Those wrong ones

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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Bumpy timer: Title: Maps mooing in console for no reason

Code: Select all

ScriptWarning: CowAvenger MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.CowAvenger0 (State UnrealShare.Cow.Grazing:0062) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Breath' not found in Mesh 'TCowMesh'
ScriptWarning: CowAvenger MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.CowAvenger0 (State UnrealShare.Cow.Grazing:0089) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Root' not found in Mesh 'TCowMesh'
ScriptWarning: CowAvenger MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.CowAvenger1 (State UnrealShare.Cow.Grazing:0062) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Breath' not found in Mesh 'TCowMesh'
ScriptWarning: BHealthPack MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.BHealthPack1 (Function Botpack.TournamentHealth.PlayPickupMessage:0006) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: BHealthPack MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.BHealthPack1 (Function BPak.BHealthPack.Pickup.Touch:0033) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: BHealthPack MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.BHealthPack1 (Function BPak.BHealthPack.Pickup.Touch:005F) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: BHealthPack MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.BHealthPack2 (Function Botpack.TournamentHealth.PlayPickupMessage:0006) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: BHealthPack MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.BHealthPack2 (Function BPak.BHealthPack.Pickup.Touch:0033) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: BHealthPack MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.BHealthPack2 (Function BPak.BHealthPack.Pickup.Touch:005F) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: CowAvenger MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.CowAvenger0 (State UnrealShare.Cow.Grazing:0062) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Breath' not found in Mesh 'TCowMesh'
ScriptWarning: CowAvenger MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.CowAvenger1 (State UnrealShare.Cow.Grazing:0062) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Breath' not found in Mesh 'TCowMesh'
ScriptWarning: CowAvenger MH-()mG-StairsOfHealthFix.CowAvenger1 (State UnrealShare.Cow.Grazing:0089) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Root' not found in Mesh 'TCowMesh'
Log file has around 50+ MB...
Excuse me but I don't get these, I was about to spit coffee... This sort of Garbage Object called CowAvenger I think will be replaced with some... pupae.
For the moment map is under flushing process, all junks are going to be removed and LevelInfo will have defined as game MonsterHunt or NOTHING, instead of CTFGame. Textures can be aligned because are looking like pulled from cat's ass, some polygons can be merged for a better performance, etc, etc. and improved version might be loaded in M.G.S. as well...

Edit: Nope, there is no spot for retreating, all is open and done for over-powered craps. This one is not suitable for M.G.S. and similar servers.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

SpacePortBaikonur - performing some tests...
Let me see: I don't know if walls are killing players but are killing rendering - a bunch of solids in a map which is an open area with a single zone and lagging my local game... :?:
What is the meaning of this rendering insanity ? I cannot answer.
In such a case I will discard myths with semi-solids and I'll try my very last solution - turning map in a single semi-solid if this procedure will be supported by Edy Goblin aka Unreal Editor and its internal wreck programming routines, last time this solution has brought a bit of speed and some better walls but... this is not an answer from my side.
Working and checking....
Let me see what was happening during re-building or said recompiling map process:

Code: Select all

Warning: FilterEdPoly: Encountered out-of-place coplanar
Warning: FilterEdPoly: Encountered out-of-place coplanar
Warning: FilterEdPoly: Encountered out-of-place coplanar
Warning: FilterEdPoly: Encountered out-of-place coplanar
Warning: FilterEdPoly: Encountered out-of-place coplanar
Warning: Node side limit reached
Warning: Node side limit reached
Warning: Node side limit reached
Warning: Node side limit reached
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::SplitWithPlane: Ignored back sliver
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: bspAddNode: Infinitesimal polygon 2 (3)
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: bspAddNode: Infinitesimal polygon 2 (3)
Warning: bspAddNode: Infinitesimal polygon 2 (3)
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::SplitWithPlane: Ignored back sliver
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
If mapper could not see this building/compiling log he might need a medical examination to his eyes. Definitely geometry here is badly borked.
Do you know the big problem here ? Epic are logging errors BUT NOT the models doing this mess using their name or whatever Location identifier. Mapper fixing them will spend ages if he/she wants to fix these as long as these should be fixed during their primary execution and not continuing to mess up with other polygons when the work already done so far is crapped like that.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Bump: Almost good
I got a map called something like MH-LoostMine+..... - it will be renamed properly - which has good paths but... tiny borks toward MH and Bot Support - TOO MUCH RUSH in 2019, seriously...
LM_00.PNG (868.92 KiB) Viewed 15284 times
Changes summary:
- using FearSpot triggered properly for preventing Bot monkeying at lift jumping on it too early - not over cabin but inside cabin;
- Lift it's for PAWNS if is a crusher and it does include an EncroachDamage value because we don't have to kill human players and letting others alive :tease: ;
- TouchSwitcher will prevent Waypoints to get touched if monsters nearby are still alive - God damn...;
- TranslatorEvent is removed because MonsterHunt doesn't have support for it - I let items... mutators might deal with them... This one has been turned into a triggering chain with specific sound and ALL messages (including from triggers) are now in English - we are not speaking birdisch language or whatever was there;
- several paths have been removed manually - we don't need a way back in such cases;
- custom counters are broadcasting kills properly in all cases for all Players.
- all useless data from navigation network has been flushed out.

This one will be tested in a private environment and if it looks bugs free will go straight to M.G.S. public server.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

I'm not sure if I understood well a discussion about a map - DM-[uRh]BeB'sPlace-Rmx.

I dropped an eye at this... "present ?" Level. For me probably is place for more quality if I would be supposed to make a map for a woman.

I went to adjust several things for my testing purposes.
I removed some USELESS brushes - map has some ugly BSP cuts and perhaps can be divided in two zones without a problem.
Speaking about navigation network, initially map had 3394 reachSpecs referenced by Paths Network, and 3418 global reachSpecs. All I have to say it's that map works extremely smoother with only 723 reachSpecs - of course, I discarded ammo from network's marked items because... these were junks - seriously, someone added Ammo for TournamentWeapons, with other words in a custom OLD DM those weapons would not have a load because ammo did not match weapons. Of course, in arena type games this is not a big problem.
Finally I build map in UE from 451b because it does a better lightning compilation and map size has been reduced.
I did a paths probing in original UT using some of my nasty mutators enemy finder which was working flawless in these plain paths. I was thinking to setup this map as a special thing causing everyone to track a route to the nearest enemy but... maybe it's not time for such stunts...

As for geometry and generally - bugged Editor - I still don't get 4 Brushes in the same location - maybe it's time for MapGarbage to have embedded a feature for detecting these dumb things - nothing is changed in map, these are just a load because 3D space usually has the same structure even if you have 2 solids in the same place with the same format...
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Well I talked to Evil and he explained to me he took this small map and made copies of those cubes. He was connecting them together with out making a subtraction of sorts between them. Evil says THANK YOU for the assist for DM-[uRh]BeB'sPlace-Rmx map but now we have the map DM-!!{DOU}SpacePortBaikonurRemix1 not working but worked before XCGEv24.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Before any XCGE version I disabled collision hook because that thing it's not stable, it blocks movers randomly. Without CollisionHook, maps - JUNKS like that one having a 20000 × 20000 collision trigger, which not many players is voting, (take a look at GameTracker and see there what people are voting) because of polys charge also it's normal to be a trouble maker.
A SmokeGenerator can be dispatched using TimedTrigger, StochasticTrigger or some custom things instead of dealing with more TOUCHERS than a trigger can held to not speak about CollisionProcessing needed for a trash having 20000 × 20000 UU size. And you say that was good ? Remove XCGE and see what exactly is that...

Previous map under discussion was more a training session for me, it's not a must have for sharing - I'll use it in private playground as long as it has now way better optimized paths and I've spent almost all night fixing Brushes Locations X =237.200378 and such "Aligned At Grid" myths, and deleting other 3 brushes from the same place added before a final subtract + other solids with no logic as long as a subtract works into void directly without a solid causing more BSP cuts around it - MapGarbage was the Lord here. I just need more testing sessions before to claim it ready - I mean ready for my Monster Type Play.

Back to Baikonur - I still don't get that Big Subtract as main map room why has to be that Big.... Map is done to an insane scale, this is not UE1.
And tell to Evil to start a Test of that map OFF-Line in a slower whatever machine - see what the crap does around that big placard with Gagarin's Start (translated), it has nothing with XCGE24. For me in that area I can see game going to 0.+++ FPS - this is not happening in X thousands of maps, only in borked ones...

Next hint - If Evil thinks is Evil. Look at me a little bit Evil:Sleeping people are always having issues exactly for this reason.
In server's INI file at XC_Engine can be added a NoBrushTrackerFix= dynamic array exactly as ServerPackages, ServerActors. A map having problems with XCGE can be listed there and it will be excepted from various mover tweaks - I believe this is described in docs, these can be experimented in LAN server at home, figuring log files which are showing what happens and when in order to not screw public #1 server. Game-Log shows if Name it's declared properly in array (I don't recall if it needs .unr extension or only map-name), this must be checked.

And then, some BaikonurR20 doesn't look laggy any more by removing that junk trigger and using normal domestic methods. I'll bet on 10$ that he will upload map without firing a minimal net test at home - not in public, if I'm sharing a link or the map-file.

Capturing an instance from laggy area and... showing what I have on this rig:
New_Baikonur_Smoking.png (832.81 KiB) Viewed 15042 times
I'll do the math using my machine > 1000ms / 52.6ms ~= 19.x Frames in a Second in this spot. And I'm asking you politely: Me one, why I would vote this one ? Maybe others will like this...

A small letter from Mr. Garbage which I received today for map DM-!!{DOU}SpacePortBaikonurRemix1.unr:

Code: Select all

VoidCheck: BulletBox26 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: BulletBox81 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: MedBox17 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: PlayerStart24 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: Light6 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: InventorySpot108 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: 6 actors look placed into void, check those.
ZoningChecker: SkyZoneInfo1 and SkyZoneInfo2 share the same zone
ZoningChecker: SkyZoneInfo1 and SkyZoneInfo0 share the same zone
ZoningChecker: SkyZoneInfo2 and SkyZoneInfo0 share the same zone
And then I have to check other details if things are done this way. Note: Whoever spawns at PlayerStart24 it's going to be discarded...
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

SpacePortBaikonur has a version un-tagged in Bounty's Big Ass Sniper server. If you think it works as should, get it (rename it as you want)... Feel free to check if it needs something else, perhaps not all Lifts have triggers - it did not have any. If it needs more work, post requests.

Edit: I forgot mentions:
- Map has now another trigger for firing those smokes;
- Map has a few Navigation points added for making Bot to leave some spawn places but not aggressively roaming;
- Map has original zones settings and geometry;
- I did no see any weapon here so I did not do any prediction by adding something. Server usually gives you some sniper/gunsy - it's a sniper map after all.
- Music and the rest of No title no Author is left as it is: Alien UFO map.
- also some textures - probably costing too much money - for Movers are the same as original... to summarize, map it's lag-fixed and a bit pathed, not redesigned.
Here map rebuild/compilation was done using UE from v451b as long as that "builder" (it's not really a Map Editor) is capable to map a better Level lightning than 436 440 - a point + here. Final save was from 436 - after cleaning trash references post build - I believe this way I'm making sure about compatibility with plain UT preventing 451 references to do issues post build if such things might happen... I cannot be sure 100% about these UTPG results.

If you play map with another guy in Old Sniper Server - Bounty - and some issues are encountered we have a game record - recording it's automated at 2 people joined. If map has a goofing area forgotten, record might help in debugging, another point + for EUTSource, okay record is done using an external toy because EUT was blabbering strings/text names - yes, strings, a la UT and 451 and... nvm...
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

At request I went to look at map DM-!BS-Muskie! - I believe BS comes from Bullshit and I'm serious here. How the hell can be released such a mess ?
In first check I went to look at BSPCuts and ugly things have been shown - before looking at that invisible spot - it's not the only one in this "map",
I'll show you Brush135, more exactly some part of it because this one has multiple missing faces, polygons - if you can claim them polygons.
I completed picture with a few orange lines, not all, lines which should be there - damn trash - but they are not:
Muskie.PNG (455.65 KiB) Viewed 14841 times
Even if I'm looking at t3d text for this brush, it's complex and badly screwed up, computing polygons it's hard - me one I find this a very time consuming maybe others more smarter can figure splitting that crap in desired number of polygons because that it's not a polygon. I'm not surprised about that BSP corruption because errors are tempted to be limited with a BSP cut affecting other brushes in BSP tree. Here could be done something from multiple brushes trying semisolid instead of that big junk.
I'm thinking at a simple solution, I cannot promise anything yet.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

And then... I checked other Brushes. I'm not surprised to see this map so screwed. Brush3 using a PostScale has entertaining floating numbers. These vertexes will fit at GRID when I'll be the President of Covid nation voted with unanimous decision. The brush in cause it's a sort of bed in room and building goes different:
- without BSP build we do have invisible surfaces but areas navigable;
- with BSP build, surfaces are visible but some spots are blocked by invisible walls - Editor showing as unreachable two Path Points from that place.

When I did some Sk_Godz map I used PostScaling for one brush in last room but I did not set any PostScaling crap before making sure about alignment at grid - and using FIXED values for PostScaling. Brush in cause was a simple cylinder, creating last battling area called Diamonds_Battle if I recall it correctly, I'm not looking there right now because it's a waste of time.
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Re: Those wrong ones

Post by Nelsona »

Lol, I found on my drive a map CTF-EternalCave2 - some Red Base in mirror with Blue Base. In first second it was interesting, in next second...
ECave2.PNG (1.13 MiB) Viewed 13702 times
I see even paths-net combos mirrored and linking flags through walls in a shorter path probably 1000+ UU. Someone here did not have any clue what was doing... Let me see...
Here I did a complete paths reconstruction in Gold Editor and leaving combos for manual work - nice and... very nice...
I reconnected later whole network with completely uni-directional combos. Adept Bots were closer to beat me (Loque, Xan and Co. in a team...).
Here is a sample - there are more combos like this done in R_Special and 20×40 type path, all operational in plain UT...
ECave2_NewTechs.PNG (1.09 MiB) Viewed 13702 times
Time has come to gain full control over paths, which path goes where and who will use paths and connecting points how we want: walking, jumping, swimming, aerial travel, combined in all ways supported by Engine.

@Kelly if you still want tweaks at that map and you don't have too many things with UT inside it, I can throw it in Gold 227 and then, we can have a Bot support which is probably very rare in UT... I'm not sure how many people were doing this...
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