Code: Select all
HurtAllMonsters= cuts all monster health in half unless they are 100 or less
HealAllMonsters= doubles all monster health up to a max of 100,000
TeleportGun= spawns a portal gun, can be changed to any item you like
GetList= lists all players on the server in a numbered array so you can choose by number
Home= sends player back to the playerstart
Warp= brings chosen player to your location
EndsOff= turns off the monsterend
EndsOn= turns on the monsterend
TeleBlock= disables monsters from being able to pass through the teleporters
TeleUnBlock= enables monsters to pass through teleporters
Why I did these things...
-I got tired of monsters with insane health so I made it easy to knock all their health down at once. This is good for when you have a small group and a long, tough map with many high-health monsters and also allows you to make a small, easier map very tough for a large group by cranking up the monster health.
-I allow the monsterends to be switched off to discourage those damn map rushers who won't wait for others to reach the end.
-Finally, I got tired of getting spawn raped by monsters who can flood the area around a teleporter and get back to the spawn area so I created a way to stop it until you can clear the area around the problem teleport spot. It's a good idea not to leave this on because some maps require monsters to pass through teleporters. With it on they can't complete what they were coded to do.
As always the code is yours to have fun with. Adjust it however you want, import it into your server's controller, whatever. I just really like the ease and simplicity that tying passwords to mutate gives you as a non-admin logged player. Passwords can be changed at will, even with a running server.
Hope you find some of that code to be useful!