- File ORIUM[FINAL].u is the server-side working around authoritative parts more or poorly replicated to clients - different said, server requirements. This file should stay in server only without any editing of any INI file. Quoted changes:
-> completing and tweaking original Navigation Network – removing that bunch of InventorySpot actors generated around Author's ”Statue”. Setting up Some protectors – Bots were annoying while were trying to pass primary grates-gate – will update network in this Server-Side thing if on future Bots will do nasty things;
-> adding MH objectives and connecting one of them with a Counter for making A.I. to have a ”revenge” toward the trap room in cause and forcing them to insist in killing powered prototypes;
-> removing all dumb GRAB cheating for doors – THIS was TRASH not MonsterHunt since forever – I really do not have a clue why do we need to use sh!t for frustrating good players;
-> actors falling because are out of usable zones are pushed back in map, including that never seen Mercenary which was always dying killed by nobody;
-> End actor is quickly connected with a Monster for preventing any stupid game-end with no play and inactive and... Moved BACK ON THE GROUND. Various MH2 types should be fine here – mine has no problems. Other stuff messing up such ”Grate” type maps are not my problem;
-> other 2 factories have been decollided from touching as long as a trigger is intended to start them and not other way;
-> other 2 grate-gates are opening now because this won't cost a penny, and other 2 ones are locked completely because we don't need them ever opened;
- Purgatory_final_00.png (843.48 KiB) Viewed 13361 times
This file has to be simply dropped in System folder or the path to U type files used OFF-Line or ON-Line (XC_Engine based games/servers), all hacks are authoritative Server-Side so client will have map hacked properly replicated from server without any other file.
- File P_ORIUM[FINAL].u is a file used by both client and server. Here I mention that no editing is required in server configuration (for net gaming) because file is mapped as package by NavAdder mutator. This file can go directly in System folder and the rest is automated.
Quoted changes:
-> adding some light in start spot. C'mon, we can see sky but here is dark for no purpose, next spot having even too much lightning – I should attack lights here...;
-> adding some HEALTH in start area (not getting this difficult start) looking as the rest from map because not everything in MH means UTJ – replacements will mess up here in primitive and obsolete MH replacements;
-> setting up Level name for figuring presence of patch files;
-> changing prototype from a trap factory and slowing down the factory's spam values. Several flies were always migrating in top of map which has no logic here creating cheating routes;
-> said cheating routes from top, usable without to open doors have been mainly covered with blockers, around 241 pieces added and colliding jerks;
-> a few monsters have been powered up, including Lost Mercenary (my personal fun here), Queen is NOT Translucent because this property is pointless at this monster capable of morphing and teleporting itself without mapper's brain-farts;
-> secrets ? Which are not secrets after knowing map are found by Bots too... Visible Redeemer has been normalized as long as the secret one is... a NORMAL one with another Skin;
-> IntroDude actors as an always BAD idea for mapping have been attacked before to mess spam in console with null animations which nobody can see – now they DO HAVE the right animations from time to time, LOL;
-> MonkStatue actors crashing and spreading chunks consuming Net channels have been stabilized and their net-update decreased for less bandwidth consumed ON-Line – here Epic forgot to explain why these actors need to be updated so often, doesn't make any sense, really;
-> A mover opening and still sitting to hit your legs is forced to have a more large opening for a more clean navigation around.
This file will be placed in System Folder as default or folder with U type files declared in Paths used by your game. A Server will map this file as ”ServerPackage” when said map is running.
Patch files have self protection against running in clan-tagged maps with actors screwed up. They aim map MH-
Purgatorium[final] and not something like MH-<}
Purgatorium[final], going inactive if are loaded for no purpose due to the name used. Updated NavAdder has a ”black-list” option in some ini file preventing patching for listed maps which are not a patching goal. Tagged maps can be patched in ”LongName” format without to have any conflict if they are a goal for gaming.