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Remixes and mapping jokes
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:38 pm
by Nelsona
Some map-files happily "remixed" with their original formula are having exactly the same problems as the original. What is for such thing ? - I must ask...
Let's see what's up with something that was called "DM-lol-BigBridges-Remix5.unr" alleged map...
"Interesting" geometry...
- BigBridges-Remix5_0.PNG (23.81 KiB) Viewed 2691 times
But not the only problem beside that useless "portal":
Code: Select all
ZoneInfo which share zone with another ZoneInfo:
WaterZone1 placed in zone of WaterZone0
ZoneInfo1 placed in zone of ZoneInfo0
WaterZone2 placed in zone of WaterZone0
WaterZone3 placed in zone of WaterZone0
ZoneInfo2 placed in zone of ZoneInfo0
ZoneInfo3 placed in zone of ZoneInfo0
SkyZoneInfo0 placed in zone of SkyZoneInfo2
ElevatorMover5 MainScale = (Scale=(X=1.000000,Y=1.000000,Z=1.000000),SheerRate=0.000000,SheerAxis=SHEER_ZX) PostScale = (Scale=(X=1.000000,Y=1.000000,Z=2.999986),SheerRate=0.000000,SheerAxis=SHEER_ZX)
ElevatorMover15 MainScale = (Scale=(X=1.000000,Y=1.000000,Z=1.000000),SheerRate=0.000000,SheerAxis=SHEER_ZX) PostScale = (Scale=(X=1.000000,Y=1.000000,Z=2.999986),SheerRate=0.000000,SheerAxis=SHEER_ZX)
LiftCenter which share LiftTag with another LiftCenter:
LiftCenter4 LiftTag = Mover2 LiftCenter0
LiftCenter5 LiftTag = Mover1 LiftCenter1
LiftCenter6 LiftTag = Mover4 LiftCenter2
LiftCenter7 LiftTag = Mover3 LiftCenter3
Re: Remixes and mapping jokes
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:37 am
by Nelsona
Another "Map"
Map's setup
Code: Select all
ScriptedPawn die in zone with damage if ReducedDamageType not set to zone DamageType and ReducedDamagePct < 1:
Devilfish0 ReducedDamageType = 'None', ReducedDamagePct = 0.000000 in zone MyLevel.WaterZone3 with DamageType = 'None' and DamagePerSec = 20
Devilfish1 ReducedDamageType = 'None', ReducedDamagePct = 0.000000 in zone MyLevel.WaterZone3 with DamageType = 'None' and DamagePerSec = 20
Devilfish2 ReducedDamageType = 'None', ReducedDamagePct = 0.000000 in zone MyLevel.WaterZone3 with DamageType = 'None' and DamagePerSec = 20
Devilfish3 ReducedDamageType = 'None', ReducedDamagePct = 0.000000 in zone MyLevel.WaterZone3 with DamageType = 'None' and DamagePerSec = 20
Devilfish4 ReducedDamageType = 'None', ReducedDamagePct = 0.000000 in zone MyLevel.WaterZone3 with DamageType = 'None' and DamagePerSec = 20
Devilfish5 ReducedDamageType = 'None', ReducedDamagePct = 0.000000 in zone MyLevel.WaterZone3 with DamageType = 'None' and DamagePerSec = 20
ExplosionChain with bOnlyTriggerable and (bCollideActors or bProjTarget):
ExplosionChain7 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain8 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain9 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain10 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain11 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain12 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain13 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain14 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain15 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain16 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain17 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain18 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain19 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplodingWall with bOnlyTriggerable and (bCollideActors or bProjTarget):
ExplodingWall1 bCollideActors = True bProjTarget = True
ExplosionChain with (bStatic or bNoDelete):
ExplosionChain7 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain8 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain9 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain10 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain11 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain12 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain13 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain14 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain15 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain16 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain17 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain18 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplosionChain19 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
ExplodingWall with (bStatic or bNoDelete):
ExplodingWall1 bStatic = False bNoDelete = True
Missing: Texture 'lol-Beach.Nude' not found ! //Interesting stuff
LiftCenter which share LiftTag with another LiftCenter: //Probability of recursive crash ? Already happened in other "lol" map.
LiftCenter1 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
LiftCenter2 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
LiftCenter3 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest8 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest10 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest11 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest12 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest13 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest14 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest15 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
TranslocDest16 LiftTag = None LiftCenter0
Technically in this map there is no logic of settings. Fixing server ? Server is auto-fixed if such things are just deleted for good. My question comes pointing at that NONE texture, I'm curious what renders will do there...