That works, a map isn't done until it's done... and sometimes not even then.
You've probably noticed a new regular to a lot of forums, he started popping on more after finding my forums list. He runs a sniper server and he's an amateur mapper to boot. Notably he popped up a War of the World themed map and sent it my way to see what could be done with it.
It's HUGE, he specified he wanted no monsters added to it but was open to an NPC... that's where you come in.
I had Anubitek create a skybox for it, but the map has no pathing. Now, for a sniper server it isn't really made for bots but the NPC may need a bit of help.
When configuring a normal bot, I sometimes go overboard to make a bot that will really challenge me...

...and the Abyss is a hell of a challenge, kills often without a clue where she was... and that's due to the "avoidant" part.
You likely can't path for that, but similar to how bots in CTF goto any number of defense points when guarding a flag, is there a way to path a map so any bots on it will head for cover and stick to such a place? I'm asking if you can path this map for the NPC on it, dubbed Human-Martian Hybrid, so it will act like a camper? Find a spot, or spots depending where it spawns in, and stay there and kill from a safe location.
Don't need to tweak the NPC's settings, just path it in such a way that it's not running all over out in the open and getting torn apart by snipers.
Other point of interest: sXs-sketchpad put 2 large Martian vehicles on the map and has mortars shooting them... but they emerge from nowhere directly in front of the Martian ships. It looks bad, and even without a specific point of origin it would look better if they launched from somewhere farther away. Similar to like what you did with that pirate-themed map way back when.
Anyway... have fun.