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Re: XCGE forum

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:27 pm
by Nelsona
Tick and Tock said the Clock.
I see people from all planet generally being in the house - with exceptions of course.
If we have some time I was wondering why we don't have any sort of update here because... I see that things are not exactly finished here, neither some replies at and... that UT469 let's see that without to touch things directly, it's not very convincing to me about compatibility with things which I've done so far.
This silence is... interesting. If it was about a Discord discussion toward private stuff testing, I did not see any link to a whatever chat...
Good... At a moment community was not happy about EPIC's changes at UT versions, I'm curious what community is changing and how much old nice stuff is going down-hill here. Never mind... some day I'll setup another default server install without those "uber duber" XC accelerators - yesterday I was really disappointed about some navigation stuff which I wrote and proving as being less useful in XC_Engine - it was working but not all the time. Each old version has some borks which were disturbing in a point. Each or these points motivated people to not use it, maybe it's time to slow down this XC toy and... setting up a default stock as it should (more exactly as I consider).
In other hand I might go full latent and not moving a finger at codes. Reason ? If new update breaks all NavAdder and other of my work, then it's all a waste of time. If XC won't have an update any more as a backup in case of an UT469 funky problem - I'll see that, once again doesn't worth doing anything. Test version 24b was the latest one and... bugged as well, and then perhaps I'll spend time with some old maps leaving away mods because at this moment I don't have any route to follow.
Perhaps UT469 will be ready when I'll have 70 years old and 10 years of Covid isolation... :(

Re: XCGE forum

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:44 pm
by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
Higor said, “I did say I was deprecating old UT's.
And that would mean no XC releases whatsoever for it.”

Re: XCGE forum

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:52 am
by Nelsona
Sure... leaving things unfinished - Exactly like EPIC.
There are maps where Movers are stuck - every single such map must be tested and listed as exception from tweaking - wasting time.
There are maps where weapons are getting lost in time. Nothing to do except disabling CollisionHook.
Disabling collisionHook = the same crashes as in years 2000 - back to the origins then.

Why I worked at NavAdder thing ? Because I was plain stupid to believe that XC will ever have a "final" version wasting time and energy.
This is convincing me to change my way, removing all crapped maps and reconstructing a MH ground with a fixed stock as backup out of XCGE which won't have a finish line after all.

And then UT469 will be released probably after 20-50 years some day or some night... Who knows ? All Planet was isolated now days, we had time for some UT but we have nothing... Okay, I'll do another small MH map - I might need maps in future if I'll have no use with these uber duber assets.

Re: XCGE forum

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:10 am
by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
I will be setting up the latest v469 build and we’ll see what need to be fine tuned. I went ahead and loaded up the evil sniper maps on the blue server so I could make sure this test build will work on evil sniper before putting there. Need to make sure this will work before putting on the main populated server. I’m assuming Evil is not happy with me for putting his map list back on the Blue server but he jumps to conclusions before actually knowing my purpose.

Re: XCGE forum

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:03 am
by Nelsona
V469 I would like to see it running in various servers with different mods - including game number four, MH - in order to have a clue what does it do at engine Level.
I have in mind all those plain stupid crashes from years 2008+ up to 2015 when XCGE reduced them - not stopped... but... it is/was better than nothing.

Re: XCGE forum

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:18 pm
by Nelsona
Bigger note around a vicious circle.
A Server-Demo is running if client checking record has the same stuff as Server recorder. Playing a demo In XC_Engine based environment it's not possible.
Okay and ?
And if a game based on a mod recorded is using XC functions (my mods are full of such things) you will have a demo recorded which NO ONE will ever see due to what demo includes incompatible with demo-play environment. It's why XC stuff recorded won't be visible anywhere so far, perhaps only small tweaks at server level can pass testing stage... I gotta figure what else goes broken here. So far dem files generated in XC mods have no use...

By example: If map has new Paths created in run-time, a simple client out of XC_Engine won't know what is about there, record has paths but original map with bStatic things has nothing like that, simple client won't generate/remove those paths and then... good night demo... action expected in demo it's not matching real Level.