...but good luck trying to gift-wrap them!
Monsters of the Hunters.u are miniature, overpowered, with a whole lotta health versions of the standard Unreal1 monsters. 1-on-1 they're hard to beat, so this will be quite the workout.
You have...
...the usual assortment of weird and powerful weapons, plus armor and megahealths from WarNukingGround.u as well as 3 TeamMonsters (Krall, Queen, Manta) who will be of some help to you.
Map starts with really easy to kill pupae (normal kind) just for some target practice, and then almost immediately after they're gone... you become screwed.
While I know it's largely pointless to recommend, you should probably play with with some bots (recommend at least 8) to back you up because this map will take HOURS without a fair amount of backup.
They may be kind of adorable in a plush but not fluffy sort of way, but they're extremely lethal.
I also recommend fighting the Brute-Hunters at a distance...
...as they're nearly impossible to fight in close quarters.
Now I'm not sure what the Hunters.u was originally intended for, got the file without a ReadMe, but I suspect it was some form of RPG due to the Merc-Hunters. See, I play MonsterHunt with ammo/health regenerators but after you reach them... those stop working.
Plus, the sound quality gets really weird. Maybe that's just my system, but it happens anytime I play against them.
Anyway, there's 2 versions of this map here: normal and XV... but don't think the vehicles will give you much of an advantage.
Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.uax - /sounds
.umx - /music
.unr - /maps
.utx - /textures
https://www.mediafire.com/file/c27nplxh ... unters.zip
You can get Xvehicles here · https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=14936 · which you need to make one of the maps work!