Hello everyone! (from Chrescht)
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:25 pm
My name is Chrescht, which is "Chris" in Luxembourgish (Luxembourg is a small country in Europe), and I like to play UT on BluEyedB*tch's and Evil's deathmatch servers! I really enjoy to play with all the super nice and excellent players there for around a year now.
So many thanks to all of you for maintaining this, for playing and for making of this possible!
I am still learning new tricks and map secrets all the time, and I am deeply indepted to BluEyedB*tch and Monty and all the other great players who help me to improve. Each time I frag one of you, I can actually feel that I am progressing!
PS: As yesterday was special day, a friend send me this: https://youtu.be/cJ3VgxFLZm8
Frag you soon!
(recruitment by Monty in progress - Thank you for that!)
So many thanks to all of you for maintaining this, for playing and for making of this possible!
I am still learning new tricks and map secrets all the time, and I am deeply indepted to BluEyedB*tch and Monty and all the other great players who help me to improve. Each time I frag one of you, I can actually feel that I am progressing!
PS: As yesterday was special day, a friend send me this: https://youtu.be/cJ3VgxFLZm8
Frag you soon!
(recruitment by Monty in progress - Thank you for that!)