Can i please know why i got banned from your server?
I didnt ever cheated. Im playing this game for 20 years since 99. old times people knowed me as DIE16 Slider, later ESG / NBK ^NiX*.
I really like to know whats the problem.
"Your Banned for cheating" LOL ya right you don't cheat I don't care what You say , me and four other season players know you were cheating this morning , I know when I'm playing against a cheater or someone with enhanced player ini. Your not welcome on the sniper server ANYMORE.!! I know all the name you have used on the server an played you before under them names you didn't cheat under other names and didn't dominate but you think because you changed your name no1 is going to know it you , so you think you can run a cheat and get away with it , but i was there an caught you red handed cheating an driving everyone off the server , I know now why the server has been going empty the last couple Nights because your coming on dominates with cheat cheat - running everybody off the sever , your done here go cheat somewhere else an ....don't come back.!!
The reason why the server goes empty bcas personally you "Evil1" bann everybody from your server. -]NBK[- members -]LST[- members. arent you too paranoid? i recommend to the admins to take permissions away from this guy until he doesnt bann the whole playerbase to emptyness
Last edited by [SV]ArcaoN on Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
just for a little introduce our members are pretty well skilled competition players and we are those who making the Euro Freestyle Cup. guess you have no idea what is it. Maybe @evil-1 you should spectate me for a minimum 10 sec next time brahhhh.... Tell me when you see me cheat in this video
Last edited by [SV]ArcaoN on Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If we do in fact host your maps and they are for public download I see no reason to remove them. If you want to make them private by all means we will remove them. Respect is a two way street and from the looks of your first post was just showing off your map collection to your site and not even a proper introduction.. I don't know you personally and I would assume most this community doesn't either.
It seems to me if you are indeed just a better player and not cheating why even play were clients are clearly not of your caliber? Where is the challenge?
Why not just keep to your own circle of elite players then you might enjoy the challenge or are you just one of those guys that only finds fun in easy kills?
Our server has clearly been quite popular for sometime. I doubt highly it will suffer not having you around or your elite class of players you claim don't cheat.
I think enough has been said here and Evil has said what he came here to say and so have I. Good day sir.
Okay, not using any translator just my default en-glitch.
I saw video. Good game... no doubts. If you were playing like that everywhere, definitely this is not cheating. If during game you were talking something dirty against others, perhaps that's not entirely great they could feel frustrated. Else I was once in a server which was empty. Suddenly a dude entered telling me that is a PRO server not for n00bs. Okay and Where are those PRO ? Server was empty, I asked. After talking to me some craps, I told him: And this is the moment when I need to start crying ? Does admin knows what are you doing here ? Later he left and I was writing some "cute" words for him in hoping that admin was using a chat recorder toy - probably useful to figure why server was empty or full filled with Zero Players- because of too many un-existent PRO players playing there... And then... if such players/admins have loaded some of my maps, even if they are nasty or less polite, I do not have a problem with them if they use my maps. Maps are for UT, for players, for whatever fans, etc. The most hilarious thing was that the guy was a romanian one, like me, and the way in how he communicated with other one was proving his sick mind - first contact with a guy should not be that way, but there are servers where players are welcomed, so to speak now days admins are recruiting, I would not be worried about main playground.
For the moment I'm interested if exist some admin/player showing a few images with cheating instances or descriptions - like when I was showing that AS player...