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First Post is Updated with MapGarbage version March 2021.
Previous feature with colors is now available for Stock Editor 436 440 (even 451b... if you can do something there) but also there are a few small adds and code changes. Quoting adds:
bFindTrapPoints - feature will find navigation points having incoming paths but nothing for going out. These are not welcomed in routes to goals as long as we need Two-Way paths for heading at something and back, not 50%;
bChangePathsColors - Explained above, colors are active mainly instantly, ViewPort must have checked flags for "Show Paths", at this moment I could not find a solution for setting this automatically, it needs more than UScript for this option;
bRedFlagIsRed - This option makes "RedFlag" for Team 0 - in Editor it's FlagBase not really a flag - exactly as it looks in game and not a Blue one;
bFixScaledCollisions - This option does an examination at colliding Decorations and Pawns. Pawns screwed up by n00bs are reverted back, Pawn is adjusting collision cylinder automatically in run-time and it's advisable to be left alone. Decorations with a bigger drawscale will collide as in original if they are not adjusted having a lousy colliding cylinder - here cylinder is automatically calculated based on DrawScale, by example a NaliStatue with DrawScale 2 will collide as it should and not like is having DrawScale 1.
Little note:
Hunting all reachSpecs from map requires a test done by incrementing numbers until results found are:
None, None, 0, 0. Any number out of array should do these results and then I know when array is ended without any warning as long as 227 doesn't do any warning but giving what user has asked for.
UT469 which has a "fix" claims a ScriptWarning perhaps because DescribeSpec from UT469 it's not in XXI century yet :/ ...
Answer was something funny: We don't have in UT solutions for getting reachSpecs. When Nelsona is finding a solution we are going to setup some "fix" for bugging him. And then, Nelsona won't change anything at code just for 469 when in other versions of UE1 all it's operational, to not forget that when you want to complete some fields from a list with actors, Editor might crash like an a$$ in this newer 469 because that "NEW" feature is NOT very TESTED. When I need to work with those features (adding/replacing actors with builder) I'm using old Editor which doesn't include any stupid buggy list and D3D driver in that old Editor it's working. In end shortly: It's possible if you want to adjust whatever map to get used to work with two Editors because certain crashes have been fixed in Newer Editor and new ones were brought in stage...
- Selecting_TheCrash.PNG (9.52 KiB) Viewed 8891 times
causing function from builder to be useless based on a feature which I don't know who asked it and why. Previous "feature" is here since 469a and it's unchanged.
Do you think that I will remove my function because Editor has a new bad list ? Nope, I'd rather prefer to remove newer Editor.
As example, if you want to use another PathNode in the same spot and you want to add a newer actor in the same place, it is advisable to know its name and typing class-name directly and not by using newer browsing method through available classes because that list it's screwed up - and a waste of time scrolling less visible classes - a fake new feature, entirely useless for this builder.
- Old_Method.PNG (1.09 MiB) Viewed 8887 times
Either way I'm curious what any other feature has no use in newer context... I'll study what it's about in future.