maps crashing on the evils sniper server

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Re: maps crashing on the evils sniper server

Post by Nelsona »

Another Funnel (It comes from Fun ?) stuff.
SniperCrash_etc wrote: ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at DM-{MM}-1-Funnel-6v2-RM1.PlayerStart21
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot.
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at DM-{MM}-1-Funnel-6v2-RM1.PlayerStart21
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot.
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at DM-{MM}-1-Funnel-6v2-RM1.PlayerStart21
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot.
ScriptLog: Couldn't spawn player at DM-{MM}-1-Funnel-6v2-RM1.PlayerStart21
ScriptLog: Failed to spawn bot.
Critical: appError called:
Critical: DeathMatchPlus DM-{MM}-1-Funnel-6v2-RM1.DeathMatchPlus0 (Function Botpack.DeathMatchPlus.FindPlayerStart:0484) Runaway loop detected (over 10000000 iterations)
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: FFrame::Serialize
Critical: AXC_Engine_Actor::execPawnActors
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: DeathMatchPlus0.FindPlayerStart
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: DeathMatchPlus0.SpawnBot
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: DeathMatchPlus0.AddBot
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (DeathMatchPlus DM-{MM}-1-Funnel-6v2-RM1.DeathMatchPlus0, Function Botpack.DeathMatchPlus.Timer)
Critical: AActor::Tick
Critical: TickAllActors
Critical: ULevel::Tick
Critical: (NetMode=1)
Critical: TickLevel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UXC_GameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: UXC_ServerCommandlet::Main
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 02/12/19 23:22:12
Almost two+ hours remaining until scheduled restart, it has come earlier...
Does "MM" means More Morons ?
UncodeX Stuff
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- Pablo Picasso -
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Re: maps crashing on the evils sniper server

Post by Nelsona »

So... it looks like a problem has been solved...
A_log wrote: ScriptLog: Check prelogins... DM-[SHX]Playground-Rm.XC_Engine_Actor5
SpawnFixer: XC_SpawnFixer0 in state SpawnTesting is testing PlayerStart actors.
SpawnFixer: Probing spawn on PlayerStart63 failed, taking action...
ScriptLog: Check prelogins... DM-{BK}-Laundry-V2-Rm.XC_Engine_Actor22
SpawnFixer: XC_SpawnFixer0 in state SpawnTesting is testing PlayerStart actors.
SpawnFixer: Probing spawn on PlayerStart28 failed, taking action...
DevNet: NotifyAcceptingChannel Control 0 server Level DM-Evil's-SymmetryRMX.MyLevel: Accepted
DevNet: Level server received: HELLO REVISION=0 MINVER=400 VER=436
SpawnFixer: XC_SpawnFixer0 in state SpawnTesting is testing PlayerStart actors.
SpawnFixer: Probing spawn on PlayerStart43 failed, taking action...
XC_Engine: Set XC_ServerActor DM-Evil's-SymmetryRMX.XC_ServerActor26 as AdminLoginHook
DevNet: NotifyAcceptingChannel Control 0 server Level DM-((POT-RedeemerSNIPER-Heaven)).MyLevel: Accepted
DevNet: Level server received: HELLO REVISION=0 MINVER=400 VER=436
SpawnFixer: XC_SpawnFixer0 in state SpawnTesting is testing PlayerStart actors.
SpawnFixer: Probing spawn on PlayerStart0 failed, taking action...
SpawnFixer: Probing spawn on PlayerStart2 failed, taking action...
SpawnFixer: Probing spawn on PlayerStart3 failed, taking action...
SpawnFixer: Probing spawn on PlayerStart8 failed, taking action...
Anti-retard measures have been successfully implemented. Looking for next problems...

And... "good news" again...
SniperCrash_versionWhatever wrote: ScriptLog: Found DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.SCUBAGear4 at -652.222595,4494.350586,-3134.768311
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel51
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel52
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel53
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel54
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel55
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel56
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel57
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel58
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel59
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel60
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel61
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel62
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel47
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel63
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel43
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel44
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel49
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel50
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel48
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel45
Log: Undeleted TarydiumBarrel DM-!DSF!-Harbour-Nights-v3-Rm.TarydiumBarrel46
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Assertion failed: FieldCache [File:R:\Projects\nacput\Utpg\Engine\Src\UnChan.cpp] [Line: 1092]
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: ReplicateThem
Critical: UActorChannel::ReplicateActor
Critical: (Actor UT_LightWallHitEffect0)
Critical: UpdateRelevant
Critical: ULevel::ServerTickClient
Critical: ULevel::TickNetServer
Critical: UXC_Level::TickNetServer
Critical: UpdateNetServer
Critical: ULevel::Tick
Critical: (NetMode=1)
Critical: TickLevel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UXC_GameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: UXC_ServerCommandlet::Main
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 02/14/19 10:40:41
So... maps with duplicated actors are not a problem right ? Right, because server will have a refresh disregarding unplayable map...
This is some of those UTPG fixes, I think...
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Re: maps crashing on the evils sniper server

Post by Nelsona »

The Zark in stage
CrashLog_v_whatever wrote: Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: goWarShell4.getTarget
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (goWarShell DM-lol-Monopoly.goWarShell4, Function ZarkDeemer_004.goWarShell.Flying.BeginState)
Critical: UObject::GotoState
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (goWarShell DM-lol-Monopoly.goWarShell4, Function Engine.Actor.SetInitialState)
Critical: UXC_Level::SpawnActor
Critical: (goWarShell)
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: goWarHeadLauncher0.ProjectileFire
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: goWarHeadLauncher0.Fire
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: goWarHeadLauncher0.ForceFire
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (ALplayer DM-lol-Monopoly.ALplayer6, Function Engine.PlayerPawn.ServerMove)
Critical: RemoteCall
Critical: HandleStream
Critical: UActorChannel::ReceivedBunch
Critical: (Actor ALplayer6)
Critical: UChannel::ReceivedSequencedBunch
Critical: Direct
Critical: UChannel::ReceivedRawBunch
Critical: DispatchDataToChannel
Critical: BunchData
Critical: UNetConnection::ReceivedPacket
Critical: UNetConnection::ReceivedRawPacket
Critical: UTcpNetDriver::TickDispatch
Critical: UpdatePreNet
Critical: ULevel::Tick
Critical: (NetMode=1)
Critical: TickLevel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UXC_GameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: UXC_ServerCommandlet::Main
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 02/21/19 07:24:43
Pretty interesting code in that missile...

Code: Select all

function actor getTarget( float Radius, vector Loc, vector Dir, optional class<Actor> classType, optional float periphericalFactor, optional bool getEnemyOnly)
	local Actor A, closerA;

	if (classType == None) classType = Class'Actor';

	ForEach VisibleCollidingActors(classType, A, FMax(Radius, 1.0))
		if ((!getEnemyOnly || (getEnemyOnly && !isFriendlyPawn(Pawn(A))))
		&& (Normal(A.Location - Loc) dot Normal(Dir)) >= periphericalFactor
		&& (closerA == None || (VSize(A.Location - Loc) < VSize(closerA.Location - Loc))))
		closerA = A;
	return closerA;
function bool isFriendlyPawn( Pawn P)
	if (P == None || Instigator == None)
		return False;
	if (P == Instigator)
		return True;
	if (ScriptedPawn(P) != None)
		return False;
	if (TeamGamePlus(Level.Game) != None && P.PlayerReplicationInfo != None && Instigator.PlayerReplicationInfo != None)
		return (P.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team == Instigator.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team);
	return False;
Here I see something capturing an actor and referring later to a pawn, not pawn to pawn relations and checking if target is valid. I might be wrong but... this is a server-crash anyway... Why this "gettarget" is actor-function and not pawn-function ?
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Re: maps crashing on the evils sniper server

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I never really looked hard at the code from Kelly's work. :shock: I only modified the projectile's SPEED and the SKIN of the weapon. What fix would you recommend for this block of code?

EDIT: I will come up with a fix.

Edit#2: After looking at the projectile code I think pawn would be better than actor reference. Thanks for the heads up.
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Re: maps crashing on the evils sniper server

Post by Nelsona »

Definition local "Actor A" I think will trigger iterator to work for actors more than for Pawns. Then we are asking if actor A is "friendlyPawn". Definitely decorations from that map are NOT pawns, just saying... Usually a mismatch like that won't compile, but here method of writing code passed over compiler limitations and it was allowing to be compiled a funky code which has critical results. I hope to wrong here but I doubt about this, crash being a clean evidence. Else perhaps player is gone but I did not see any closed connection before so is questioning...
Perhaps these crashes were often - that's why does exist this topic - but logs were nowhere based on that "processmanager" used in server and I do not have a clue why using that application because we have BAT files since 1999 (described in server docs) and we have solutions for saving everything, even using shared resources used by ALL servers - like "Sounds" "Textures" and "Music" which can be located in a single place for ALL servers hosted in that machine...
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Re: maps crashing on the evils sniper server

Post by Nelsona »

Another nice "refresh" has been properly operated due to a fascinating mapping task.

Code: Select all

ScriptLog: Found DM-[JAG]InDROv3-RM.SearchLight1 at -480.000000,3776.000000,-1552.000000
Critical: appError called:
Critical: ALplayer DM-[JAG]InDROv3-RM.ALplayer2 (Function Engine.Pawn.SetDisplayProperties:0000) Infinite script recursion (250 calls) detected
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: FFrame::Serialize
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: ALplayer2.SetDisplayProperties
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: UT_invisibility1.SetOwnerDisplay
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: ALplayer2.SetDisplayProperties
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: UT_Stealth1.SetOwnerDisplay
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: UT_invisibility1.SetOwnerDisplay
Critical: UT_Stealth1.SetOwnerDisplay
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: UT_invisibility1.SetOwnerDisplay
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: ALplayer2.SetDisplayProperties
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (UT_invisibility DM-[JAG]InDROv3-RM.UT_invisibility1, Function Botpack.UT_invisibility.Activated.BeginState)
Critical: UObject::GotoState
Critical: ScriptDebugV
Critical: UT_invisibility1.Activate
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (UT_invisibility DM-[JAG]InDROv3-RM.UT_invisibility0, Function Engine.Pickup.Pickup.Touch)
Critical: TouchTo
Critical: AActor::BeginTouch
Critical: ULevel::MoveActor
Critical: APawn::physWalking
Critical: APawn::performPhysics
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (ALplayer DM-[JAG]InDROv3-RM.ALplayer2, Function Engine.PlayerPawn.ServerMove)
Critical: RemoteCall
Critical: HandleStream
Critical: UActorChannel::ReceivedBunch
Critical: (Actor ALplayer2)
Critical: UChannel::ReceivedSequencedBunch
Critical: Direct
Critical: UChannel::ReceivedRawBunch
Critical: DispatchDataToChannel
Critical: BunchData
Critical: UNetConnection::ReceivedPacket
Critical: UNetConnection::ReceivedRawPacket
Critical: UTcpNetDriver::TickDispatch
Critical: UpdatePreNet
Critical: ULevel::Tick
Critical: (NetMode=1)
Critical: TickLevel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UXC_GameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: UXC_ServerCommandlet::Main
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 03/02/19 18:05:44
That's all for now toward "Stock" content...
UncodeX Stuff
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- Pablo Picasso -
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Re: maps crashing on the evils sniper server

Post by Nelsona »

Map is now replaced with other one without those Crushers. There is already a programmed daily restart, we don't need other "restart" things.
For the record, replaced map has a bit of... Bot Support a la XC_Core9, I mean there are no paths in every single spot but some nodes are not costing money if are there :tease: .
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