Those wrong ones

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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Yeah, here, but the rest of areas are still poorly done, I went to add a few lamps captured with XC_Core mesh builder, a few dynamic coronas will take place in client and... Monsters mainly have been normalized to default article and names not stupid kill things and I changed a few walls because was the same texture in way too many surfaces. Still not sure what to do in the rest of cubes, sky is visible with light around, lower area has torches but... is poor, very poor, tiny BSPs were here and there but not major issues, at least water entrance in squids "sphere" is more friendly now... that was a major problem in all these modified "PresidentsAndPeople" maps floating around...
The whole water area is also just an empty mess, thanks God there are monsters around else it would look like is after a thievery task happened over night. Maybe there I have to deploy some client SeaWeed types and to change textures here and there... If other designers are not interested at participation I'll stop here design activity, checking mechanics again and... maybe this sort of Lite will be more Lite than it was...

For Bots.
Due to map character I added a PowerNode which means Bot will not leave base until has a weapon with at least 0.4+ AIRating preventing to start hunting with low load, and getting some of them from base. The rest of 6 pieces of the same weapon have been removed because are pointless, and... paths are restricted from linking nodes at more than 750 UU for preventing unwanted links over BlockedPath actors. At this chapter things are working nice.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Okay, as long as I did not see too many volunteers for improving design, I dropped map in XC MH server, if ON-Line will not cause issues then a public download will be available.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Map is now added at (where I could figure some complaints about mapping HD textures) because I was using some of those HD textures posted there and then I put them in practice.
Link is here
and topic is this ... 30#p106393
That's all with KingsAndServants... in my opinion this what should be a remade.

Reason - S3TCLowEnd strikes again.
After switching my rigs - I had S3TC textures in this (too) old machine. Map in cause (posted above) do looks like it's having SkyBox spread in cubes when S3TCLowEnd are used. Now I believe I will never recommend those texture to anybody... With those textures map do seem like it's rushed in n00b style, seriously, DieHard... this is a profanity... SkyBox with those clouds cannot be aligned well for matching Non S3TC and S3TC textured players, it's a shame.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

A bump for MH nations
I'm about to upload another map to Monster Gaming Server if it will be operational as should.
Activity done so far:
- decreasing BT addiction and launching objectives for OFF-Line (even ON-Line if supported) Players in Bot company.
- firing paths - here perhaps map is closer to boundaries or New DevPath from XC_GE21 is working with breaks based on CPU timers or whatever, because path seeking works in stages - finding/not finding - I'm not that happy at this point but it works as it is.
- some spot has been completed with "swjumpad" actors - one of the best things done for UT by community (which Epic could do for that CTF-Coret hacked by their own engine as shown in logs), this stuff actually is the mostly unknown by "mappers" claiming Bot dumb because cannot use Kicker but failing to figure that collection of "Woot" maps proving that mapper it's ignorant, Bot is completely innocent following what map has. If map has nothing Bot does NOTHING, the logic is simple as that;
- I have to setup party for client - certain stuff will Not be part of Net channels because it will be part of client - map will self-edit in run-time in client side - server will only initialize this task;
- perhaps some dynamic stuff will be available - week-end type with new comers - I'll think about;
- Do Am I enough powerful ? This is a question having random answer for some Skaarj types which original map has. Depending on engine's willing, several creatures might be original or boosted up, yeah those from map aside from the rest of more or less random new comers;
- Several flies have never fought ever. These poor souls have been often burned in lava zones due to dumb location choice, falling quickly and dying when enemy is NONE as in first second of game making their purpose to be None as well. This cheap circus will be reduced because makes no sense;
- whatever creatures from map having original patrolpoint actors but no pawn patrolling I think it's time to move some monster ass around. Patrols added without doing the right setup are USELESS as that BT stupidity from beginning;

Here might be good a small tutorial for those which have some addiction to randomize A.I. in their maps rather than default addiction for painting walls and doing only lousy settings.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Given said issues and other noob type habit at using the same texture in a stupid cube for all surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) and not merging polygons properly for stairs, a few modifications have been done in this Level called Treasure1, don't run in panic, there is no treasure nowhere except perhaps the trophy from that end room which has a red carpet by accident. If map will run properly it will stay and shared, if not, it will be removed. First tests were OK. There are added 3 statues activated by some dead monster and chained each-other but these are not critical points for not causing any map-break. If this is bug-free, a download and info document will be also available. Statues are coming alive only triggered and no other way. Setup might be tricky but... more options means a bit of quality.
Cya later !
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Time to step outside. This is the an edit of old Treasure1 - name could be different because there is no treasure, but... never mind this time.
(2.97 MiB) Downloaded 603 times
Doesn't include MonsterHunt assets assuming that who starts playing a MH map should have the mod installed but Music is added as long as original MH package doesn't have that music - lol.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Another stuff has captured my attention, not a bad idea but... I think is not that entertaining at execution. You people, you really have problems with zones or other issues ?
LT_00.PNG (67.44 KiB) Viewed 31306 times
Assuming this is not a big deal for "awesome" video cards - the mostly an UNI-ZONE type Level, I might be willing to ask why do we need to dedicate our maps to certain location/mutator. Is this a relic profanity ?
LT_01.PNG (997.89 KiB) Viewed 31306 times
I'm not going to ask about BlockMonsters...
I believe I'm about to change some performances here with zones and semi-solids, and that crapped spot probably will have some love...
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

A note during next work.
I think I have figured what's the problem with that UnrealExTerrain builder. Someone has ugly math flaws. While Epic said:
Epic wrote: // * Always validate the user-specified and call BadParameters function
// if anything is wrong, instead of actually building geometry.
// If you build an invalid brush due to bad user parameters, you'll
// cause an extraordinary amount of pain for the poor user.
// * When generating polygons with more than 3 vertices, BE SURE all the
// polygon's vertices are coplanar! Out-of-plane polygons will cause
// geometry to be corrupted.
Other don't seems to take in account these IMPORTANT notes - yeah, geniuses, f..k your builders.
This is default menu for UnrealExBuilder.
00_U_Ex_B_Garbage.PNG (11.59 KiB) Viewed 31239 times
And THIS IS our problem - believe or not
01_U_Ex_B_Garbage.PNG (12.45 KiB) Viewed 31239 times
This "great" builder will merge even polygons which are not Coplanar but also not very aligned to grid. First measure is to have this FALSE because this builder is False here as well, simple as that. Even if Epic has remark written with CAPS, not everyone is checking stuff produced. Level it's the main heart at running a game and this is where we do have issues.
Next problem comes when in this area you'll plan adding some other brush stuff. BSP build will have a bad time trying to setup this environment. If builder has Triangles as supposed, feel free to align the whole thing at least to 8 UU grid - it's my default setup. Semisolid is probably first brush type which will be grinding teeth at you when such an area is a mess, not other stories about semisolids.
A sort of build with "merging coplanars" it's like here. It's a matter of luck (because builder uses a random math) if this brush has a good integrity or not.
02_U_Ex_B_Garbage.PNG (626.38 KiB) Viewed 31238 times
These polygons which I have textured different might be a source of troubles. If map starts with such a brush, all later problems and BSP Cuts won't make you happy and neither players. In current image Build doesn't look bad at eye examination but other random such build was very badly messed up, I could figure that immediately. I build that zone multiple times until I could understand what was going wrong. In end I disabled merging polygons and I simply aligned resulted brush at Grid - 8 UU grid used after scaling 2×, and merging polygons LATER not during generating process - else I could not get rid of some flickering surfaces. Editor merged faces and nothing from terrain generated on top because there was Nothing to merge. Final result was good and stable.
Conclusion: When you want to use UnrealExTerrain builder check well the result or else you'll dig hours trying to find the later problems.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

After thinking some time and doing various changes I'm still confused.

I don't get what was that MH-ScrewedUpMonstersV3 supposed to be improved - my I.Q. is not helping me here at all.
From past I recall that BerserkStinger and Co. being bugged, author was disagree to "rent" these assets from MH-BirdBrainedResearch map - apology for my noob admin time when I did not have stuff for saving chat occurred in my old primitive MH server from that time. Community rules were broken, completed by lousy assets from HauntedCreatures package which is another mess. Here we have a collection of duplicated brushes per spot for no reason, some "love" crap in profanity formula "your bride" - more hunters (MH is a Team Game) with one bride ? Is this a joke or something ?

Nah, for personal knowledge of this Hyper Nali or whatever Nali author, I think this "map" will have a nice turn into a different one (title, textures, A.I., etc.) perhaps called UnScrewedMonsters in order to keep profanity going. If we want to dance in trash-can then let's sing the right song for this task.

Tasks completed:
- ruined textures;
- re-skinned monsters;
- redone Bot-Pathing with less InventorySpot actors;
- removed 80+ useless "add" type brushes;
- edited other brushes taking grid in account;
- deleted spam type triggers heading nowhere.

Primary checks Did Not show Zone leaks, BSP troubles or nasty HOMs...

Keep going...
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Before adding a download and waiting to see that "maps crashing spree" around debated by the people delegated with management, I have studied a bit an old map called MH-Komaner - UNSIGNED after all and being a bit "entertaining".
What is about here after 10 minutes spent looking at it in Editor, Jessus...

Map uses a texture FuhrParkDimensions2 which in first second I thought that it's a messed up package - IT'S not. Textures configured in SkyBox are a result of a sick mind unable to puzzle the right surface for those textures and bottom area it's in fact WRONG being from a wall and not bottom, SkyBox texture being done enough well in said package, okay except those lines at textures boundaries forcing SkyBox to be re-scaled in order to not look as a stupid cube - nothing is scaled correctly here neither textures aligned, as for other game chapter it's just a dumb load with items, the same weapon in one spot and nothing later - another moron type work in less words - lol for weaponry radars which some coders are willing to mess with such useless thing - a weapon is not running in game, I really did not see that nowhere so far.
Before figuring the SkyBox I was thinking to generate some paths added from patch files but... this is just a mess looking like a baboon was starting to learn UT mapping and spreading junks for greed admins willing to increase counter of maps rather than the quality of the game. 10 MonsterEnd actors are supposed to end this garbage because one it's not enough and neither two... In the way in how do looks generally I don't think if it does worth wasting more time here with these 107 Monsters - I'm curious if in game are the same number or not, map has "hazard zones" great for killing monsters by map itself rather than player MH hunter.

As a self question addressing myself I'm asking why was needed path building of this "nice Level" because it doesn't have any PathNode. Mainly paths generated are USELESS and just a load for no purpose, generating for sure borked spots (I'm no longer bother to check other details).
I'm thinking at next homework because I don't think if worth more checks - but definitely there is one which Medor doesn't have it - maps that can be patched are not there but junks that needs deletion are a lot...

In order to demonstrate what it's about let's check two cases:
original_Km.PNG (394.31 KiB) Viewed 30981 times
And after a bit of love
loved_Km.PNG (373.24 KiB) Viewed 30981 times
And this is an evidence about mapping task done here.
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