MapGarbage might have too many options, not everyone understands what is doable with that thing but...
We do have implemented at UScript Level some of those Editor whatever commands which I did not see working anywhere... They might not be a must have but I recommend basic checks, and...
Let's say that we can quickly check a map if PlayerStarts are valid and OK for use. Even EPIC did such rammed things... CTF-Coret is evidence which Engine is fixing during run-time so patching a map in run-time is developed by factory itself not by community, they initiated the idea of adjusting their own mapping goofs.
Level Validate goes to a bool called
- Technically it does a check for an empty Level - is anti-retard check, not sure if has a logic but I dropped it there and I worked a little bit for "porting" it at UScript level in another format because UScript cannot access everything like C++;
- it does a check for PlayerStarts and if are usable - here I did simple tests that confirm borked maps;
- it does a check for title - lol - X MB of maps are Untitled and they do work fine thanks used for years;
- it was doing a check for Actors which I did not do because that is spam-log - I have another feature in MapGarbage reporting everything.
Level Links goes to a bool called
- it does a report and check for Teleporters which are connected to another server or another so called local teleporter.
Level Fix goes under a bool
- it was checking some SoundRadius values of actors and I think if it would be used multiple times it would do damage instead of helping so I clarified it a bit.
Personal note:
Here I think was the stage when EPIC went drunk and implementation failed so I went ahead to get drunk and putting them back, lol clowns
. And then ? And then Level Validate checking PlayerStarts would be a must-have, we do have A LOT of sh!t maps at this point, they should automatically assign a button with a more complex reporting for PlayerStarts: if active, teamnumber, zone, usable ect... because these are important for not messing up game-play. A Map have no use without PlayerStarts, you geniuses.
Update Package
The Moron Trivia:
These logs and assets have no use if user it's ignoring every single log which game shows up. MapGarbage does logs, reports which are not for those looking at walls instead of take care what they do, and then such reporting commands are not helping these "content creators" in any way.
Miscellaneous bytes:
I'm using some buttons in what I do from time to time in Editor. All buttons need...
Icons accordingly and INI Settings, Editor creates them automatically. All these are declared in UnrealEd.ini file:
Code: Select all
Button0=Align Camera on Selected Actor,UDAlignCam, CAMERA ALIGN
Button1=Resets the selected Brush (Location+Pivot+Rotation+Scale),UDResetBrush, ACTOR RESET ALL
Button2=Deletes the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDelete, DELETE
Button3=Duplicate the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDuplicate, DUPLICATE
Button4=Selects all surfaces on the current Brushes,UDSelBrushSurf, POLY SELECT MATCHING BRUSH
Button5=Apply the current texture to all selected surfaces,UDApplyTexture, POLY SETTEXTURE
Button6=Poly Select - Adjacent walls,UDSelAdjWalls, POLY SELECT ADJACENT WALLS
Button7=Poly Select - Adjacent slants,UDSelAdjSlants, POLY SELECT ADJACENT SLANTS
Button8=Selects all actors within the builder brush,UDSelWithinB, ACTOR SELECT INSIDE
Button9=Copy builder brush to selected poly,UDPolyToBrush, MAP BRUSH GET
Button10=Show Pathnodes,UDShowPaths, PATHS SHOW
Button11=Hide Pathnodes,UDHidePaths, PATHS HIDE
Button12=Select All Movers,SelectMover, actor select ofclass class=Mover
Button13=Add Semisolid Brush,AddSemiSolid, brush add flags=32
Button14=Resetting Pivot,BrushResPivot, actor reset pivot
Button15=Shows FPS Statistics,StatFPS, stat fps
Button16=Remove Unused Textures,TexCull, texture cull
Button17=Align This Actor,ActorAligner, actor align
Button18=Actor Properties,UActorProperty, hook actorproperties
Button19=Remove PathNodes,UPathsRemove, PATHS REMOVE
Button20=UnDefine Paths,UPathsUndefine, PATHS UNDEFINE
Button21=Define Paths,UPathsDefine, PATHS DEFINE
Button22=Delete Red Builder Brush,UTempRemove, brush set
Button23=Load XC_Engine,AddXCEngine, obj load file="XC_Engine.u"
Button24=Load Monster Hunt,MHEnd, obj load file="MonsterHunt.u"
Button25=Purge Garbage,UGarbPurge, OBJ GARBAGE
Button26=Show InventorySpots,UShowInv, SHOWINV
Button27=Select Nothing,ActSelectNone, SELECT NONE
You won't see any button without BMP files required in
editorres folder from System. You don't have to overwrite your Icons but newer ones can be completed.
- editorres.7z
- Bmp files for required for Buttons faces.
- (59.43 KiB) Downloaded 447 times
That's all for the moment...