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Mush Man

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:27 am
by evilgrins
Took generic UT textures, with a bit of eye work, and slapped them together. Overall build time about 20 minutes, with another 5 for troubleshooting as the arms and head didn't show up right the first time.
Editing tools: Microsoft Paint and Windows Notepad, ThumbsPlus for graphic conversions... it's easier to edit on .png files as True Color, then back to 256 Colors .pcx files.

Making UT skins that're not at all detailed take virtually no time. The more detailed ones take a bit longer, especially when I'm moody... and a pandemic is very much a moody time.
I give you the Mush Man, as it looks mushy.

Enjoy! ...

Re: Mush Man

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:49 am
by debilman69_{HoF}
nicce skin mate ! :D