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Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:17 pm
by evilgrins
Aw man, now I gotta painstakingly place everything I edited onto that one.

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:32 pm
by Nelsona
Select all Adds, Copy, Paste in Notepad, Save File As T3D, import T3D in target map - done. You can try this in the same session for keeping packages or load packages before importing T3D file. Easy as a pie.

A matter of minutes...

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:37 am
by evilgrins
I got no clue what T3D is.

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:19 pm
by Nelsona
Is a file recognized by Editor as a resource file.

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 8:01 am
by evilgrins
This may not be fixable (not saying that to make you take it as a challenge) but what the hey.

The islands out far over the distance from each base I decided to put Warlords on. Mostly they're not doing anything, unless some players decides to try shooting them... but there's a problem. The "ocean" that surrounds the map will kill players outright if they fall in, but not the Warlords... exactly. They die, they curse whoever knocked them in, but they never respawn. They just stay where they fell in.

Map has 4 waterzones, and I found the one (highlighted in the pic) that governs the ocean, cranked the killzone part to 5,000 (Warlords health is around 4400) but that didn't change anything.

Also found it the same problem happens to the Skaarj if they fall in the ocean.

Can you get it so if they fall in, or are pushed, they respawn again? That's the fix that's needed.

I reduced the Warlord respawn time to 10 seconds, for better testing.

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 5:32 pm
by Nelsona
Let me look at zone settings. Usually it's not needed a rebuild.

See this...
(699.9 KiB) Downloaded 176 times
I adjusted a PathNode from Previous placement - that one escaped from me and added 4 reachSpecs.
Perhaps now it's working normally.

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:00 am
by evilgrins
Nope, Warlord still falls into the ocean and never respawns, on either side.

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:09 am
by Nelsona
Let me know if you run the modified map and not older one. I see here Warlord "forgetting to come up for air" or such, and it respawns on Island. I need to know where exactly is not dying... If is not in Ocean yet because there is space between ledges and Invisible Wood Ocean surface it's normal to not die... Perhaps "water" surface must be pushed upper a little bit...
I witnessed three times when Warlod died right below his residence island and... he respawned .

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:57 am
by evilgrins
I did run the modified, when the Warlord dies normally (like when it's killed by weapons) it does respawn... but if it does from falling into the ocean, it does not.

The ocean is what's preventing the respawn.

Similar with Skaarj, falling over the edge much closer to the play area... no respawn if it dies in ocean.

Re: Map assessment and pathing enhancements

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:49 pm
by Nelsona
Zone was bDestructive if I well recall, let me look if this doesn't means to destroy whatever is falling there.

Edit: It looks like it destroy carcasses, I'm not sure why they don't respawn if are dying in damage zone... Here Warlord was back without issues.
And also Skaarj is not having any issue:
He died - not a single time - see death messages in top of the screen/image:
W_Death_0.png (1.04 MiB) Viewed 3242 times
W_Death_1.png (1.27 MiB) Viewed 3242 times
And then he went back in original location, every single time.
W_Respawn.png (1.18 MiB) Viewed 3242 times
I don't know what else is affecting your game, for me they are normal. Of course, these monsters won't mess Accessed None and trash lines in logs.