Builders helpers for UT Editor

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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

XC_PathsWorker builder plugin has been added in first Post.
XC_PathsWorker_scr.PNG (996.58 KiB) Viewed 7807 times
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Based on fascinating Unreal Bytes and the way in how people are understanding to do "map" and "Bot Support" the future update is needed with completions regarding to checks and fixes reported if were executed or not executed for math reasons.

When map has a bunch of Nodes in a place where can be only 2-3 Nodes, DevPath is computing a number of Paths for a Node. Sometimes this number goes to 18 20 paths or more. A NavigationPoint has an array with 16 elements. When Paths number goes over this array in certain spots, that original "pathsmapper" from Editor will do some glitches forgetting to add Paths into lists and so leaving lines drawn as paths but those won't work in game - usually we do have enough paths in such a stage.
Paths forgot to be added in lists are useless and are just debris spam data.
The builder is capable to load these lost paths back into network - it's not like such a network is a great one after all. The problem comes when Paths list is full filled and we have more ReachSpecs to be added in current node. Those extra-paths have NO ROOM. This scenario is specific to pathing insanity overcrowding navigation points for no purpose - including command "Paths Build" for generating Nodes automatically - all it does is TRASH. Current builder won't do any such extra ReachSpecs because it is capping at 10 and won't create Specs in advance as original dev does and later is forgetting them in the wild.
Why keeping some space reserved ? Simply because a missing connection must be done later by user without to go over boundaries. Array will be still open for extra elements allowing a nice polish of this stage.

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In this stage when bugs are killed without mercy I think it's time for turning music ON on my Devs as suggested here
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Yeeehaaw !
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

First post has been updated, XC_PathsWorker August 2021.
- defragmenting Specs option - after adjusting or relocating lost ReachSpecs - this is a secondary solution;
- detailed logging about Paths Missing from Navigation - for bad map excessively pathed for no reason;
- small polish of code in adding InventorySpots ( Scout did not fit ) needed a different deal.

It looks like in the Lab 469c doesn't do too many Paths missing but it loads full lists at Pruned Paths - those not shown and these are too many not fitting into lists.

Believe me or not, there are maps dated 2000 2001 without these buggers - follow rules and your pathing goes better.

Let's see what does the builder as Pathing Task in CTF-Command - nodes were hidden there but, we can show them. It's about ramp-loop done by PathNode112 which apparently is well connected but... this builder tells a different story. Simply node won't have incoming paths and Pawn will get over it and won't loop with flag.
XC_PathsWorker.gif (970.31 KiB) Viewed 7734 times
The rest of missing things can be user made allowing mapper to do things normally.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Here the work around making paths will move ahead.
Chapter is based on some movement logic of Big Pawn vs Small Pawn. Big Pawn might be capable to jump over some hole and due to his big cylinder it will be superior to the common Bot. Such paths means bugged ReachSpecs for Bot which are not discarded as long as the native collision rule stays. The deal is a double check using a Bot Like tester confirming that a MonsterPath can be taken as valid by Bot for creating a valid path as much as possible. This way will prevent funky jumps and hilarious connections to a node like this PathNode112 and other more or less similar instances. It's all about quantity vs quality. Instead of having a bunch of data generated and unused or bad paths, I'm going for fewer paths but VALID ones and perfectly compatible with a wide range of Stock pawns.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

At this moment (available in next update for September) solution for preventing lousy thing for Bots it's mainly solved.
Chapter is not closed yet. We might have some PathNodes set as bPlayerOnly. I'm not aware if original devs are discarding or not Slow Minded monsters from finding a goal passing through such nodes, but I think if we do have such a node Not on purpose for Sliths, Pupaes, etc., this Node probably is it advisable to have all OutGoing and InComing connections set with Flag R_PlayerOnly. Original devs are mapping here normal flags for Paths - to me these are not that logic. All Navigation Conditions should discard paths seekers unauthorized to roam through these nodes if Nodes are set this way - mapper might have reasons for that, creativity should not be locked by incomplete things which Goblin is doing.

New feature - A function for connecting two nodes based on direct testing (No Teleporters or such). Two selected PathNodes if are returning positive results at PointReachable probing will get connected instantly helping mapper to connect whatever needs if Range used by Builder worked restrictive but we need other two longer paths that have to be there. This will speed up connecting without doing ReachSpec settings. For other missing things path can be created using previous embedded feature requiring completions. If Testing movement in this stage fails, paths between nodes are not created.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

Subject - A small preview about options concerning a high charge with PathNodes which usually heads in X+Y failures properly executed by Goblin aka Unreal Editor. If you can see the video (or download it), options related to ScanRange for creating routes will do these simple, pretty fast and operational.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

New things added for making possible to bypass "PointReachable" thing from Engine because it looks randomly flawed causing false positives.
Builder has capability to keep an old paths network on demand, which will build new paths over older ones making some tweaks possible. It also excepts hidden nodes in Editor letting user to connect them later as it wants not as "PointReachable" wants.
Because at a moment we want to find if two nodes are traceable each-other and possible to be or not candidates for a connection we can find this be doing a simple check and result is reported.

MapGarbage will have some news here as well - solving the problem of actors reported in void if maps has some zones problem. Actually it reinforces zone data for actors moved with mouse which Editor IS NOT updating.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

First thread has been updated with XC_PathsWorker for September 2021.
- Nodes bHiddenEd are not in account - useful for manual connections;
- Changes at Scout tester trying to get over some PointReachable bug from UE1;
- Paths in Monster Mode are under a double check - if Bot might have issues that path won't be added just because monster can walk there, everyone must roam;
- Tracer test - it reports if two nodes have a direct trace or not - if we need to avoid certain path which is bad and we want to not have it created;
- option for keeping a previous Navigation Network and operating multiple times;
- a simple auto-connector of two nodes in common navigable areas - paths are tested before being added;
- a feature for reading complete paths data concerning a selected node.

Here is a reduced video showing paths definition task and a manual connection which usually high skilled Bot can follow to the Invisibility.
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

MapGarbage tool will get out soon with a few new features:
- solving actors which are located in map but reported in void if map has some zoning problems due to various factors/editors;
- adding another feature for detecting duplicates without so many iterations;
- cleaning tags from brushes because are not needed;
- testing certain animation for a map actor in order to figure how does it looks like - helpful in modding.

In a Real Time Preview for ViewPort it should work like here:
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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor

Post by Nelsona »

MapGarbage for September 2021 has been added in first post.
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