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Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:22 pm
by Nelsona
I'm currently working on another machine which is slower but has more HDD space.
At this moment I checked by opening them directly around 260 maps, remaining almost the second half of their number. Here I do a basic examination for integrity - the mostly aiming PlayerStart problems and actors that are nowhere and quickly destroyed right in first tick - I don't take any risk for corruptions. There were almost 20 maps with such goofing. Those will get into editing later. Some of them were decorated - where is no decoration ON-Line - useless work more specific.
Others are using various malformed names that can be a problem too if I'm not mistaking - in hoping that will be no problem in 469. In other hand, several assets must be checked if are loaded in their required folder - U packages with decorations and effects. Another check will be operated after flushing debris.
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 10:36 am
by Nelsona
First stage has been ended as follows:
- Maps without required files have been removed;
- Maps with lousy stuff (invalid actors, useless actors, bad placed PlayerStart actors) have been removed and postponed for fixing.
There was not a single map that was never working but sitting there with null assets.
Let's see next how goes with voting...
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:12 pm
by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
Fixed the mapvote.
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:30 am
by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
All mapvote columns should be working now.
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:06 pm
by Nelsona
Yes... but now I have to look at 60+ maps that were previously there and some of them just NULL files, others more or less borked...
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:25 pm
by Cool Cat
Nelsona, can you please add this map: ... warcity-v6
I recently played on UM server with UM clan and saw it first time, still win, and i liked this simple and efficient map. Pretty please add this to Blue server.
- 5849-2-zoom.jpg (95.22 KiB) Viewed 9639 times
- 5849-1-zoom.jpg (105.92 KiB) Viewed 9639 times
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:05 pm
by Nelsona
Entertaining work from over-banned Kaal - cheatorial23.txt - specific for his type of doing...
Let me do some check before adding said "map" file... I'm interested what admin allows in his server what is being "explained" in fore-mentioned file... Kaal... and it says everything...
Random view...
- WCity.PNG (1.22 MiB) Viewed 9614 times
There are needed X actors for the same "explained" spot aka "locationid" actor... If server will encounter issues do not ask me what's up then...
Not a single time something that was tagged "UM" was using all sort of lousy settings and assets...
Re: {HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:42 pm
by Nelsona
Loaded and tested...
Code: Select all
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Create 0000f1b2.00E40031 failed: Size=186380 Pad=18944 Align=8 NumLocked=165 BytesLocked=66271431/67108864
Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
Critical: FMemCache::Create
Critical: DynamicLight
Critical: FLightManager::SetupForSurf
Critical: URender::DrawFrame
Critical: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::SetViewport
Critical: UViewport::Destroy
Critical: (WindowsViewport Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0)
Critical: UWindowsViewport::Destroy
Critical: UObject::ConditionalDestroy
Critical: (WindowsViewport Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0)
Critical: UWindowsClient::Tick
Critical: ClientTick
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Have fun !
The other "spam"
Code: Select all
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile0 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:000C) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile0 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:0014) Accessed None
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 2 times.
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile1 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:000C) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: TCMissile DM-WarCity][.TCMissile1 (Function NFR_NukeV1.TCMissile.PostBeginPlay:0014) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: TournamentMaleMeshInfo None (Function VAbeta2.TournamentMaleMeshInfo.PlayDying:01BE) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Dead8' not found in Mesh 'FCommando'
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptWarning: TournamentMaleMeshInfo None (Function VAbeta2.TournamentMaleMeshInfo.PlayGutHit:00AB) TweenAnim: Sequence 'Dead8' not found in Mesh 'FCommando'
XC_Engine: === Last 2 lines repeat 2 times.
ScriptWarning: TournamentMaleMeshInfo None (Function VAbeta2.TournamentMaleMeshInfo.PlayDying:01BE) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Dead8' not found in Mesh 'FCommando'
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last 2 lines repeat 2 times.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptWarning: ALplayer DM-WarCity][.ALplayer1 (Function Botpack.TournamentPlayer.SendClientFire:0019) Accessed None
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 3 times.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUTv3 can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUTv3 is running.
XC_Engine: === Last line repeats 2 times.
Log: 27 [384]: Stale
Log: 18 [48]: Stale
Log: 18 [136]: Stale
Log: 18 [48]: Stale
Log: 18 [48]: Stale
Log: 16 [7]: Stale
Log: 00 [1]: Empty
Log: 16 [16]: Stale
Log: 1D [1056]: Stale
Do I know this "Stale" guy ? Not yet... But someday I'll see him... I guess...