If some names are causing problems in playing whatever map because of file name and/or different LetterCase, we can have cache content "ready downloaded".
Technically if cache doesn't use original name it should not cause issue with file from server. Okay and ?
And it's about "Baykal" file which my client using XC_Engine has downloaded 3 times - this is strange to me as well. If file exist in cache no download is required anymore for those files.
Here is the cache - if still exist issues I'll pack the rest of content required by map. Right now I recall the same type of problems by the same Tygra author in a same named map and packages for MonsterHunt - and which I screwed up because it had BSP HOLES.
These must be in Cache folder with UXX files and Cache.ini might be completed with sampled lines in info file.
Packages Problem
Packages Problem
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Re: Packages Problem
I’m thinking that these old Bounty maps were never addressed back 10yrs ago. Now we are seeing file problems waking up old server files. I’m sure this won’t be the last file problem as more of these maps are played.
Re: Packages Problem
Problems are solved in big parts if player it's hosting content as UXX package in cache. Files in cache have different names and are not causing issues. You can have in cache three versions of Baykal.uax, two Baykal.utx, 5 Baykal umx and they won't do problems. I played in back years MonsterHunt in various servers each of them having its own BPak.u file, just because I did not use any BPak.u in System folder from client, neither other files. Of course, if admin is loading in server useless content - old problem with Organic.utx never used, client technically will suffer. I'm curious about basic optimizations/settings in these servers:
- Credits.utx - version preventing mismatches. Is it used or it's another pain causer ?;
- Preventing adminlogin abusing;
- Place-holder textures - replaced with Original textures.
And all those basic measures. Trying to not load more files than needed - sample Organic.utx - useless and damaging one.
- Credits.utx - version preventing mismatches. Is it used or it's another pain causer ?;
- Preventing adminlogin abusing;
- Place-holder textures - replaced with Original textures.
And all those basic measures. Trying to not load more files than needed - sample Organic.utx - useless and damaging one.
UncodeX Stuff
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My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Not often maintained
My UT Mapping works...
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -