I did other detailed checks at Evil Sniper Server - I don't get why auto-update feature done on purpose ONLY for sniper server was off. If whatever settings are wrong and we need to work on them without outage this is NOT HELPING. I turned on this thing. Last time I worked for updating master servers list reconstructing a lost file and preparing a self update with all previous packages, update WAS NOT operated because... Auto-update was removed ?... And I think in older INI file used server did not have
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The changes at settings were not operated (as I was expecting) because auto-update did not work being removed and then server when it did a self-reboot, it did not do anything like a self update.
If you guys are aware of better maintenance methods that mine, do use them, but this time the removal of self-update capability was NOT HELPFUL. If you do have plans for reverting server to a non-logs and a non-fixed state then turn it into a hidden thing (based on that Process Manager thing) and get used with problems and no logs saved. Whenever exist a problem into assets or into a new implementation and/or something it's not on the right way I SHOULD KNOW what is about. And... an Auto-Update feature is addressing ONE Server and not more because we don't want the same files loaded everywhere as long as servers are using DIFFERENT PORTS. I know well what I'm doing when I'm doing something, and I do not have any damaging intention in any way. When server has been self-rebooted and self-updated, content from Update folder can be removed - not advisable removal of that "Voting History" stuff because that mod does issues when said file is full filled with records - it's why there server does a clean-up each time at rebooting time.
Evil Sniper Server uses
Update folder for loading updated assets - like INI changes.
Redeemer Server uses
Update_Red folder for loading updated assets - also aiming private changes for this server.
These are preventing changes at INI files to put servers in outage while changes are written/copied, they are self-updating - later indeed, or triggered manually at the end of a match for not causing frustrations for players. The other servers should not use auto-update because these folders are NOT AIMING them. If this implementation should be done in all servers if it's wanted, update batch has to be written accordingly and other Folders must be created and used - I repeat, if the rest of servers will need this stuff.
For those changes that must be applied as quickly as possible,
I can write some mutator having a mutate command - perhaps configurable - and this command can be used for scheduling an admin ordered reboot at the end of the match. We can log as admin, we are sending reboot command and we are going to our daily jobs, after the end of match, using a certain delay, we do have a reboot. We don't need to sit there waiting or frustrating players with a reboot in the middle of match, we are just sending command and all the job is taken by server. Perhaps is not needed such thing, or perhaps we want to work in classic way: Hey players, we will break party for doing updates - it takes some minutes, I apology for troubles. Some of them won't like these breaks, but... it's not only my decision.