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Post by Kelly »

This is mainly useful for MH, though it might make for an interesting CTF experience (lol). OK, first the download:
(25.91 KiB) Downloaded 451 times
What it does:
This mod allows you to keep your progress through long maps. Every 10 seconds the mod places a small coin with your player talk texture at your feet. This can only be seen by you so that your map isn't cluttered by seeing everyone else's. This coin is your current respawn spot if you are killed. These respawn points will not place on movers, death zones, under water, if you are flying, etc. They will only place on static BSP surfaces while you are running, walking.

Here's a demo vid:

Notice how it does not place a respawn point on the mover that extends across the divide but waits until you are across. Oh, and in the event that you fall into a deep hole or end up respawning somewhere you can't escape from just suicide out before it can place a coin. This will default back to the normal playerstarts.

Included is the usable mod and source code. Feel free to include this into your server controller or customize the work however you like. Please retain the code credits that I have in there for the work I built upon. You already know how I think about credits...I don't give a shit if you ever mention me but those other guys do like to see their work recognized so let's honor that.
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Re: BRespawn

Post by D13GO_{HoF} »

Hmmm, this looks more useful for some DM maps, mostly on Snipers Maps to remove spawn camping
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Re: BRespawn

Post by medor »

Diego_{HoF} wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:54 am Hmmm, this looks more useful for some DM maps, mostly on Snipers Maps to remove spawn camping

That may be tactical on DM. :P
But instead of removed usual spawn you can use RSL_RC4 this is a Random Spawn Location mutator
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Re: BRespawn

Post by Kelly »

There are some really good anti-camper mods out there that will stop it better than this. I never liked most of them though, they punish you for camping and to me that's the wrong way of doing it. I would instead give the player a chance to move then start showing where they are to everyone rather than take away health from them.
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