Edited Map with my name

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Edited Map with my name

Post by D13GO_{HoF} »

Hey guys

Just to say that someone, i don´t know who but i have a feeling, anyway, it looks like someone ´created´ a map using the name DM-Diego-{HoF}-Warehouse]1[ and is on the Evil Sniper Server. Now since my maps are free to the public after i release them I can´t complain much.

However just to not confuse anyone, this map wasn´t created by me even if it use my name but it is just my original creation DM-Diego-Warehouse][ with really small changes like boxes using HoF logos, teleports located on top of boxes not reachable or program to be use by bots and added deemers just for being use in Evil Sniper Server. Even the screenshot and level info wasn´t modify showing the original name, finally it use the umx file in the original Warehouse map instead of the new one Rage from Quake2 OST.

To finish, if a map with my name doesn´t appear in the MyMaps post in UT99.org(https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?t=12288) it wasn´t created by me. This is making me wanting to create a REAL version ]|[ to show how its done and making the terrain use Quake 3 textures and music.
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Re: Edited Map with my name

Post by Nelsona »

Perhaps crusher sounds have been replaced... or something else.
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