Splash Logo Problems

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Splash Logo Problems

Post by Marauder 1 »

I'm having an issue getting the proper format to change the splash logo for our new server. Seems like every time I try and import it crashes the editor or the file is corrupted. Any help is much apprecited
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Nelsona »

I don't have a very expanded knowledge about textures but... I was capable to solve some screenshots, walls, etc. Perhaps if you put source file here I'll examine it and checking if a texture for game is doable and how.
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Marauder 1 »

OK I want to swap the current file with the snake eyes image
indexpage4.jpg (50.52 KiB) Viewed 6582 times
I can't upload the current UTX since it's not an approved format
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Nelsona »

Not UTX but the image that will go as UTX package. In other hand probably archived as zip or another format will be accepted...

Resuming... If previous posted image would be a Logo, perhaps in a default masked format that Black will go invisible.

Before importing
I'll look for dimensions - must be a size having power of two 32 64 128 256 512, and for the number of colors, also it would be a nice BMP format at max 24 bit colors, other way Editor drops it away...

Edit: Definitely Editor won't deal with this format...
NotThisWay.PNG (7.27 KiB) Viewed 6579 times
509 ? × 492 - won't get imported and a brute force might result in a corrupted Texture. The closer match is 512 × 512 or... shrinking at 256 × 256.

Back in stage:
This is what I could do with said image.
(142.79 KiB) Downloaded 264 times
UTX file is inside 7zip archive.
This is a Texture package for UT'99 containing TWO logos named Logo0, Logo1. One is masked, other is not masked - see if any of them is suitable:
VIP_Sq_Logos.Logo0 or
OR using group if other way doesn't work....
VIP_Sq_Logos.Logos.Logo0 or
And here is how I see them in Editor...
VIP_Sq_Logos_Editor.PNG (147.84 KiB) Viewed 6572 times
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Marauder 1 »

Thank you for going to all this trouble, the original file is 256x256 and it was called SplashLogo10.utx
I tried uploading this one and I think it's to big for the splash logo to use. I did find this text file that may be some help.

LogoSplashV3 by [es]Rush
based on LogoSplash by PJMODOS (pjmodos@atlas.cz)

This Stuff is for UnrealTourment'99

LogoSplash is a server addon that will show a logo and play an intro sound to every player joining your server. Additionally it can also
replace standard flag textures. One of the best things is it has a CSS-like logo positioning and resizing options. All options are
optional and logo, intro, flag replacement are independant.

Notes on Logo/Sound material
I've put this section in the beginning so that you won't miss it!
1) To make an utx package in UnrealEditor your pcx file has to be 256 colors!! It's not a big deal since you can use any palette,
For example, open your ultra-super-duper quality .jpg logo in GIMP(Free OpenSource image editor), go to Image -> Mode -> Indexed..
and press OK. Now you can save it as pcx and properly import in UnrealEditor
2) If you want your logo to be always high quality regardless to the client world detail settings then do not check "Generate MipMaps"
when importing texture in UnrealEditor.
3) If you have followed my advice in point 2 when your logo must be 256x256 MAX cause it could otherwise cause problems on some renderers.
4) If you want parts of your logo to be transpart in bLogoTranslucent=False mode, "Masked" while importing has to be checked and the
transparent color will be the first color in the image's palette, sometimes it can be tricky to set it.
5) When importing a sound in UnrealEditor, your .wav file MUST BE "22Khz 8-bit Mono", I know it's harsh but if converted properly it
shouldn't be a problem.
6) In Flags.zip you can find original exported flag textures and the plain ones ready for modifying.

Add the following to the end of [Engine.GameEngine] in UnrealTournament.ini:
* You have to also add your logo and intro packages as ServerPackages here

The below lines add to the end of UnrealTournament.ini, it is a sample config, I will explain it in the next section.


About Config
LogoTexture - It has to point to a texture object inside a package like samplelogopackage.logo
LogoDrawDelay - Time from the join after which logo will start appearing
LogoFadeInTime - Duration of a fadein effect
LogoDrawTime - How long the logo should be between fadein and fadeout states
LogoFadeOutTime - Duration of a fadeout effect
CaptionLineXXX - Small text displayed under the logo, it will fadein/out along with it
IntroSound - It has to point to a sound object inside a package like sampleintropackage.logo
IntroSoundDelay - Time from the join after which intro sound will start playing
CustomRedFlag - It has to point to a texture object holding a replacement for a standard flag texture
bLogoTranslucent - If =True then Logo between fadein and fadeout will be translucent instead of opaque
Position - Allows to put a logo in any place on the screen - See 'Position variable syntax' section
Size - Allows to resize a logo - See 'Size variable syntax' section

Position variable syntax
The Position variable takes two arguments, one specifying horizontal position and the other vertical, in the following format:
Each part must be set.

There are three modes for each position axis:
-absolute position from the edges of the screen
-relative position represented by %*screen width/height from the edges of the screen
-centered on the screen

Examples should say more than a hundred words, let's start:
It will place the image so that the left border of the image will be 10 pixels from the left edge of the screen and the distance between
the top edge of the screen and top border of the image will be equal to 30% of the screen height.
See example1.png distributed with LogoSplashV3.zip

Right border of the image will be 30% of the screen width from the right edge of the screen, and the bottom border of the image will be
100 pixels from the bottom edge of the screen.
See example2.png distributed with LogoSplashV3.zip

Simple ? I think so. So once again.

where / means a choice you can make, and XX means the number

And the last but not least, center. It is the easiest one to use. To center the image on the whole screen set:
To center it only vertically set:
To center it only horizontally set:

!!! Remember, DO NOT USE SPACES, and keep the syntax right !!!

Size variable syntax:
So you want to change the size of your logo ? It's simple. You can even keep the logo the same size in every resolution.

If you want to just scale the image, set:
so, to double the size, you just do:

Now, the mose useful part of it. You can set the image size to be relative to the screen size. Example:
It will set the image width to be 30% of the screen width. The image height will keep the ratio.
It will set the image height to be 30% of the screen height. The image width will keep the ratio.


V2 -> V3:
-Added Position and Size variables with special CSS-like syntax
-Added additional time controls for various logo drawing stages
-Separated Logo from Intro sound
-Added additional time control for IntroSound

Thanks to:
-Guys from unrealadmin.org ;)
-PJMODOS of course :P

Thanks again for any help. I'm trying to learn the editor but this is a bit over my head yet
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Nelsona »

Since I did visible Textures having 512×512 and I could see even maps with such ScreenShots I doubt to not work in said format. If somehow is causing issues, I'll do a 256×256 Texture... but losing some details. I'll take some time for setting up this logo in a sort of LAN Server for figuring what's the deal.

Edit... Back from the Lab.
See this... :D
ViperLogo.png (451.31 KiB) Viewed 6564 times
I used Logo1 for figuring what does it do UnMasked...

In other hand I believe the thing toward a texture 256×256 - for me that's a "SAFE MODE". In my first days of playing MonsterHunt, certain maps were using higher resolutions (512 × 512) but not whatever funky properties for textures - I have never had issues in any of my rig machines, including those with 64 MB video memory...
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Nelsona »

For the record, I think that logo is nice, I'll think about making a sort of logo for Monster Gaming Server - not today but... I'll take this point in account. I'm not sure if is really a must have but... maybe some design is not bad.
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Marauder 1 »

Thanks again for your input and help. So how did you use that logo on your rig.? what was the syntax? Was it a PNG or UTX? I'd really like to use the larger size if possible. I've always wanted to add a logo to mapvote and splash screen but the instructions were never clear on exactly how to do it.
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Nelsona »

Is UTX file from above post - with green explanations, created from a BMP file converted from your JPG image, but resized at 512 × 512 in 24 bit colors RGB.
Setup from UnrealTournament.ini

Code: Select all


Server is not using other types of images for display except UTX textures. Other types like BMP and PCX are "Source-Code" not content for servers. All new stuff used in a server which is not a stock file must be in ServerPackages - except the most of game-types (not mutators) which are set as ServerPackages directly by Engine itself in order to inform player joined what is all about.
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Re: Splash Logo Problems

Post by Marauder 1 »

Wow thanks so much I got it working and it looks great, I'm going to have to work on getting all the maps working now. I'm trying to turn off all these game types that the install has. so far I have CTF and TDM working. Thanks again for all your help.
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