

For XC_PathsWorker probably next option is added for completions using XC internals, it was doable so far in a few steps but... simple might be better.
On Interface...
AddPathAndLockIt.PNG (10.41 KiB) Viewed 6578 times
Working like here...
AddPathAndLockIt.gif (1 MiB) Viewed 6578 times
It seems that by using the corresponding XC_Engine version, builder is capable to work in UT patch 469d like in prior versions...
There will be more tests before any future release.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Several Tests Conclusions

It can be used to connect navigation points where gaps are found.
However, simple maps without special nodes can be fully populated with navigation specifications if "InventorySpot" actors are added. It does not make navigation better where navigation points are misplaced and making blind guesses. It is necessary for the user to know this chapter because such Builder-Plugins are not tutorials and they don't have human eyes. It only helps the user to perform certain manoeuvres to avoid over-crowded paths where there are many navigation points, so we don't expect to see errors made by us fixed by this "Builder".
The strategy used seems to be based on internal "Engine" functions, we can see the useless default "Scout did not fit" error messages, as usual without any clue about the location of the problem.
The "MaxDistance" variable left at ZERO seems to default to 1000 UU. I note that very small values are not supported, in which case the default 1000 UU is applied.
This "MaxDistance" will be alleged maximum distance where a Navigation Point might have connections at other Points. It's working normally at 500 650 700 850 etc, so here we can have a bit of user optimization.

Brother "Builder MapGarbage" can be used to deploy "InventorySpot" actors linked normally with their Inventories and in next seconds map is ready for creating Paths - it seems a bit faster without that "Progress Bar". Pathing map this way will require the selection of all Navigation Points, also "MapGarbage" can do this task in no time.

By taking as a sample Deck16][ map, this way of pathing map works like here, we can actually have our custom types of InventorySpots or whatever... or we can simple except some Inventories that are too close each-other.
FullPathingSelection.gif (3.59 MiB) Viewed 6550 times
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

First Post has been updated as follows:
- Adding updated MapGarbage for January 2025;
- Adding updated XC_PathsWorker January 2025;
- Removing old versions as long as they are no longer needed.

MapGarbage update:
- certain typo mistake was fixed - because prior PrePivot fix did not fully work all time due to this mistake.

XC_PathWorker update:
- ReachSpecs report will point Inventory in cause with regard to some InventorySpot which is always different for each rebuild;
- Other report is reduced when more data is not relevant.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Turning at other subject - probing paths with "PathsChecker" builder.
At this moment I did some polishing of codes attempting to reduce iterations count for being faster as possible. Also for speed and spam log prevention, builder has the option to report only troubles - no routes for certain Inventory/Goal.
Next feature - after failing to reach somewhere Builder will check a reverse route - some maps are having this "return". I considered this good for paying attention as long as in more cases those paths can be completed with Combos/Teleporters in order to gain access to this "One Way Back" Inventory.
PathsChecker_01_25.gif (16.8 MiB) Viewed 3620 times
Perhaps implementing a calculation concerning distances might not be really helpful... unless we have long routes to some Inventory which Bot doesn't follow because of Internal Engine limits... but will move there in case that he is coming closer and closer based on other pickups.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

In the editing of the first post I added updated January 2025 variant of PathsChecker builder-plugin for Unreal Editor.
Generic Heads up:
if you want to see these builders working without damaging session due to a huge number of iterations you might need to use for Editor's command-line the parameter -norunaway.
Other parameters for a bit of "speed-up" are unavailable in later UT patches because there timer was fixed without discrimination - EditorEngine it's included in this "timer fix". But... you can use Editor from v436 or v440 without any "fix" which Editor has never needed it.
Note for XC_PathsWorker related to the previously very recommended UT patch 469d.
This patch has available a XC_Engine Extension v26 - however - I think I will forget it as follows:
Here is a pathing stage using certain parameters - builder has more mobility/options than UT's DevPath (ANY).
BuildPaths469dXC26.PNG (10.31 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
And this is the stage for OLD "bugged" Editor using identical parameters and looking at map from the same spot.
BuildPaths440XC24.PNG (10.25 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
As you can see (or you cannot see) I do not have reasons for using UT Editor 469d - it makes no sense at all.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Due to some false positive results concerning Paths, first post has been updated with February 2025 version of builder/tester PathsChecker.
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