And I'll find you

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And I'll find you

Post by Nelsona »

Technically this must be adjusted in Networking if needed and... so far works if maps have paths and no navigation crushers targeting DeathMatchPlus. Yes, it's only source-code until will be clarified.
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What's the goal ? At mutate mebot command, the nearest valid enemy (ALIVE and so on) will be set as a seeking target for Hunter pawn. While Pawns are moving around, dynamic beacon will search from time to time nearest pawn announcing if this nearest is reachable and also will inform about new pawn target On-Screen when switching happens. So, in bigger maps route-cache points are shown and hunter is helped to get closer to enemy without wasting time running in Map. If Target-Pawn is dead, mutator will use next closer alive pawn or... will wait. Definitely we are not interested about cadavers without weapons...
This version has... Sprites/Circles which are heading to target pawn. For improvements feel free to contribute and share.

Last idea - not implemented here:
Using a configurable ini file set manually by user if has XC_Engine - not automatically because already too many things are doing... commands.
If bXC whatever is false, mutator will attempt to check first what Navigation is being used. If any game-crusher is found mutator will go self disabled because crashing party is not a goal and logging this reason... or configuring an array with known or future "amazing" navigation classes which are game crushers, in order to not do damage... For JumpSpot walk-through routes I don't have any idea so far and I'm not sure what is doable except fixing that stupid BotPack...

I was playing some DM and it looks like the game is more dynamic as long as you know where to go for hunting opponents.
UncodeX Stuff
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My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
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Re: And I'll find you

Post by Nelsona »

Network gaming and more feed-back.
All beacons will have some not aggressive but consistent net properties or else they are a bit borked ON-Line. bAlwaysRelevant, DumbProxy, 20.000000 frequency and Net priority 3.000000. Or else they aren't updated properly or are miss-updated...
In maps like DM-Conqueror such tools are real helpers - map is medium to big - by knowing where to move there better chances for scoring because combat comes often and proving skill is often encountered. At least MBots hunting me and me hunting them, we make noise not only running through walls...

So, I feel sorry for those still using crushers stock files unable to use properly such tools, but I'm in 21th century and I got tired of junks.
Probably next week MGS aka Monster Gaming Server will have such toys in probing stage...
These tools are evidences demonstrating that UT has to be fixed before being used, else we cannot talk about development or stability.
UncodeX Stuff
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
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