KillThemAll (tool for long maps)

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KillThemAll (tool for long maps)

Post by Kelly »

First the mod:
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Source code and usable u file included in the zip.

To use:
summon killthemallb.killthemallb
This will spawn a silver skull in front of you. Run over it to pick it up. Will activate automatically, no other user input needed.

What it does:
This inventory item creates a sphere of absolute carnage around you. Any scripted pawn classes within 2000 uu will take massive damage constantly until destroyed. There is no cooldown and no reload. Monsters killed MUST be visible to you so it will not kill hidden monsters or ones on other floors from you for example.

Why I made it:
This is actually done also because of MH-ATAA. I got tired of the map taking SO LONG for a single person to play it so I created this to let me just burn through the map with much less effort. It's very useful if you are testing a long MH map with many monsters or a multiple-layered map where you must kill "X" creatures before opening the next map section, etc. It's also nice because it lets you play those crazy long MH maps with 1000 monsters and it doesn't take 2 hours. Works great online and I kept it as an admin summon item in case a map got frustratingly hard or players just wanted to skip a certain grind section of a map.

Quick demo vid:

BTW, this is the "b" version because the original was made for my Unreal server. The only difference is that inventory items can be activated on and off in unreal and that allows you to toggle killthemall off and on whenever you want to use it. It's harder to do in UT so I just made it automatic for this version. If you want to stop it working just suicide and you will not have it any longer.
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Re: KillThemAll (tool for long maps)

Post by D13GO_{HoF} »

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Re: KillThemAll (tool for long maps)

Post by medor »

More fun with the BoomBox :mrgreen:
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Re: KillThemAll (tool for long maps)

Post by Nelsona »

Fun or not, I know one thing, when I start an UT server for playing something like a MH, I want to kick some monster asses by myself and not by a sort telekinetic damage induction. Where is the fun if are not fired all gunz at once, oops, not all at once but... ?
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Re: KillThemAll (tool for long maps)

Post by Kelly »

It's not really for playing as much as it is for testing your way through a long, repetitive map. If you are making a Godz type map or something with insane monster count and health (I'm looking at you UM) this mod allows you to playtest online and quickly find any problems without having to spend hours testing to see if the triggers and counters all work right.

I build stuff like this because there are plenty enough people making sniper rifles and player skins. Hardly anyone makes specific-use tools. 75% of my stuff is fairly focused and not meant for everyone, every map. This is just another example.
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Re: KillThemAll (tool for long maps)

Post by evilgrins »

Does it work on the Cyberus?
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