Deadly Discs of UTron... and some other things.

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Deadly Discs of UTron... and some other things.

Post by evilgrins »

This gets revisited periodically, and this time around I thought I'd try and share a fun aspect of it...
...the frisbee of death!

Not what it's called, but that's basically what it is when used on other players...
...though it's not so effective against monters.

The files in the .zip are what it takes to use the Deadly Discs arena mutator but I didn't isolate to just those. There's a wide range of summons, from customized pawns to weapons from the original TRON film as well as playerbots and meshes for vehicles... plus some decent voicepacks. A bit of editing is needed for some of them, like the playerbots don't automatically load their own textures as UTron was setup to go under a different directory inside ut99, but you get the idea.

Frankly I'm hoping Buggie might be able to get the vehicle meshes to work under XV.

Did not include the Utron launch program or the Utron editor, which never really worked that well.

Discs themselves are interesting. Once locked onto a target they will stay on said target until that's eventually killed or the disc is recalled. Also can be used for blocking.

Fire - throws disc, also calls disc back to you if it didn't come back on its own
Alt-Fire - blocks, but only if you have your disc in hand

Works great for team games as well, although...
...for some weird reason the gold team's disc is pink.

Enjoy! ...

Usual Suspects:
.ini - /system
.int - /system
.u - /system
.uax - /sounds
.utx - /textures
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