{HoF} XC MonsterHunt -=]Nelsona's XC_MH[=-

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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

The maps need to either be fixed or recycled. The list of maps is long and someone just needs to go through them all.
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

For me this is a "deja-vu". Working remotely it's not the same like when you are handling machine directly. 2 years ago I was "greeping" all my maps folder for string MonsterEnd in all UNR file. I moved all in another place/folder, what is remaining without strings are maps with no purpose except those Andromeda types having "servertravel" string inside which also are working somehow. The rest of files are trash and can be moved away in a storage folder for future debates/checks - opinions are recommended around community. After that, all maps with MonsterEnd can be moved back in Maps. Now all borks are outta server after this first filtering operation. The rest needs game consideration, some of them like MH-AS-Mazon are ported by dumb people, End it's on a wall and only master blaster double jump is helpful somehow and MonsterEnd visible, else in normal condition that map is crapped and it's not ported properly anyway - moron could not understand how to make a big end in the room similar with MonsterHuntArena but not that big. I don't recall names right now but I could see others having MonsterEnd outside of any zone - no one can finish that - but it can be... patched IF worth the work. If map is done like that you can imagine how do it looks like... There are 900+ maps loaded and I can bet that 300 of them can be removed because they are only UT Junks - even if have ends, they might have other various troubles like old SLV craps and their water issues because these mods doesn't work as NavAdder loading packages without dependencies and aiming "up-to date" methods, they are poor and raw + "mappers" actually are lost in space about which stuff is for mapping and which is not, "JumpDetector" crap as an evidence.
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

Maintenance operation performed.
I got rid automatically of 9 maps (moved for debates) which were not having an End. Took less than 10 minutes.

Map WarOfMonsters has been replaced with another the same tagged "mcslc" which is not only smaller but has patch files already done a few months ago so I have updated redirect and server with this stuff.

Next planned moves are inspecting those trashes without an end, maybe it does worth patching them if are good at something like a game play.

The rest with end also have to be checked at random because some of them might have an end placed without to be reachable by any player.
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

Map MH-AncientCastle(V2) (unsigned this time) do seems another junk screwed up.
- has duplicated actors;
- has Decorations screwed up;
- doesn't seems to have a complete build, at least at lightning rebuild, map went changed.
This is incomplete and shared in this trash formula, if you are happy with it I'll leave it to stay as it is, I'm just curious how many votes has this garbage.
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by imyourmomma_{HoF} »

Yeah that map is kind of messed up. It could be fun if it was fixed a bit. Some of the smaller maps like that can be fun if you only have a small bit of time to play.

An aside note. Some of those pointless maps on the server or that used to be on the server. I remember them always being there. And I know when Brattzilla was adding maps to the server. He was kind of collecting every map. Good, bad, soso. His idea was to not lose any maps. Since there isn't really any place to dl them besides Du"s forums, that I know of. So I think he didn't want any lost over time. I know he had a bunch not in the server map list also. He would occasionally rotate some. Anyways, that was back in those days. Might explain why some maps are there and not there. And as for maps where the end map didn't work. Most
had no issue with them. We all knew how to vote. Would hate to lose a fun map just because of that. I have no clue if it's something that can be easily fixed or not since I don't know about that kind of thing. So that is my view on all that. No clue if I'm right in that view but anyways lol.
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

I understand the point with not losing stuff but not entirely... However, if in these 12-15 years of MonsterHunt No One has touched them because mapper goes ballistic in a mental issue state - no offend but I don't get the point or simply the rest of mappers actually did no do any fix. You the "smart" mapper could not finish the garbage and if anyone else can do that you get mad. I witnessed such scenarios. Of course, if that anyone else cannot fix map but just changing a few actors and leaving it in another bad stage that's not good as well. At least maps without end are really pointless and by looking at them in Editor I can figure what "skilled" mapper was working there because at this moment I have an eye. Maps miss-aligned in brushes are the first sign of no skill, a messed up guessing work, and seriously such a map will never attract new people but a bunch of morons who roam and leave shortly. Even if all my backups don't include some of these things I don't regret anything, there is nothing lost, for me is like these have never existed - a single time I was looking for some wierd map for testing something at patching solution, it was not the best ever Level, but since it's gone from everywhere, I don't get mad about it - that trash was keeping servers empty as good as it was...
Even if I won't write patch files because Editor might be more handy for some of these maps, I still see some of them really dumb, as concept, as "mitigation types". By saying this I'm speaking about whatever server H running a mod with issues or whatever specific setup . All mapper doing maps for that server was trying to deal with that retarded mod or moron type settings, rather than making map normally and not trying at all to mitigate UT's problems, the real problems, and this was not that good for the rest of servers, forcing admin to fix issues by not editing and multiply the same Levels just for having 2000 Maps with nothing new, just another version of a map for server X which is no longer alive :? .
Here, at HOF I saw 3 the same maps and other 2 closer to the same by only looking at lists 3 minutes and getting them into game. Those 2 mentioned already really don't have a logic. Why would I keep them hoping at something - Like what ? What sort of magic would make them different ? A stupid room with a brute and lights flickering to bleed eyes - Jesus, is this called mapping ? How does this can be changed and turned into something else ? I'd rather prefer to draw some cubes, steal others from stock - mixing them, adding some creatures and here it is a dumb Level better than those Editor junks.
Team-work doesn't seems to wake up anyone, I can wait then and during this time NavAdder will have supplies from time to time...
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

Replaced unfinished map AncientCastle(V2) with another one until someone will finish original someday... more to say in mapping section.
Added (previously removed ?) a little screwed up map TempleOfTheGods because we do have patch files restoring map's order and... the same, debates are going into mapping chapter.

MapVote columns have been rewrapped. Column 4 was way too loaded because there are a lot of maps with letters S and T and even with this change this column it's a bit more loaded than the rest due to the love for letter "S" and "T".
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

Alarm Time ON !
While I was trying to enter for checking updates
This was supposed map over there
Running_map.PNG (153.5 KiB) Viewed 13895 times
And look what do happens with clients.
Result.PNG (17.11 KiB) Viewed 13895 times
No wonder that UM maps are so entertaining. I believe this will just keep the server empty as long as it is loaded, first suspect is a corrupted redirect. I gotta do some checks and I will report the problem later.

Edit: I repacked UZ file for this map and it does the same thing, redirect has a similar file - I think map is broken or has some funky setup...
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

Fine tunning

Code: Select all

XC_Engine: Set XC_ServerActor UT-Logo-Map.XC_ServerActor0 as AdminLoginHook
XC_Engine: Set XC_ServerActor UT-Logo-Map.XC_ServerActor1 as AdminLoginHook
Server doesn't need a double guard, one should be enough for this task.
Second ServerActor is now disabled from XC_Engine.ini file according to updated configurable version used. I'm not agree with duplicated stuff doing the same things.
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Re: {HoF} XC MonsterHunt V1.01 (Nelsona's XC_MH)

Post by Nelsona »

Server update:
Server has prevented you from dying might be really annoying especially if 3-4 folks are playing around. This is a monument of stupidity coming from Nexgen. "Protection" is being reduced now at 2 seconds and maybe has to be removed because is restarting player with less purpose and... due to new call player will gain a new random weapon - of course it's possible to have more weapons but that's another story untold here.

Note for random players:
XC MH server doesn't allow multi-gun firing "feature", refrain from acting like this here. Find another server instead.

Probably in time I will infiltrate - not that announced - some of those re-edited/re-converted for MH maps, as long as "originals" are way too stupid and are not the best ever conversions.
Maps having nasty BSP problems are going to be removed if fixing is not possible.
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