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Discord Section

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:58 pm
by D13GO_{HoF}
Since we have now a Discord Server now thanks to flecce we going to need a section for Discord suggestions and posts here

This is a new server so we thanks any suggestions and feedback you guys can provide to improve it better but of course don't ask for miracles or weird stuff

Re: Discord Section

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:53 am
by (sXs)-Hank_Marvin
I was going to ask if anyone had a unicorn but I guess its not possible lol

Re: Discord Section

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:52 pm
by D13GO_{HoF}
sketchpad_{HoF} wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:53 am I was going to ask if anyone had a unicorn but I guess its not possible lol
So you don't want this unicorn? Image

Re: Discord Section

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 9:49 pm
by fleecey_{HoF}
ok so so far we setup some things on discord, which is:

1. trivia bot (quiz) and hangman.. which you can choose random, countries, animals etc to start trivia is .trivia and to quit is .tq

2. music bot (found in music channel)
where you can play music by typing !play (song or the artist name) example: !Play enter sandman but you need to be in the voice channel for it to work.
you can skip a song by typing !skip and stop the bot by typing !stop
If you click on the bot name, you can choose volume for how much you want to hear, i have mine at 4% because it can be loud at first, so change volume is a must.

3. my friend banny added his server bot to the discord, so we added all the hof server into it. So if you go to general channel, you can type:


"IP Name
1 {HoF} Evil's Sniper Deathmatch
2 {HoF} SC]-[WARTZ's Deathmatch
3 {HoF} Diego's Rocket-X-CTF
4 {HoF} Nelsona's MonsterHunt v2
5 {HoF} MonsterHunt Server (NaliWeaponsVIII)
6 {HoF} Monster Gaming Server"

it will look like this.. and then you can type

.q 1

and evil's sniper server comes up.. showing like this
"Map: DM-!!SD!!-CasanovaSuite
Players: 11/25
Remaining Time: 18:05"
(and here you can see the players and the flags)

if anyone have more ideas, let me know and ill try set it up.
I will also try to add some funny emojis to the discord as well set up some more channels..

the channels we have there right now is admin (only admins on discord can see this) if you admin, let me know on discord (fleece) or here and ill add you into it.

#general (welcome channel and just normal channel)
# useful-files
#music (post your music or invite music bot into voice channel)
#happy-birthday (if someone has a birthday you can spam it there)
#help (people can post there problems or if they need help with anything)
#jokes (funny pictures, videos and such can be posted)
#triva (quiz and hangman)
#report (players who have problem with someone can post here)

if you need any other channel you can come up with, let me know please!

Re: Discord Section

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 1:46 pm
by (sXs)-Hank_Marvin
Thanks for the unicorn

Re: Discord Section

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:00 am
by medor dead
new one permanent ?

and if you need files or save one there is a discord UT99 files

Re: Discord Section

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 3:23 pm
by fleecey_{HoF}
medor wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:00 am dead
new one permanent ?

and if you need files or save one there is a discord UT99 files
I dont know why it doesnt stick, but this one should work