A Random Fact

Game conversions or mutators.
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Re: A Random Fact

Post by Nelsona »

For next post I might trigger some question(s):
- Adding Self-Packaging feature for these XC Servers supporting this toy or we do have already too many such queries ? ServPackager (if I well recall the name) can already manage such a task;
- Adding a "calculator" for presenting distance to goal (in paths not a direct line) - Is it even needed ?
- Sounds at switching routes ? (I mean stock) - A combination with orders, Monsters, Flags, whatever ?
- Admin commands that can enable/disable this mod if a moron is abusing it ? If admin is not in game it is an useless feature - perhaps a timer kicking player doing excessive mutate commands - preventing other such "mutate" mods to be abused as well...

Misc techs:
I had to power up a bit network properties because replication doesn't seems too helpful especially with RouteCache[0] and I don't get why.
In network games arrows might still lack in replicating rotation for some reason - monsters using the same frequency and lower priority are acting much better - XC replication not requested "bandwidth saver" or lags or my ISP is trashing my connections ?
Mutator loaded through others don't seems very active unless I drop it on top - using MapVote - it was talking about routes but without to show them. It worked almost well on top of mutators (still a few rotation borks - do I need a delay between mesh switch and rotation directive ?).
Solved Some location problem - not all issues with rotation. Certain properties are replicated for actor if this is not hidden. In code we have to move actor and then hide it unless we might have Location replication issues...

Code: Select all

	unreliable if( Role==ROLE_Authority ) //All these are unreliable - your network issues will go visible at random - already figured
		bHidden, bOnlyOwnerSee;
	unreliable if( Role==ROLE_Authority )
		Texture, DrawScale, DrawType, Style;
	unreliable if( DrawType==DT_Sprite && !bHidden && (!bOnlyOwnerSee || bNetOwner) && Role==ROLE_Authority) //Cough Nelsona
A note after this:

Code: Select all

	unreliable if( !bCarriedItem && (bNetInitial || bSimulatedPawn || RemoteRole<ROLE_SimulatedProxy) && Role==ROLE_Authority )
	unreliable if( !bCarriedItem && (DrawType==DT_Mesh || DrawType==DT_Brush) && (bNetInitial || bSimulatedPawn || RemoteRole<ROLE_SimulatedProxy) && Role==ROLE_Authority )
	unreliable if( RemoteRole==ROLE_SimulatedProxy )
So I could replicate craps attached to a mover by setting up net properties in a higher priority and ROLE_SimulatedProxy - still could be issues toward reliability...
UncodeX Stuff
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Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
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Posts: 1737
Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2017 5:03 am

Re: A Random Fact

Post by Nelsona »

Bump timer
So far CTF do seems completed enough. How about a DeathMatchPlus seeker ? Bigger maps are not having a good game flow while enemy is not visible and has to be found. Perhaps a toy looking for a route to the nearest enemy possible would have a benefit in speeding up the battle...
Of course, human using paths is causing the same issues making development of this "domain" useless in plain games. But... maybe that Big Shoot UT 469 which no one could see yet, which is compatible with newer uDemo (I want evidences not stories), will have those trashes released by EPIC fixed and then we can speak about other sort of development which was a myth so far because Navigation was done in big parts for A.I. pawns - and not even for those is not completed, aerial paths are not possible in plain Editor while we do have pawns which are flying. One of things which they could do was adding useless bytes like VisNoReachPaths which could have aerial connections instead of those useless references.

As a matter of fact toward "fixing UT" I wanna see if big pawns will take damage properly and collision crashes are going fixed and... damn, I think I'm dreaming too much...
UncodeX Stuff
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
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