Map assessment and pathing enhancements

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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by Nelsona »

I think is possible... but it needs balancing teams, right now map has PlayerStarts in water in Center, between boats. Here are questions: Who spawns there ? - And - Do they need to spawn there ?
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by evilgrins »

Nelsona wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:51 pmI think is possible... but it needs balancing teams, right now map has PlayerStarts in water in Center, between boats. Here are questions: Who spawns there ? - And - Do they need to spawn there ?
No real balancing necessary, they are pirates after all. Fair play is no big deal.

There's 2 main ships, just pick one for red team and one for blue team. When playing Team Deathmatch that only applies to that but for normal Deathmatch it doesn't matter.

It's no big deal if you can't... as is works fine. Was just curious if it was doable.
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by Nelsona »

PlayerStart actors can be delegated for being owned by a Team or another but... TeamGames out of CTF Assault I don't know how much they respect these rules, a TDM game I'm guessing won't follow team-spawn rules. Let me look at codes. If codes are not matching needs, perhaps a bad-ass actor in map can do something in TDM matches. I don't think it's not possible to do this in MyLevel.

In TeamGamePlus type matches there is a variable bSpawnInTeamArea. This variable can be altered by map itself. However, TeamGamePlus I think is discarding setup here because a TDM is not CTF or Assault - it's more like a "SearchAndDestroy" team thing.
Probably map should have an INI file and then user player can have option in "team-spawn" forced... by map itself.

EDIT2: Yes, map might use an INI file that can be configured as player wants. INI is being saved usually if TeamGamePlus running doesn't have Team-Spawn rule already embedded. If a custom TeamGamePlus is having this rule already, INI file won't be created but rule reinforced until user will create INI file and disabling rule.
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by evilgrins »

Not too long ago Leo released the Wolf3D.u for a Single Player map in UT, and I naturally tried the "monsters" of that on THAT map.

I'm not really looking for you to fix this, but explain what happened.

These monsters largely don't react to players, the dogs do a bit but not much. For the most part they fixate on the real human players, even if that real human is in spectator mode.

Assess away!
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by Nelsona »

After a few minutes of checks there are a few notes from/for me.
- codes poorly written out of sanity checks:

Code: Select all

ScriptWarning: SnareDrumGuard MH-Wolf3D][.SnareDrumGuard0 (Function WOLF3D.WolfDirectionalPawnSprite.PostBeginPlay:002A) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: SnareDrumGuard MH-Wolf3D][.SnareDrumGuard0 (Function WOLF3D.WolfDirectionalPawnSprite.PostBeginPlay:004A) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: SnareDrumGuard MH-Wolf3D][.SnareDrumGuard0 (Function WOLF3D.WolfDirectionalPawnSprite.PostBeginPlay:0052) Attempt to assigned variable through None
ScriptWarning: SnareDrumGuard MH-Wolf3D][.SnareDrumGuard0 (Function WOLF3D.WolfDirectionalPawnSprite.PostBeginPlay:005E) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: SnareDrumGuard MH-Wolf3D][.SnareDrumGuard0 (Function WOLF3D.WolfDirectionalPawnSprite.PostBeginPlay:0066) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: SnareDrumGuard MH-Wolf3D][.SnareDrumGuard0 (Function WOLF3D.WolfDirectionalPawnSprite.PostBeginPlay:0072) Accessed None
Some check is missing like it was costing money...
- These are NOT ScriptedPawns and so Invalid for MonsterHunt which is addressing ScriptedPawn known as "monster";
- They killed me with or without XC_Engine being not affected at all by XC replacements - they are another types but not really ignoring player;
- As described in codes they do not have any net compatibility because are having "sprites" rendered depending on Player view angle - lol - more players = a stupid sprites soup, net codes are not impossible to do but... nobody is bothering with them due to the known poorly way of doing mods specific to UT modding - and I'm not a fan of sprite pawns after all. These display properties should be part of client game - dedicated server having nothing to do with any display - or stand alone authority not only a plain display for ONE angle of view value. Each client should render them authoritatively OUT OF server's control - something like MonsterShadow but not the original one, the other one addressing players not server having nothing to do with attaching decals.
It's nothing more annoying than messed up Pawns in net games just for the sake of coding something...
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by evilgrins »

Thought it might be something like that, can think of some ways to still use them though... in certain situations outside of MH.

Moving right along, this map again.

I removed the vehicles Kaal used, had Ferali's tanks on it for a bit but got rid of those too. Swapped the embedded excessive weapons for standard ones, and added cannons to make up for the lack of vehicles.

Bots tend to get hung up on the wrong side of bunkers, and there's a hole.

Warlord on the Blue Team fell into it and couldn't get out... admittedly I'm not entirely sure where it is, but odds are as the bases are symmetrical there's probably one on the red side too.

Still unsure how the map is generating its own bots to each team, clones of the ones that're already there... although so far at least it hasn't tried to clone the UTDMS or UTDMW.

Assess and fix, please.
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by Nelsona »

I did a few checks, but I need more checks for figuring what's the deal with second image - computer has started to do some funky display errors and I had to restart it a bit... maybe is dying or it has Covid because he never had a mask all this time, lol, or has another stuff specific to its age...

Anyway, I was doing a query first, for validating map. TrashLord had no mercy....
TrashLordRemovedTrash.PNG (3.38 KiB) Viewed 3781 times
It is removing NON-Mapping actors without asking questions, Mr Garbage don't care about mindless creativity.

Okay, in first image I deduct there is a skating spot, a running in place bugger. That's obviously a pathing bug, I think I can solve problem but... for the second image I need to figure what's the deal. One of warlords is still looking like a carpet after fighting with street dogs, I'm not sure if that thing did not screwed something for me and... machine was doing funky reactions...
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by evilgrins »

Nelsona wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 6:18 pmor it has Covid because he never had a mask all this time, lol, or has another stuff specific to its age...
Well, it doesn't really breathe so it's probably not that.
Nelsona wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 6:18 pmfor the second image I need to figure what's the deal.
Hope you can, as I've a long-term edit of one of Frag-n-Brag's map that has similar, though less distorted.

If you can't on this one, problem is easily avoided by my replacing the Warlord with a Skaarj as it can't fly up to wherever the hole is. I suspect it's somewhere along the upper edges, if you go up and look around you can see the top of the "mountains" are kinda fragmented, mapper didn't much care as standard players can't get up there.
Nelsona wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 6:18 pmOne of warlords is still looking like a carpet after fighting with street dogs, I'm not sure if that thing did not screwed something for me and... machine was doing funky reactions...
I don't know what to make of that. Screenshot it if you see it again.
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by Nelsona »

A Red Warlord, is ugly...
FlyingCarpet.png (1.08 MiB) Viewed 3778 times
I'm still firing projectiles for figuring that BSP hole. I might need to think at a strategy for finding these somehow...
Pathing was easy to fix at those defenses, maybe a check inside buildings would be recommended because there were badly overcrowded and I used a blind cleanup...

Edit: It looks like I found it... in hoping to have only this one...
I reported it and now I have to drop a sign or such:

Code: Select all

   Location: -4709 -9857 -52
   Game class: CTFGame
   Difficulty: 1
Disregarding those mentioned in LevelInfo = 16 - 64 Players which I don't know how many admins are having such servers,... I fired a redeemer to the Carpet-Warlord and trying to fallback with Translocator. While it was damaged but my weapon was Translocator in that moment, it did not died - an abomination. I have not tried to kill him with Translocator but dodging away with it. Excuse me but these Paws are plain insanity starting with their spam-logs and all stuff...

Now I have to check walls after a SCI-FI build using 469a...

More testing...
I don't get this way of making geometry, results can be expected after mixing crap this way: Walls were solid but...
Top area is trash:
ProjSwallowed.PNG (1.19 MiB) Viewed 3772 times
InvisibleWalls.PNG (1.16 MiB) Viewed 3772 times
InvisibleWalls1.PNG (1.55 MiB) Viewed 3772 times
Here it takes time and a lot of work, I'm not sure if I can recover some game here, these are a bunch of polys, mixed solids, this is not how I see mapping.

There are a few points in a map which are talking through images more than 1000 words about what kind of work was done...
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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Post by evilgrins »

Wow, no idea why the Warlord looks like that.
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