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September 11th Rant

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:19 pm
by D13GO_{HoF}
OK, so we are September 11th again to remember all the people that die during the attacks...........Yet again after 18 years.........
While we need to forget all the Iranians and Afghans that die in what they believe, to protect their country or themselves. No, they are the bad guys,
Remember how PROUD the Americans were after murder 2 people, yes i know they were bad/evil, however being so proud of it and showing to everyone its as bad/evil as them

So we still need to remember all this after so many years or can we just go forward and worry for other stuff in this day... geez i have a feeling than in 2 years we need to use all September to remember the 20 years of this and will opaque the 200 years of independence of my country(i know, only my country cares) but still 2021 is the 20 year anniversary of 9/11 and nothing else is important........

Re: September 11th Rant

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:56 pm
by Kelly
This is the true problem: ... de-podcast

Nationalism, patriotism, and fealty to a country have always been exploited to keep the masses focused on the wrong things. I really think though that a bad storm is coming and it's going to get really ugly. Unrestrained capitalism has about run it's course and the penalties are going to be paid.

Re: September 11th Rant

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:22 pm
by Hook
You have a good point there Kelly!

Re: September 11th Rant

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:49 am
by Cool Cat
Remember how after 9\11 republicans and all corporate media in 2002 was lying it was Iraq? I remember - i do not have amnesia like many people conveniently have.
Here a "bombshell" incoming (to no surprise, because 15 from 19 plane hijackers were saudis) :

New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity
Two decades of U.S. policy appear to be rooted in a mistaken understanding of what happened that day.