Close to the edge in a Crazy Cat Lady sort of way

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Close to the edge in a Crazy Cat Lady sort of way

Post by evilgrins »

This is a pretty fun CTF map but it had too many pupae on it... so I replaced them with cats.


During one of his many instances of leaving Unreal Tournament forever, something GoPostal does semi-frequently... but always comes back, he gave me access to a bunch of his stuff. One of those things was the HubCat.u which is a pretty useless Simaese. It only mews and walks around and occasionally scampers.

I suppose it could be configured to attack people but I can't imagine it would be much of a threat.


Like any real cat, these cats are largely pointless (yes I'm a dog person) and are frequently underfoot. Unlike most Unreal monsters, these cats actually can drown... but no matter how you kill them they make a racket when they die.

Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.unr - /maps
.png - pwetty

Enjoy! ...
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Skaarj need love too!
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