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Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:03 pm
by debilman69_{HoF}

I think he does when he is not in action because he's not moving :!:

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 6:53 am
by Cool Cat
Nelsona wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:47 pm For the moment I removed Idle Timers, we will see if this is a good decision or not.
Thank you, it become better, i just re-read topic and remember: "Ha there where a times when such inconvenience was present". But not now - thank you.

I found several new inconveniences:
First: time for match to begin after new map loaded and players connected is unnatural long. It should be ~5 or 10 seconds shorter. People sitting and wasting their time while nothing happen. Some people even leave because they think server broken and game will never begin.
Second: there is too many bots. Even in big maps like Eagles Night it still to many bots. I stand in one place where is respawn dot and just kill bot and always bot respawn in same place. There is 10 bots now - this way to much! I think we should go to 6 bots - then it will be interesting - like at least you need spent some time to found bot and it could be dangerous for you. Right now you just stand in one place and shoot bots at respawn dot - this is boring and unnatural. 6 bots are enough.
Third: Nicks of bots is confusing and annoying. Why bots have names of active players like Balony and Abracadbra? I once played with both of them and Blue*eyed at the same time. It was superannoying cause i didn't knew where is bot and where is human. A lot of stress even now - you play and Balony kills you, and you like - "Allright Balony is here!" and then like - no, it just a bot. Please rename bots to neutral nicks. Human players have unique nicknames for a reason. Thus why bots should not have human players nicks so we can easily distinguish bots from alive players.
P.S. Problem with voting for one map and getting the other are still present and it happen regardless of what map you votes. I can suggest it is not tied to specific maps, just exist and happen often.

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:13 pm
by Nelsona
Maps placed there are not my doing, they were already added by other direct admin in the past - UNTESTED and dropped there like the garbage from a truck.

Bots - this is not my doing as well, decision concerning Bots did not come from me, neither their numbers. If you want to figure how do I do Bots look at Monster Gaming Server - there are NON STOCK Bots because I don't like errors and what they do in their plain DM strategy. They aren't perfect yet, but are still suitable for what I'm expecting from a Bot - and using another type of DeathMatchGame and others as well. In other hand after entering the game, during first minute I Hit F1 key for figuring "who" is playing, definitely I can figure suffix and flag stuff. A "chip" shown as flag means A.I. not a human player - perhaps a Cyberdine Systems 101 prototype or whatever :lol: . I wasn't confused at all at this point but... maybe it's just me... Their number... oh well... perhaps is too much in lousy maps, just saying... and their skill is under a worm skill in there, in that skill they move like a zombie, any player with 200 ping is wiping floors with them... because low skilled Bot is too predictable and way too slow...

Problem concerning Votes.
If your are voting a map without all required packages - like I said, I did not made the server this way - it's normal to have some skating based on null dependencies and those maps will never load or they affect other votes, MGS server has never failed any server-travel because every single map added there was tested if it loads or it doesn't load. Also MapVote in MGS is another version more polished - still not perfect. At a moment in UT it was a sudden addiction for MapVotes and community has produced more trash than good things - my opinion, yes, my opinions can be frustrating for lolzers but it's a reality which can be seen: update update update instead of a tested and stable version and stage it's the same for maps too, the mostly they are "alpha" maps but called "beta" and they are not even a beta version in terms of a software, being released with "known bugs" coming from map not from game which to me it's plain stupid.
I'll be hated more on more each time when I'm talking about things exactly as they are but... probably I don't care about these "spam people" and their "UT addiction".

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:08 pm
by Cool Cat
Nelsona wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:13 pm Maps placed
A long time ago i say i will try to find old and forgotten maps that a currently hard to find. The old maps from Jeppa\Sexy Snipers\QFi servers.
Well i found them.
So here are first maps.
It's called: DM-[qfi]TheGreenWave
I searched on internet this map and on you can't find it with all files necessary. But i find all the files needed.
Nelsona, pretty please, put it on Blue's server as usual without changes, just "as is". This map, i think, is really rare nowadays.
(15.23 MiB) Downloaded 324 times
Second Map is DM-$s$_$p@nked. Same here, pretty please, put it on Blue's server as usual without changes, just "as is".
(2.72 MiB) Downloaded 304 times

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:44 pm
by Nelsona
Maps added and checked for integrity. Redirect has been updated with required files but not overwriting current content.
Aside from what I posted above about "server build" quality, here I see another evidence from log...

Code: Select all

Warning: Failed to load 'TrofaCity': Can't find file for package 'TrofaCity'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-TrofaCityRemix.unr': Can't find file for package 'TrofaCity'
Warning: Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find file for package 'TrofaCity'
With other words if a map is voted and server loads other thing it happens because assets are WRONG or are MISSING.
With all respect for everyone, this not how do I do a game-server. With regard to such a stage I cannot explain what will be loaded next and which way (mutators and settings...). For this subject you cannot blame MapVote because it won't travel normally. Probably a more recent Voting System has capability to drop out messed up maps and/or logging problems that are found during building maps lists...
The rest of "Remix" type assets, mainly they have the same small or big issues as original. There is nothing fixed at majority of them.

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:50 pm
by Cool Cat
Nelsona wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:44 pm Maps added and checked for integrity. Redirect has been updated with required files but not overwriting current content.
Aside from what I posted above about "server build" quality, here I see another evidence from log...

Code: Select all

Warning: Failed to load 'TrofaCity': Can't find file for package 'TrofaCity'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-TrofaCityRemix.unr': Can't find file for package 'TrofaCity'
Warning: Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find file for package 'TrofaCity'
With other words if a map is voted and server loads other thing it happens because assets are WRONG or are MISSING.
Thank you for placing this maps. I will propose several few good (imho) maps soon i hope.
But about map voting - i think you mistaken. Vote for map and then other map shows next can not be explained by
because assets are WRONG or are MISSING
Simply because - IF THEY MISSING, then why you can vote AGAIN for this map and it then loads and plays? I mean if some files are missing, then map should NEVER be accessible. But it loads next time. Simple logic, Nelsona. And it happen to many POPULAR MAPS, like Sniper Town or Paris. Those maps are famous and work fine on other servers as well as on Blue's server. But sometimes - you vote for them and you get other map then. So your theory that it because some maps are corrupted or files missing can not explain what happening on Blue's server. I mean you try to vote several times on Blue's server and you will see that bug, so you can then watch logs again. You can vote, when you are alone on Blue's server and maps then loading - it can be done fast, you will not spend much time, because when you vote as only human on server it then loads another map immediately. It happens quite often, i never see such behavior on other servers.

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 7:43 am
by Nelsona
I understand you point but let's clarify my point.
When MapVote fails in an empty stage, something can go wrong, something remains altered. MGS uses a similar MapVote, my private home test server also uses a similar voting system, and votes never failed. Why ? Well, I think because I don't have any lousy map, all the rest are working. Here is build a list with map-files and not all map-files are normal - incomplete, in end I can expect lousy reactions in this case.
Solution to be applied is tracking server directly and voting maps one by one from head to tail - either way firing Editor in server and testing if maps are opening, which means X hours of work for flushing all trash out.
In this "Clean-Up" regard perhaps would be recommended creating a copy of server elsewhere and working on it with Editor. Lists with maps must have elements that are linked normally with corresponding files not just as names that heads nowhere because I think these lists will get screwed up and votes will fail.

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:27 am
by Cool Cat
Nelsona wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 7:43 am I understand you point but let's clarify my point.
I disagree witt statement that you "understand my point". If you would understand me, you would not be so sure with idea of "bad maps". IMHO it have nothing to do with the maps. Here is why:
Notoriously well known good maps, ANY MAPS in fact, can not load and then other map loaded, when you vote 15 seconds later same map again - it loaded flawlessly. This exact maps on evil's server work flawlessly. I am pretty sure this is exact same files as on evil's server, because servers was once in same clan with same admins.

If DM_SniperTown won't loads after voting and then DM_Factory loaded. What does it mean that DM_SniperTown should be erased? And let's say DM_Factory then not loaded after next voting, - what then - delete it? You will eventually delete all maps on server without fixing problem. What if i say to you, that SECOND time when you voting for the same map, let say DM_SniperTown, it is then LOADED and plays, which is proves my point and disprove your theory. Or prove me wrong with facts.
The map can't be broken and working at the same time. Something else going on.

To me it looks like there is RANDOM fails at voting WITH ANY MAP, that sometimes happens, and then apparently random other map loaded. THIS NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED IN LOGS. You literally should go on Blue's server, and vote until same stuff happens TO YOU, Nelsona. And then immediately go and see logs!
I don't think i am wrong.
I can not make myself any clearer.
I think that's not the maps, cause it happening RANDOMLY, not with the same maps but with ANY map. Seconds after such things happens you can vote again same map and now it loads. Please listen to me - we have this conversation sinсe 2021 to same result - no result.

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:17 am
by Nelsona
Man, there are created "linkers" in these lists, when some elements are pointing nowhere you can expect funky reactions. Let me flush server and then we talk.
This is why Votes are skating - at least this is my logic. The proof will come after CleanUp - I need to prepare some storage for copying server here, in my room.

Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 11:07 am
by Nelsona
Here we go...
I started compressing server in volumes, then I'll bring it here. I will add Editor and taking maps one by one. I'm so curious how much data is useless there...

After ensuring all assets in good state, if votes will still have funny reactions then we will need to talk seriously about another Voting System - if problem won't get solved.
Yes, we were talking about this chapter since 2021. I think in 2023 it's time to clarify what's up with this alleged server which was build like a trash-can - dropping files inside without a single check. Otherwise I don't see why are there maps which have not been played ever, and these files were not removed.

It looks interesting... It seems like for preventing some old DDoS-ing issues, a few measures were taken by service. Doesn't matter what I'm using for downloading files, it's all about up to 250-280 KB/s for downloading anything. It will take a while... Tethering or Cable it's the same thing...