NavAdder mutator

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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

Initial post has been updated with a simple patch plugin for NavAdder working in map DM-Conveyor by Shane Caudle.
Patch summary:
- connected missing ThigPads from network - difficulty dependent;
- moved a few items according to Bot code.
Drop U file from archive in System folder, or UT's path for U packages in a custom installation/setup. NavAdder will load it if package is found. Client-Side is not available here, map is originally well designed and don't need extra adds - no packages are sent to player and no redirect is needed.
When this map is voted next time, patch will be activated automatically by NavAdder if this map is not listed in NavAdder's evil list from INI - last updated version has such INI required for preventing a patch scanning task in good maps that won't need patched ever or... maybe later. As usual No ServerPackages mention is ever needed, NavAdder knows what to do here itself mapping packages when it has to - here it's all server-side anyway.
Remove/Delete CONVEYOR.u file from System folder, or whatever U packages specific folder used when DM-Conveyor map is Not Running. At next vote, map won't have any patch, and it will run in original formula.
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

Initial post has been updated with a simple patch plugin for NavAdder working in map DM-Grit-TOURNEY by Eric 'Ebolt' Boltjes.
Patch summary:
- removed paths causing down-way loops and "hitwall" ones;
- added 2 Nodes for a better navigation.
Drop U file from archive in System folder, or UT's path for U packages in a custom installation/setup. NavAdder will load it if package is found. Client-Side is not available here, map is originally well designed and don't need extra adds - no packages are sent to player and no redirect is needed.
When this map is voted next time, patch will be activated automatically by NavAdder if this map is not listed in NavAdder's evil list from INI - last updated version has such INI required for preventing a patch scanning task in good maps that won't need patched ever or... maybe later. As usual No ServerPackages mention is ever needed, NavAdder knows what to do here itself mapping packages when it has to - here it's all server-side anyway.
Remove/Delete GRIT-TOURNEY.u file from System folder, or whatever U packages specific folder used when DM-Grit-TOURNEY map is Not Running. At next vote, map won't have any patch, and it will run in original formula.
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

Initial post has been updated with a patch plugin for NavAdder working in map DM-1on1-Sph3res-v2 by Eric 'Ebolt' Boltjes.
Patch summary:
- removed paths causing down-way loops and "hitwall" ones;
- added some Nodes for a better navigation;
- enhance deal toward ledges using some jumper modified and Bot compatible.
Drop U file from archive in System folder, or UT's path for U packages in a custom installation/setup. NavAdder will load it if package is found. Client-Side is not available here, map is originally well designed and don't need extra adds - no packages are sent to player and no redirect is needed.
When this map is voted next time, patch will be activated automatically by NavAdder if this map is not listed in NavAdder's evil list from INI - last updated version has such INI required for preventing a patch scanning task in good maps that won't need patched ever or... maybe later. As usual No ServerPackages mention is ever needed, NavAdder knows what to do here itself mapping packages when it has to - here it's all server-side anyway.
Remove/Delete 1-SPH3RES-V2.u file from System folder, or whatever U packages specific folder used when DM-1on1-Sph3res-v2 map is Not Running. At next vote, map won't have any patch, and it will run in original formula.
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

Initial post has been updated with a patch plugin for NavAdder working in map MH-ICRedone(Rex) by <GF>-REX!! -&- DAG (War Master).
There ARE more than ONE reason for patching this Level. Map has a nice story inside, map contains some paths... and map has annoying DARK spots for NO SINGLE purpose.
As primary goal for HUMAN player we can take a look at original map vs the same map hacked correctly in run-time.
ORIGINAL map like it was in back years running in my old MH yard:
ICX_00.png (1.56 MiB) Viewed 11188 times
ICX_01.png (38.91 KiB) Viewed 11188 times
ICX_02.png (7.2 KiB) Viewed 11188 times
If in primary area let's say we are good, in those two water spots you are blinded like a 20 years old dog biting around without to see anything.
By using patch plugins for NavAdder you might get these - and not only these...
PATCHED (Hacked) in run-time.
Yes, no more sh!t cows (dinosaurs actually - those are not cows as I know so far) mooing at grass spamming ears.
ICX_03.png (1.6 MiB) Viewed 11188 times
Lousy water fight is more relevant.
ICX_04.png (645.77 KiB) Viewed 11188 times
I sent a technician for mounting a lamp here.
ICX_05.png (663.64 KiB) Viewed 11188 times
Can you see differences ? No ? Good... Because I can see differences, and then for me this map worth to be patched from now on :tease: .
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

Captured attention.
I saw a small-medium map with a bit of battling but... not that polished against rushing to end, simple as it is doesn't have any pathing. WHY ?
MH-HCStorage is not really ugly. Probably MonsterGamingServer will have this one at once with patch plugins. There is no need for super duper decorations but... a bit of A.I. activity won't hurt anything.
I have to check Patch plugins done so far, if everything is error-free, all stuff will go to MGS.
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

First post update.
Added Patch plugins for Map MH-HCStorage by Happy_cow.
Patch Summary operations performed in Run-Time:
- Bot support;
- ammo and health completions;
- lightning tweaks.

Note: If XC_Engine (last v23) and/or... NavAdder are causing troubles for people, I can stop this development if it doesn't have audience. Perhaps I would recommend XC_Engine v21 as an alternate solution...
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

An old MH crusher map captured my attention.
Even if XC_MonsterHunt and others MH2 types controllers are polished a bit, I could figure random flaws in map MH-Demons][ which in original has a lousy setup toward creatures and... it looks not the single setup messed up - Waypoints deals ARE HILARIOUS - that is pure guessing without actually to read a document or testing what's going on. If we are using a trigger for a Lever or button All "events" system setup in Waypoints has no purpose spamming iterations, and those triggers should be used ONCE ONLY not in spam style.
Except some FAKE events and not that reachable MonsterWayPoint locations, perhaps paths are good here... However, we can have fine tuning in navigation network preventing a "roam back" habit developing ONE WAY paths in run-time using ORIGINAL reachspecs from map. In M.G.S. actually there are primary patch files for testing.
Client side will have some map adjusting toward lights, water visibility and those heavy to see SeaWeed actors on line. XC_Engine was doing something toward relevance, but that setup is not what I need in server due to other troubles encountered here. By patching map correctly, everything looks original and A.I. are way better. Some darkish tunnel has a bit of light - I really hate those dark spots where you are playing like Monitor is turned off, there will be more LIGHT :tease: , I'm not saving electricity when I play MH, btw...
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

Not only "MH-Demons][" looks operational but another patch plugins are about to be added at end of testing stages.

It is about MH stock map MH-Forbidden by Shrimp. What's new for 2019 ?
- for Bots -> paths heading to water are removed because Bot is wasting time and initially had no options to access those floor-doors - setup there was borked - but they do have paths heading out of water;
- else triggers moving those movers are... resized if human player wants to get into water for some PulseGun without jumping - Bots can head to PulseGun from Top ;
- for Humans and Bots -> starting area has now a bit of load. It doesn't make any sense to start only with enforcer (or another weak weapon) and... no load in spot - added health, weapon and ammo;
- Human eye tweaking -> water will have a few plants and it will be more clean, Level is a bit more bright. Ammo is re-scaled as usual if player gets ammo before weapon;
- Human ears tweaking -> Some flames have now audible burning sounds - this is only client part because server doesn't care about sounds...;
- Extra monsters are available because at a moment hunting can be way too easy - I'll think if worth more for week-end games, perhaps map is too small - maybe more threats in water;
- All doors done as lifts have been turned in real Lifts - those ground doors have been moved for preventing texture flickering when moving in the same plane with ground.
Probably screwed up fixed map Forbidden+_Rv will be edited directly or removed because... it was initially a n00b work which doesn't worth doing other the same patch plugins.
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

First Post has been updated with patch plugins for NavAdder addressing maps:
MH-Demons][ and MH-Forbidden.
All patching tasks are described in docs coming with plugins:
Quoted changes:
- making some one-way paths;
- lightning tweaks;
- water-zone tweaks.
- etc.
Questions or private requests for such patch files are accepted and can be done accordingly.
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Re: NavAdder mutator

Post by Nelsona »

Bump timer on. Reason: Bullshit in da house

I was writing patch plugins for map DM-Gothic - on purpose for removing some of those default ledges-loop-jump problem. Claimed patch-file should be named GOTHIC.U. The fact is: we do have a file in MGS called Gothic.u having around 13 MB with some decorations. I won't get mad even if this package has no self-explanatory pointer: WHAT is this ? Will Mappers know what is about ? Which map does uses it ?
Without to spend time for digging around, it looks like I have to update NavAdder for using the 3rd method in acquiring a patch plugin available because...
These sh!t plain names are pissing me off like they did since forever Dusk Warlord Pupae are only a few samples happily brought by some geniuses from community without to sign them with a personal tag in any way. And then I have to develop some stuff for NavAdder because we need to pass over such "plain creativity" and to manage maps properly. Updated NavAdder must be compatible with ALL plugins released so far else I can kick my own balls with a hammer... :tease: ...
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