RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

A SLV derived jets mod used mostly for CTF.
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by Nelsona »

Bumping a bit this ground.
It was really annoying to see Bots crushing with Jet and re-spawning invisible over and over due to some code which doesn't seems to have a required timing.
And then... master mutator aka StrangeMutator class might be embedded with this stuff:

Code: Select all

function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other)
	Other.Visibility = Other.Default.Visibility;
	Other.bCanFly = Other.Default.bCanFly;
And then, everyone re-spawns normally...
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I noticed this a few weeks ago bots flying into walls. Need to re-examine the mutator class.

EDIT: I have a hunch what is needed to be done.
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Bump: Looks like mutator class has something there that needs to be in client package for bot to fly properly.
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by Nelsona »

Client is not guiding Bots. They are authoritative. Velocity, animations, locations are natively replicated. SLBotBrain which I adjusted might still need some detailed examination or... some Bots understanding flight should be used.
Bot follows TeamGamePlus attraction code. Technically a Bot flight-ready should ignore gameinfo things until has a Jet and priority would be finding the nearest Jet instead of following game instructions as priority.

Techs for a plain server:
DevPath doesn't respond at flying Bot toward navigation calls - bot won't move, Jet is moving it and devs are not having a deal with a stuck Pawn. Nothing happens here as Dev response, Bot is crashing by default.
Okay and how do they work in pathed maps (in big parts) ? They use brain sharing getting data from a monster. As result, such a server should have bNoMonsters=False or else Bot's guided flight won't work. This is done in 2020 - as a first idea of Nelsona. If anyone has another solution I would like to know that. In practice Jet follows paths granted by Monster having the movement freedom dealing with Paths. Also RouteCache points are copied at Bot...
Technically monster spawns around Bot for getting data closer to Bot needs... but here things must be checked because monster might find a very nearby Node and this won't be... entertaining at all. Bot in this case is pointed to a RouteCache[1] if MoveTarget aka RouteCache[0] is too close - Bot already might be there. Of course Short living Monster is boosted in player style with desired brain and Bot capabilities for not being discarded by DevPath. Engine do seems to work in big parts with "planes". XCGE has a few extra-features a bit helpful but we need to take in account original UT with no extensions as priority, then we talk about extensions...
If anyone can explain what unpredictable issues might come here, let me know them...
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I’m gonna see about a custom bot class just for these flying mods.
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by Nelsona »

It should not be very different, but there are a few lines in plain Bot that simply needs other conditions:
- recognizing Jet class and ignoring others because will head nowhere;
- PickDestination needs rewritten with small adds;
- state roaming maybe adjusted;
- that Falling stuff where it switches physics without having a Jet, code must be completed;
- other completions if are deducted as required ones.
Definitely RX should come with own Bots understanding these assets and not a Bots soup for everything.
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by medor »

That can be include in V469 ; are you in relation with Anth ?
Or that will work only with your RX build.
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by Nelsona »

It's not about UT469.
RX mod has different rules. Common Bot is not 100% good at these "flight" capabilities. A few things must be added in a potential RX Bot which should be integrated in RX package recognizing what to do after spawn. This is not a very must be thing because... first I want to see how many mappers are capable to develop flying maps.

If you look around, some of them are mindless full time at doing NORMAL paths - after 20 years of UT :( . And the rest are clapping hands at craps like these are uber duber maps, lying themselves. For these people if a map can be started in a server it's just "great" - great garbage in reality. I cannot expect magic from those which are never understanding normal Engine physics rules, for flying chapter, things are a bit more complex...

R_Fly required flag in normal plain Editor is Never added. Here we can do some fake swim routes for common mapping or simply stepping in XXI century with UGold editing or XC paths adjusted. Who knows to work with these ?
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by medor »

idk :?
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Re: RocketX-9_01 Beta on RX Server

Post by Nelsona »

If you know mappers willing to know or willing to help with Flight pathing, you can tell them to subscribe here and we can start a sort of tutorial-discussion topic about this subject which is not entirely a Rocket Science is... more about some logic of Engine which mappers must understand and then everything goes more simple.
It's 2020, perhaps we can find some 2020 mappers not only cube-drawers.
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