Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:30 pm
That's FallingState code. Pawn due to gravity is engaged in high spots. Then it starts falling. The point where it falls is computed to be the nearest in order to deliver a limitation for falling distance and preventing death. I have to admit that this rule could be revised in Low gravity but... I don't think if any of Epic masters was bothering with this chapter or perhaps computing 3D space it's CPU intensive or heck knows what was the deal.
What we do then ? Of course we won't get crazy because of their lousy codes. We need to track well how do they move, potential deviations but knowing a bit where they are flying. Somewhere at top of their flight or around it we can deploy a kicker set for "Bot" class - this will attack ALL sort of Bots. There we can add whatever values on X Y or... even negative at Z in order to bug their flight to the Moon, lol, and causing a forced fall into some direction.
Of course, I'm trying to prevent redundant posting about what kind of Jumpy Combos they did. It's not like these are One-Way and... I don't know what does it do Plain Bot. MBots are trying to jump at random or they lock route for a few seconds but... it takes days to check Plain Bots in all skill levels. We can only study map privately and setup a screenshot - printing coordinates where the crapped jump it's happening... I don't think it will work 100% but it's better to have an alternate good reaction instead of looping. In the other map Giants I witnessed some funky jumps but... MBot was not that bad so I did not bother too much with kickers, one of those has kickers added not by me - definitely low-grav needs some assistance.
What we do then ? Of course we won't get crazy because of their lousy codes. We need to track well how do they move, potential deviations but knowing a bit where they are flying. Somewhere at top of their flight or around it we can deploy a kicker set for "Bot" class - this will attack ALL sort of Bots. There we can add whatever values on X Y or... even negative at Z in order to bug their flight to the Moon, lol, and causing a forced fall into some direction.
Of course, I'm trying to prevent redundant posting about what kind of Jumpy Combos they did. It's not like these are One-Way and... I don't know what does it do Plain Bot. MBots are trying to jump at random or they lock route for a few seconds but... it takes days to check Plain Bots in all skill levels. We can only study map privately and setup a screenshot - printing coordinates where the crapped jump it's happening... I don't think it will work 100% but it's better to have an alternate good reaction instead of looping. In the other map Giants I witnessed some funky jumps but... MBot was not that bad so I did not bother too much with kickers, one of those has kickers added not by me - definitely low-grav needs some assistance.