Versions examinations

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Versions examinations

Post by Nelsona »

Technically a ServerAdmin should take in account which engine version will use for server. Assuming majority have option 451 or whatever 451b but... if I check through forums their INI configurations when some troubles are happening, I simply don't get missing basic measures which this version has toward that basic security which for me is confusing. Let's go on a release document and read changes starting from that never seen nowhere 450.
ThatDocument wrote: Unreal Tournament version 450 Release Notes
Version 450 is completely network compatible with all previous public releases of UT.
Server requires clients to be at least version 432.

WebAdmin fixed, linux server should have a working webadmin again
Package code execution exploit fixed
LogMaxConnPerIPPerMin defaults to false
IRC chat client fixes
\n bug fixed
long lines are wrapped
wrapped lines are indented for better readability
Added protection against brute forcing the admin login:

LoginDelaySeconds=0.0 Number of seconds after an incorrect login before login is allowed again.
MaxLoginAttempts=0 Maximum number of login attempts before an action is taken
ActionToTake= What to do when the maximum number of login attempts has been reached

Values for ActionToTake:
DO_Log Will log the player's name, IP, and number of attempted logins to server's log
DO_DisableLogin Player will be unable to perform adminlogin for remainder of match
DO_KickPlayer Player will be kicked from server
DO_KickBanPlayer Player will be banned from the server

ex: ActionToTake=DO_DisableLogin

Added a caching system to the webadmin to reduce the impact on the running game
Added -logprefix option to `ucc`. Enabled preflush log prefixes
Extended IP ban list to allow 256 entires
Fixed several bugs which allowed malicious clients to lag the server
Clamped DefaultFow to values between 80 ~ 130
Added bLogAdminActions to [Engine.GameInfo] - provides information about kick/bans/logins
Fixed chat messages not appearing when game is paused
Limit in-game name changes to 10 per map
Fixed player details server query response
Fixed mutators not appearing in server browser
Added additional console commands for admins - kicklist, kickid, and kickbanid
Added current map name to all pages in "Current" section of webadmin
Added time remaining to pages in "Current" section of webadmin for timed matches
Fixed LoginSeconds display in web admin to only show max number of allowed characters in textbox
Added 'AdminAction' prefix to all log entries written by admin actions
Improved the console functions 'get' and 'set' to allow editing of array config variables
Usage: to get an value of an array item use the following command:

get Engine.GameInfo IPPolicies #

Where # is the number starting from 0, if you omit the number the first element is returned

set Engine.GameInfo IPPolicies # new value

Where # is the number starting from 0, you must specify the number
Items in the open location box are moved up in the list when reused
Fixed the scroll whell when using Logitec drivers (EM_EXEC)
The download percentage for compressed redirects is displayed correctly now (the real percentage)
Fixed spaces in redirected package names (note: you should NOT use spaces in package names)
Fixed incorrect F6 details
Added IRC half-ops support
Netspeed command is limited to once every 15 seconds (as with UT2003)
Fixed server lag exploit from chatting. Added a config variable "bLogTypingEvents" to the Engine.StatLog class. If the server does not wish to be vulnerable to this exploit, setting this variable to false will cause the resulting ngStats logs (both world and local) to not record player chatting events.
Fixed lag exploit possible through replication statement error
Fixed lag exploit with ShowInventory command
Fixed lag exploit in the ShowPath command, only admins can use this command
Server lag exploit possible from viewing players fixed
Added refering game server to HTTP redirect request with the form: Referer: server-IP:port
As for version 451b we do have these notes
ThatDocument wrote: Unreal Tournament version 451b Release Notes
Version 450 is completely network compatible with all previous public releases of UT.
Server requires clients to be at least version 432.

UnrealEd has been fixed
Fixed various bugs that could bring down the server (and client) when invalid classes where used
Let's see fake news too:
- Nothing, but NOTHING it's fixed in Editor and you don't wanna know how does it works.
- The rest of various "fixes" were part of ServerCrashFix by Anthrax addressing these "fixes".
That's all about the last version of a software.

Edit Note: If you want to read more see docs in UTPG updates. If you cannot find them (that page looks gone) I'll drop other info below, of course fake news are reported even in earlier versions so I'm not the one talking dumb things, they are copied from original documents.
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Re: Versions examinations

Post by Nelsona »

And the notes:
While causing lags in server is a bit damaging, UTPG tried to do everything for preventing this to happen. What exactly is doing community generally reacting in reversal way ?
#1 We do have FOV changes which they wanted restricted because computing method is unchanged - removal solution instead of fixing obsolete code was never good in any software. In a server allowing FOV changes more exactly zooming weapons - all but ALL stock weapons are supporting sniping like through a scope, you have to do settings in client, you can figure how do insta works (aka SuperShockRifle) with that shock-beam or default ShockRifle at long ranges using ZOOM. Such a server for testing your curiosity is M.G.S. aka Monster Gaming Server, hosted at NfoServers. In MapVote you can pick an Insta match and have fun in a map like DM-Conqueror or such. Tell me what you have compared with a match in DM-Deck16][. If you are using client 451 any forget zooming... Here at UScript level it's not much to do except maybe a few sanity checks and that's all.

#2 We do have their prevention in using DevPath more exactly that useless ON-LINE command ShowPath - WayBeacon has no RemoteRole so it's not seen ON-LINE - yeah an actor with Native replication consuming net channels - FAKE NEWS. Abusing it might be indeed causing lags and decreasing performance in that case. Nelsona has a reply: the lack of coding properly this stuff it's not an excuse for not doing things as should. I have in my private server tools for MH CTF DM using these Engine Devs and I do not have any sort of problem because this practice should come with measures for preventing abusing and dropping clowns away without hard/heart feelings. Personally during some tests I was warned to stop abusing or I'll fly away, I'm not an exception in any way. You can imagine that I have bigger less known maps and I need to quickly figure where to go or to catch Flag carrier. Solution: using Navigation Network because any Pawn can do that, simply find your way using Engine. NO - I do not have a monster computer in the house, just old wrecks which are working properly at this point.

I'm curious what master changes are going to be dropped in UT469 and how many things are going down-hill with these new "compilers"...
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Re: Versions examinations

Post by D13GO_{HoF} »

I don't know if they exist, but is UnrealED 2 versions too or is just the same for everyone? kinda curious for mapping
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Re: Versions examinations

Post by Nelsona »

UnrealEd for UT'99 - for me this is the default name for Editor and numbers are somehow IRRELEVANT. If you are updating your game at version 451 or 451b whatever, Editor will only start with default camera placement and you won't have a mouse cross cursor for crawling map. In such a version last time when I selected a modified engine for M.G.S. and saving it, Editor saved every single package screwing all U files except Engine package which I selected. Yep... a cute crap a la UTPG. I don't need to redo these experiments with Editor vX whatever from 451 because every single mapper can confirm that is doing sucks. It's entirely useless. And I think I have to explain for everyone why that thing just happened. Because they modified classes adding functions and corrupting integrity. At random a 451b player will not have any game in a 436 server due to new "great" compatibility performed. This is when a group of programmers having no clue about UE1 started to mess with it having no single idea about results when game structures are mindlessly changed.
More entertaining is the thread with UT469 full of stupid requests from those dumb ones which some actually demonstrated that cannot do a single map to work properly. Yeah, we have no clue about Unreal Engine and we want it down-hill with super duper changes which won't work at all with mutators done until today. I'm more curious about this version of UT how is being compiled. Already people had problems with new hardware and UT because are way too many assets to be in account. I really have a bad feeling and I'm hoping to be wrong here. Perhaps after UT469 - I did not see any prior version anywhere - will follow 470. We'll see, I'm not in a rush for new at this point, Engine is a serious work because rental game-servers companies don't want their business ruined because some members have brain-farts about bringing bugs and changing game integrity.
I trust in Anthrax's judgement and I hope that main natives are going to get fixed and maybe a few small additions usable in servers. The rest is subject for a bonuspack whatever, and no there is not a need for any new class in Engine to break everything.

As for chapter open-mind, if this engine won't help me, I'm telling you, perhaps I'll discuss with other skilled dudes (hackers, programmers, whatever has knowledge) for helping me with setting up some good natives and executables and... I won't make noise about that, UScript part it's more flexible and there I don't think I'll have issues. After 20 years perhaps time has come for a solid UT'99 as long as original support will never come.
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