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Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:07 pm
by Nelsona
Bumping time.
First post has been completed with PathsChecker version October 2022.
What's New:
- sub-option added will scan all network for consistency. A big number of PathNodes will require using -norunaway switch in Editor's command-line. It is sampled in document such sort of usage without extra-details - that's an info document for builder not a tutorial about using computers and what a command-line is.
I was doing this update because of my generic curiosity about maps state with regard to navigation network quality - No, builder doesn't print any sort of "rating", rating is not a subject to discuss for the moment.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:32 pm
by Nelsona
And bumping toward first post.
MapGarbage and XC_PathsWorker updated October 2022 are loaded in First Post.
MapGarbage update notes:
- adding sub-option for checking Unreachable nodes that are too high from ground for pushing them down - if user wants;
- adding a separate function for turning PathNodes in Bot Mode - lowering them. Monster can use these if ReachSpecs are not doing a denial and it's all connected. Right now I don't even understand at all why PathNode must be so big in dimensions. It was doing only damage in ramps.
Small touches at codes, but... adding an option for quickly removing duplicated Paths - yes, unfortunately we have such bugs created by original DevPath and others. It's not like they do critical damage but... I don't see what's the logic of these duplicates.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:00 pm
by Nelsona
Progress for next updates.
Builders using internal identical named classes will use their own names for preventing a mix - not sure if it was damaging but I think it's time to wrap them up in November.
XC_PathsWorker will have some "anti-social" options. Narrow paths (supposed valid Bot routes) created more or less by Editor or some XC assets will have a check operated by the builder. If path it's not found reachable normally it will be nulled - option is called "bNullXCNarrows". All these null objects can be purged later if they won't be reused. The rest are concerning jumpy paths (ReachFlag = 9) which are getting nulled based on some conditions. These will prevent Bot from being dumb, jumping from a high ground and dying crushed. If one or two such paths were needed for some reason, builder can help in reconstructing them. Perhaps in future here will be more checks (where is the End of Path, etc.). So far it does a nice CleanUp in certain crowded spots allowing user to guide A.I. movement in a more normal way than doing stunts and failing.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:32 pm
by Nelsona
In next MapGarbage update won't be new options, but several touches regarding to various tasks. I don't think is really needed a check concerning useless triggers (without Events), they are not doing too much damage and can be easily checked... or something more expanded might be added later. I'll think about these.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:09 pm
by Nelsona
Operating tests for MapGarbage that will be out soon.
We will have (where is needed) an option which I called bFatBoys.
I see certain "Paths Adders" are tempted to add Nodes nearby walls causing narrow paths. This option will use Engine to move away Nodes from walls a little bit.
It might cause funky stuff in ramps if option is used repeatedly. After using this option in maps with ramps/stairs it will be recommended using bBotifyMyNodes from prior release in order to wrap things a bit. Said option bFatBoys is good generally in plain maps without more ramps, it is aiming only PathNode class.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:52 pm
by Nelsona
First post has been updated with November version for MapGarbage and XC_PathsWorker
Certain CleanUp report has been adjusted and small code touches here and there.
New option bFatBoys will try to push nodes away from walls where is possible - using Engine not a new stuff or something else.
Certain feature was changed for covering new bugs added in recent UT patches and connected assets.
Other extra options that are described in document.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:08 am
by Nelsona
January 2023
First post has been updated with another version of MapGarbage - skipping December.
What's new:
- adjusting a bit items for a bit of aspect (certain stock items are having mesh buried);
- testing several stock triggers if are good or useless in a basic formula.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:08 am
by Nelsona
January 2023
First post has been updated with another version of MapGarbage - skipping December.
What's new:
- adjusting a bit items for a bit of aspect (certain stock items are having mesh buried);
- testing several stock triggers if are good or useless in a basic formula.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 11:10 pm
by Nelsona
February 2023
First post has been updated with 2 Builders: MapGarbage and XC_PathsWorker
MapGarbage update info:
- an option for "resetting" actors (for the moment we are speaking about Items and Pawns);
- little tinkering at codes.
Resetting option looks needed because some boys are wasting time to "paint" properties and trashing their own maps in a hilarious mindless formula, said actors becoming useless.
XC_PathsWorker update info:
- No extra-options have been added but several tasks have been revised due to some crashes developed in lousy maps a la 2023. I think I'm wrong when I call those "maps"...
- Option for creating a full hand made ReachSpec/Path will also check for available null Specs in order to be reused instead of creating new ones, it's now similar to what auto-connector does. When a ReachSpec was nulled, it can be reused, either way builder will add new one in array when is needed.
Re: Builders helpers for UT Editor
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 2:52 pm
by Nelsona
At this moment XC_PathWorker is being tested because an update is about to be out with a few things executed for making manual work more easy. Instead of repeating tweaks for similar instances, we can have a semi-automatic process demanded by user if wants.
Adding these for future release:
bInwaterWeSwim - option turns XC paths that are walk-jump-swim into Swim paths under water - Walking and Jumping inside a water pool is logically no way;
bRealDistance - this has limitations but it will set ReachSpecs for nodes moved Post-Pathing with RealDistance between Start and End. Even combos that are short are capped this way for making them more used. Water Paths originally declared twice longer than real distance are also rebuilt - I don't get the point for claiming them twice longer;
bDisconnectSelection - Because MapGarbage can drop out a node from Navigation Chain, we might need a tool for disconnecting all paths that are linked to and from this evil node which we want it deleted later. This makes possible a nice tuning in overcrowded spots, keeping the rest of data original.