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{HoF} Blue's R&G Playground |

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:21 pm
by Nelsona
{HoF} Blue´s Sniper Deathmatch |


Server is located at unreal://,
running based on UT's Engine version 451 and XC_Engine Add-On Extension v24.
Server operates at 35 tick-rate using TWO of FOUR CPU cores, based on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.

Last Edit: November 11 2021.

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:34 pm
by BluEyedBitch_{HoF}
I wish players would not have such a hard time finding my server .... It sometimes shows to the public but even when I see it in the list of servers I have others telling me in the same moment that they cannot find it anywhere.... Thus , I get no traffic on it whatsoever at all and its not a bad server !! Needs a few minor adjustments but I just haven't felt compelled to give it any TLC since it is like a ghost server's there !! But nobody see's it !!

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:21 pm
by Monty_{HoF}
I have got to get to uploading maps there and manage the existing list. Fun server!

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:55 pm
by senzo_{HoF}
I have it in my Favorites and check from time to time if somebody is playing.

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 6:31 am
by BluEyedBitch_{HoF}
Still I see every other hof server under the public tabs but mine doesnt show up... nobody can play on it if its not there ... guess I will just post the banner on FB :( :|

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 2:32 pm
by Nelsona
There is/are multiple banner versions (codes more exactly) available at GameTracker. These being said if we talk about visibility I don't know who is browsing and what is browsing - which MASTERSERVER more exactly. A few minutes ago I was browsing DM servers (236+ or like that). This server was in a lower position because to me was one with 231-250 ms ping, but it was there.
BEBSrv_March_12_2021.PNG (263.43 KiB) Viewed 17087 times

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:39 pm
by BluEyedBitch_{HoF}
Sorry these are SO HUGE LOL

First pic is under UT servers and the second one is deathmatch tab

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 7:01 am
by Nelsona
I can only check where is heart-beating its presence this server... which MasterServers are involved...

Heart-Beats are normal... so it's about browsing then... Right now for me was visible at 225 MS ping - not the faster ever connection but good enough for wiping some Bots...

For common checks I'm using Favorites list there I do updates when IP addresses are changed and I can do a quick check toward how many players are playing in a random moment.

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:36 am
by Nelsona
InfoSender tool is now installed in server.
Action: Player should see map's file name (without logic extension UNR) after ending game - also this "Title" is assigned to map having string "Untitled" - aiming Scoreboard. For other languages I did not added replication support - it would be needed a translator from english to whatever language which I don't have plans for writing today...

Re: {HoF} BluEyedB*tch's R&G Playground |

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:11 pm
by D13GO_{HoF}
if I have the ability, i will add my maps to the server but only the ones that work for Sniper