{HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by Nelsona »

In this server I have to do more study, Bounty Sniper is up to date but sometimes weapon doesn't have zoom for whatever reason.
I opened weapon zooming generally for players because it's a sniper server after all. It works solid, has resources, maybe Network it's not number one but I like matches with Bots at 250 ping... In this case maybe worth trying some ZP or whatever NewNet. I don't know if those things are fitting together with EUTSource...
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Haven't really found a good zp version and I hear NewNet only works for default weapons.
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by Nelsona »

After playing a bit of time in this server I see that configuration/repositories here are probably dropped like from a plane. I see some maps voted and server does a travel to another map - last time when this issue happened in HOF servers it was caused NOT BY Newer MapVote, but because packages for maps are missing or are screwed up. Did anyone tested one by one all maps here or it's just a common server started and left like a boat on the sea without engine ? In other words here it's needed an integrity check.
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I haven't used that game server in years and have no idea if all the maps were functioning. It is probably overdue for an integrity check. :roll:
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by Nelsona »

Here I think a clean up will get done soon.

Code: Select all

Log: Server switch level: DM-Darkfight.unr?game=EUTSource.EUTDeathMatchPlus
XC_Engine: Browse() Start: unreal  8007
Log: Browse: DM-Darkfight.unr?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=1?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?Mutator=MapVoteLAv2.BDBMapVote?game=EUTSource.EUTDeathMatchPlus
Log: XC_LoadMap: DM-Darkfight.unr?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=1?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?Mutator=MapVoteLAv2.BDBMapVote?game=EUTSource.EUTDeathMatchPlus
DevNet: Attempt load MyLevel
Log: Failed import: Package Package WOT.Architect (file ../Textures/WOT.utx)
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-Darkfight.unr': Can't find Package in file 'Package WOT.Architect'
Warning: Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find Package in file 'Package WOT.Architect'
XC_Engine: Browse() End
ServerReset: Executing Exit command for scheduled restart...
You, map-makers, go f...k you Wot.utx - stupid morons... Now tell me where do I need to look for that file and let me know how to "ruin" it properly for not having a mismatch and to not mess players having old file without that texture block. Huh ? Yeah, geniuses, MyLevel is costing 1000$ per map right ? And you don't have money for it...

I'm afraid that we need to collect ALL these files - mix them up into a big one, if possible out of common names, and... loading all HOF Servers with that + redirect else these X maps will never work due to these fantasies from other games ruining UT servers. Like I said before: We have two or more maps not running in the same server because each of them has its own file, with a different structure. So to speak NO ONE could see them running - they were only loaded and that's all.
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by medor »

Newnet can't run with EUTSource ; all to have a UTPure part.

Yes you can use custom weapons with NewNet but not with all NN.
You can with UN1e adding UN1e.DisableWeapons for no force NN weapons and allow all other.

I see :? XC_Engine remove this for make your test and try add it after VERY IMPORTANT.
If you want use as fine UN1e remove this XC_Engine .definitly

Servertest NewNet UN1e
Server to download under UN1e http://unrealtournament.99.free.fr/foru ... f=9&t=3564
UN1e http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=Ze ... e=UN1e.zip
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by Nelsona »

I have some server-tools which are using XC_Engine, I cannot get rid of it because has benefits here - we can play maps with screwed starts. One thing in Blue server is missing keybind for translocator because translocator refers to original one not child classes. XCGE (which I had to remove for UT469) was doing some tweak for making child translocators to work - now it doesn't work anymore unless player knows how to remap keys - less hopes here. XCGE it's not perfect, but so far it's better than nothing. Aside, I was right in my domestic ranting, UT469 probably won't work out of SSE2 which I never asked, and... out of Windows XP, which is a SPACE SAVER because it doesn't include so much sh!t loaded inside OS like next versions and it's faster in my machines. But, I'm looking if community will finally kill UT doing hybrids and codes a la 2003 - "Accessed None - are not damaging" - Nice "joke"... I'm not using any Accessed Nones in my private server - that thing can run for days without crashes, in XXI century I'm not using poorly coded things a la 1999 or I can go to grow goats or plant trees, leaving computers if are managed this way - let's ruin everything because it's "old".

"NewNet" - about this fantasy giving a lot of control to client:
- Is it fixed swJumpPad ?
- How is the deal with teleporters ?
- How is the deal with Movers ?
- Still Accessed Nones ?
UE1 it's not designed to be guided by Client in a Server. Server is Authority not Client, it's why issues are keep coming for each new thing from maps.

If it would be to reconfigure tweaks for bad maps and stupid players, I will need mods with more iterations which are not so entertaining. I have in mind ALL history with PlayerCanSeeMe() crashes and many more - I don't want them back, my mods XC_Engine based have no flaws - by disabling CollisionHook and other stuff I can get something more stable, including games recorded with EUT in a server not only in client. Yes, EUT is hating non-players, it's a shame for EUT, codes could be wrapped properly and I don't see why not.
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by medor »

Is it fixed swJumpPad ?
Yes with UN1e.RXPosError
How is the deal with teleporters ?
Working almost fully for bot to........... but not for some rare assault maps and rare under MH: reason is playerpaws .
So must forget for the moment MH and Assault.
Still Accessed Nones
Not found in log bit maybe this the reason
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Re: {HoF }Bounty's Big Ass Sniper DeathMatch Server

Post by Nelsona »

medor wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:41 pm Not found in log bit maybe this the reason
That's a default abomination which for me it's IGNORANCE at highest level. ALL ERRORS HAVE TO BE FIXED NOT HIDDEN FROM EYE. C'mon, dare to show me the real console - NewNet, huh ?
medor wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:41 pm ...
You mean:

Code: Select all

IF GAME HAS ScriptWarning features, THERE ARE REASONS for that else your coder will never know what's going on. You should be happy with this debugging system instead of looking elsewhere when errors are full filling consoles.
Excuse me but you lost me from that boat. My server is clean without suppressing errors, like I said before.
UncodeX Stuff
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