A few results concerning editing.
Editor has pro things and cons. We do have coordinates, we do have axis X Y Z and arrows helping with some orientation easily (PlayerStarts, DefensePoints, Kickers, etc). Operating builders - by clicking on a desired value and hitting ENTER (as I'm used to do) won't toggle values True/False, but it fires execution directly - I don't get the point here. I see paths build as in original - using a normal map, and then... those "Flight-Over-Ground" things I think are results of some other bugged work, adding useless PrunedPaths that do not have free places into navigation chain remaining as useless debris - Perhaps Higor can explain what's up with those things... and...
A Little shock:
Result of Building paths for original DM-Deck16][ - using Editor from 469c:
Code: Select all
LostData: ________________________________________________________________
LostData: ReachSpecs missing from Paths[0-15] = 21.
LostData: ReachSpecs missing from upStreamPaths[0-15] = 7.
FixedWithSuccess: ReachSpecs successfully attached = 28.
FixFailures: ReachSpecs attaching failures - probably no place = 0.
LostData: ________________________________________________________________
Here is NOTHING improved - we do have even those useless variables that are dynamically changed during run-time (funny defined as "constants"
) and having no purpose to be stored in map - they are created/changed X times during routing process. And then... for moving faster as I'm getting used to do, I'll use 436/440 for the most part of editing... At least 469 looks like is following original rules as pointed by S.Polge, and mappers knowing these things won't have problems, they will see a good editing environment.
If some Textures are messed up or geometry does ugly things, that is the moment for using 469 whatever. XC 25 assets do seem to have funky things attached in UT469 - for optimizing paths XC24 is better. The rest of junks are not an issue, I'm cleaning them with my tools...