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Re: -]LST[-*RUIN*

Post by Nelsona »

I ran second video and not everything is really relevant, zoom and network might cause bad replication positions and rotations but...
I still want explanations about INITIAL Video from FIRST post. Here are indeed some strange appearances but if exist a network problem (small lag or packet lost) client will fail to get an update 100%. In exchange for me first video is more relevant. Else with my Mozilla installed in a lousy WinXP system I downloaded ALL, but A-L-L archives, I opened them with 7Zip and I ran movie in MPC-HC media player. I witnessed matches where not a single time weapon's cross-hair was in another spot than bullet and victim, but that's probably because zoom was used. Else, I recorded and uploaded a similar movie for player AS which is closer to the movie presented in first post - that is interesting to explain... and then THIS topic has a TITLE. If you cannot download first video maybe you can read the TITLE so if you have something to say about defending "RUIN" guy (our style bla bla), say it, else I don't get the point of "I cannot see", please show me on Youtube.
Me one, I won't upload anything on any YouTube - I'm not going to comment or debate any video or copyright or whatever issue which YouTube might "deliver". Movies are short, packed, I don't see any problem at downloading a file from forum, seriously.

If you want to help, then contribute with explaining first video - I listen: why, how, when, etc. instead of monkeying with no reason in a topic addressing mainly admins. And maybe you have explanations about the other video for Player AS or such.
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Re: -]LST[-*RUIN*

Post by Nelsona »

For bringing attention to staff and the rest of readers.
I did not see this RUIN from Ecuador giving some explanations for what was doing in video from first post and he keeps coming from various locations.

And then I see the need to restrict location until these things are clarified. Below it's a BBCode plugin which I added and it needs Web VLC plugin in visitor's browser for running video directly from certain URL storage. If you could not download attachments from first post, maybe you can deal with a VLC plugin as long as I did not see flash plugin very operational. FLV MP4 files are now accepted also as attachments.

As for backup, there is a server FreeStyle Sniper or such at this address, tagged LST where all LST RUIN guys are free to participate:
If you cannot see Evil Sniper Server available feel free to play there...

Thank you !
UncodeX Stuff
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My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
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