Unless there's a teleport to get up there, then yes the lift is necessary. I'm planning on replacing the Qjets, because even with them they're too wide to fit through the gaps up there.Nelsona wrote: ↑Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:01 pm Good.... Let's clarify the homework. Do we need that useless Lift or not ? What paths should be here, Big-Size type or plain paths ? AlternatePaths ? Recovering Warlord from being lost ? Usually it should react at enemy and flying pawn is a good paths seeker, unless we need to trigger it more often - forcing it a bit. I'll take a tour through these for figuring what exactly is in each of them. Perhaps monsters might need some HomeBase for guarding around and for not being too spread...
Ghandi lolzers need to be mapped in paths or not ? You won't have too much A.I. activity with those things, me one I don't see why are they needed. Setting up a party in 227 probably will cause compatibility issues and they will need to be temporary removed...
Map with the Warlords there is no tower. Tall buildings, yes, but the flags on the Warlord map are in the restaurants.
From what I know of ZC, at least some of these maps were probably originally made for U1 before he ported them to ut99... for whatever that's worth.