I'm currently working on another machine which is slower but has more HDD space.
At this moment I checked by opening them directly around 260 maps, remaining almost the second half of their number. Here I do a basic examination for integrity - the mostly aiming PlayerStart problems and actors that are nowhere and quickly destroyed right in first tick - I don't take any risk for corruptions. There were almost 20 maps with such goofing. Those will get into editing later. Some of them were decorated - where is no decoration ON-Line - useless work more specific.
Others are using various malformed names that can be a problem too if I'm not mistaking - in hoping that will be no problem in 469. In other hand, several assets must be checked if are loaded in their required folder - U packages with decorations and effects. Another check will be operated after flushing debris.
{HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
UncodeX Stuff
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
First stage has been ended as follows:
- Maps without required files have been removed;
- Maps with lousy stuff (invalid actors, useless actors, bad placed PlayerStart actors) have been removed and postponed for fixing.
There was not a single map that was never working but sitting there with null assets.
Let's see next how goes with voting...
- Maps without required files have been removed;
- Maps with lousy stuff (invalid actors, useless actors, bad placed PlayerStart actors) have been removed and postponed for fixing.
There was not a single map that was never working but sitting there with null assets.
Let's see next how goes with voting...
UncodeX Stuff
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
- SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
- Site Admin
- Posts: 426
- Joined: Wed May 10, 2017 7:08 am
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
Fixed the mapvote.
- SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
- Site Admin
- Posts: 426
- Joined: Wed May 10, 2017 7:08 am
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
All mapvote columns should be working now.
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
Yes... but now I have to look at 60+ maps that were previously there and some of them just NULL files, others more or less borked...
UncodeX Stuff
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
Nelsona, can you please add this map:
https://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tour ... warcity-v6
I recently played on UM server with UM clan and saw it first time, still win, and i liked this simple and efficient map. Pretty please add this to Blue server.
https://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tour ... warcity-v6
I recently played on UM server with UM clan and saw it first time, still win, and i liked this simple and efficient map. Pretty please add this to Blue server.
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
Entertaining work from over-banned Kaal - cheatorial23.txt - specific for his type of doing...
Let me do some check before adding said "map" file... I'm interested what admin allows in his server what is being "explained" in fore-mentioned file... Kaal... and it says everything...
Random view... There are needed X actors for the same "explained" spot aka "locationid" actor... If server will encounter issues do not ask me what's up then...
Not a single time something that was tagged "UM" was using all sort of lousy settings and assets...
Let me do some check before adding said "map" file... I'm interested what admin allows in his server what is being "explained" in fore-mentioned file... Kaal... and it says everything...
Random view... There are needed X actors for the same "explained" spot aka "locationid" actor... If server will encounter issues do not ask me what's up then...
Not a single time something that was tagged "UM" was using all sort of lousy settings and assets...
UncodeX Stuff
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground | hofgamingclan.com
Loaded and tested...
Have fun !
The other "spam"Do I know this "Stale" guy ? Not yet... But someday I'll see him... I guess...
Code: Select all
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Create 0000f1b2.00E40031 failed: Size=186380 Pad=18944 Align=8 NumLocked=165 BytesLocked=66271431/67108864
Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
Critical: FMemCache::Create
Critical: DynamicLight
Critical: FLightManager::SetupForSurf
Critical: URender::DrawFrame
Critical: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::SetViewport
Critical: UViewport::Destroy
Critical: (WindowsViewport Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0)
Critical: UWindowsViewport::Destroy
Critical: UObject::ConditionalDestroy
Critical: (WindowsViewport Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0)
Critical: UWindowsClient::Tick
Critical: ClientTick
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
The other "spam"
Code: Select all
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile0 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:000C) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile0 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:0014) Accessed None
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 2 times.
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile1 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:000C) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile1 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:0014) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: TournamentMaleMeshInfo None (Function VAbeta2.TournamentMaleMeshInfo.PlayDying:01BE) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Dead8' not found in Mesh 'FCommando'
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptWarning: TournamentMaleMeshInfo None (Function VAbeta2.TournamentMaleMeshInfo.PlayGutHit:00AB) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Dead8' not found in Mesh 'FCommando'
XC_Engine: === Last 2 lines repeat 2 times.
ScriptWarning: TournamentMaleMeshInfo None (Function VAbeta2.TournamentMaleMeshInfo.PlayDying:01BE) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Dead8' not found in Mesh 'FCommando'
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last 2 lines repeat 2 times.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptWarning: ALplayer DM-WarCity][.ALplayer1 (Function Botpack.TournamentPlayer.SendClientFire:0019) Accessed None
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 3 times.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 2 times.
Log: 27 [384]: Stale
Log: 18 [48]: Stale
Log: 18 [136]: Stale
Log: 18 [48]: Stale
Log: 18 [48]: Stale
Log: 16 [7]: Stale
Log: 00 [1]: Empty
Log: 16 [16]: Stale
Log: 1D [1056]: Stale
UncodeX Stuff
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -