Conclusions are simple:
Geometry: Good executions, map it's suitable even for public gaming.
Pathing: No skills... based on EYE examination...
- "BigKeg" Not linked with anything because we don know the rules concerning LiftCenter linking;
- useless nodes near Inventories and very close to walls - Automated Generation without polishing placement was never great;
- Secret Items here ? What for ? And not linked from anywhere;
- HomeBase actors - excuse me but engine doesn't speak english, it's a software not a human being - a dumb addition - I doubt that CTF4 controller uses that... and not even Monsters embedded here. HomeBase it's aiming ScriptedPawn if are correctly set - it's not the case;
- Upper Placed PathNodes and FlagBases are not helping;
- DefensePoints for defending walls ? Do they not need the right view direction ?
In other hand, Scripted Checker has reported this misery:
Code: Select all
LostData: ________________________________________________________________
LostData: ReachSpecs missing from Paths[0-15] = 1846.
LostData: ReachSpecs missing from upStreamPaths[0-15] = 1655.
FixedWithSuccess: ReachSpecs successfully attached = 2727.
FixFailures: ReachSpecs attaching failures - probably no place = 774.
LostData: ________________________________________________________________
Let me know if this stage has annoying flaws....