Please help! my wife cannot connect to HoF Evil's sniper
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:13 am
Platform xubutnu 16.10 x86 running under WINE
I copied the full directory of my game to her pc, she adjusted the configuration (nickname, some keybindings) and attempted to join the server. It will connect, and play the "welcome to hof server", she can move around the map, can fire her weapon, but it affects nothing. no wall marks ect. all other players were shown, but frozen. In my client i hear the notification noise of her joining, but there is no output to the console of the event. I cannot figure out what to call this to google it, i've tried
I copied the full directory of my game to her pc, she adjusted the configuration (nickname, some keybindings) and attempted to join the server. It will connect, and play the "welcome to hof server", she can move around the map, can fire her weapon, but it affects nothing. no wall marks ect. all other players were shown, but frozen. In my client i hear the notification noise of her joining, but there is no output to the console of the event. I cannot figure out what to call this to google it, i've tried